The Me Channel tells you that you have a body. The body you see and feel, the sensations that come through the nervous system, the locations of pleasure and pain—these signals are constantly broadcast on the Me Channel. The body is not a thing; it is a confederation of perceptions. Your mind unites these fragmented perceptions into a coherent image in time and space. If your mind didn’t do that, the Me Channel would just be transmitting noise.
Take a moment to perceive your body directly. Close your eyes and sit quietly. Let your attention roam from sensation to sensation. Lift your arm and feel its weight. Rub your fingers together and feel their softness and the texture of the skin. Hear your breath and your heartbeat. It doesn’t matter how many signals you pick up, or whether your body feels nice to you or not nice. You have contacted the real body you have. The experience of the body is the body. Everything else is mental interference. When you wake up, you will accept and enjoy the experience of the body for itself, which is blissful.