When you enter a room, go to work, or take a stroll outdoors, the objects you see appear to be fixed and stable—but they aren’t. Your brain is constantly firing to keep the illusion of stability going. Your five senses cooperate by turning photons into pictures and air vibrations into recognizable sounds. In other words, you are constantly making the world. An ever-changing, endless process is taking place in your awareness. Therefore, the outer world is an ever-changing, endless process wearing the disguise of fixed, stable objects. By waking up, you see past the mask of matter, reconnecting with the creative process that makes the world.
Look at a photo of a friend, family member, or celebrity. Now turn it upside down. Notice that you cannot recognize the face anymore. A hitch has occurred in your brain, which is conditioned to recognize faces only right side up. There was a process to recognizing a face; the face itself is meaningless. Or imagine placing a photo on a turntable and setting it spinning (you can try this on a lazy Susan or a record player). Notice that you cannot make sense of the photo while it is revolving. The moving world has no reality until the mind constructs it into a human world. Constant change acquires the illusion of stability and nonchange.