DAY 23


Every form and phenomenon is actually one thing: the modification of the formless, the infinite reduced to the finite, pure awareness given a beginning, a middle, and an end.

The world rewards big thinkers and gives them a place in history. By comparison with an Albert Einstein or a Leonardo da Vinci, everyone feels like a little thinker. But a big thinker isn’t necessarily the biggest thinker. The biggest thinker sees that reality is one thing, creation one process. That’s the whole picture in one view, which becomes your reality when you wake up.

The whole picture becomes clear when the mind stops constantly blurring your view with interfering thoughts, sensations, images, and feelings. They represent the back-and-forth between you and the outside world. When you wake up, the interference patterns fall away. You accept as a natural fact that infinite, formless pure consciousness is the source of all things. What makes this realization natural is that you see yourself as an expression of one thing, not a jumble of mental and physical activity.

For Today

If you see an object in the outside world, you view it from the outside. Wholeness—the one thing—has no outside. It also has no inside. Therefore, you can’t view it. Because you are it, you can’t even relate to wholeness in various ways, like accepting it or rejecting it, participating one day and taking time out the next. When you wake up, you know that you are the one thing. Yet even now you can stop relating to it in false ways.

Today, practice having no attitude toward your mind. Let thoughts arise and fall, and when you are tempted to have an attitude toward what is going on, don’t. Don’t say that one thought is good and another bad. Don’t assign labels like SMART, DUMB, POSITIVE, or NEGATIVE. The mind is none of those things. It is the flow of activity from the absolute. To label the mind is like saying that wholeness is bad, good, positive, negative, and so on. Clearly, wholeness is beyond all labels. So is your awareness. By not judging your thoughts, you begin to adopt the open, nonjudgmental state of being awake.