DAY 13


The mind has entangled us in a virtual reality of our own making.

In creation myths around the world, God or gods stand apart, looking down on the world they created. For humans, however, we created virtual reality and then stepped into it. The purpose of virtual reality was to allow us a double role, as both the authors of our own stories and the actors who play them out. The two roles are mind-created, and keeping them separate is confusing. When trouble arises, people ask themselves, “Did I do this to myself?” without being able to answer.

Entangled in virtual reality, we find it easier to simply go along and pretend we play only one role, the actor. Yet the role of author is far more important. Unfortunately, how to be an author has been largely forgotten. Life is too confusing already. By waking up, you clearly see your role in the creative process. You are no longer helpless or a victim, any more than Romeo and Juliet are victims of Shakespeare. They came to life in their author’s awareness, as you come to life every day in yours.

For Today

Put yourself back at the creative center of things. The next time you order food or ask to see something in a store, frame the situation this way: I had the thought that put this situation in motion. I put the thought into words. The words caused another person to undertake a new action. That action prompts another action by the cooks in the kitchen (or the manufacturer who made the goods in a store), who are earning a living to create their own stories, and the sum total of these stories is human history. Therefore, at every moment, my thoughts are at the creative center of history.

This is more than a new way to frame a commonplace activity. It is the truth. You are the creative center of things, ever and always.