DAY 15


Upon close examination, no external world or physical body can be found independent of our perceptions.

We are so used to living with a divided self that it is a big step to see beyond it. The divided self tells you that you live in two worlds, one “in here” and one “out there.” But if reality is a single thing, this view is mistaken. Consciousness is the one thing. It unfolds as one reality. Knowing this, you have firm ground to stand on—your own awareness. The conditioned mind corrupts and distorts awareness. It colors your perceptions, forcing you to accept the division between the inner and outer worlds. Waking up clarifies the truth. All worlds are experienced in consciousness. There is no need to prove the existence of the physical world or not to prove it. You are here now, and that is enough.

For Today

It’s not difficult to merge the inner and outer worlds into one. Find a photo of yourself; it can be your driver’s license or a snapshot. Holding the photo in your hand, look at yourself in the mirror. Then look at yourself in the photo, and finally, see yourself in your mind’s eye. As you moved from seeing your physical body reflected in a mirror, captured on film, and inside your mind, each was an experience in consciousness. On that basis, there were not three different experiences. There was one experience being modified in three ways. Everything in life stands on the same ground, as experiences that are modified consciousness.