DAY 24
Awareness exists. Everything else is a passing experience. These two sentences have been said and resaid for centuries. This fact shows, at the very least, that human beings looked at reality and found it mysterious. How did change emerge from nonchange? How did One become Many? The mystery was formulated in countless different ways. Asking “What came before time began?,” as modern cosmology does, is merely a variant on the medieval question “What existed before God?”
The answer is contained in the question. What came first has been here forever. Change is just a mask worn by nonchange. Once human beings saw the mystery, we saw our own nature. We are creator and created, One and Many, changing experience and unchanging awareness. None of this has to be proved or tested. Whether you accept your true nature or not has no bearing on your true nature. It continues to be. On waking up, you see your true nature clearly, and then a new life begins.
Taking a moment or two, let your mind roam across some things you can recall from your past—memories of early childhood, your parents, birthdays, school, your first kiss, some things that are sad, and so on. It doesn’t matter what you choose to see. Now reflect on the one thing they all have in common. You were there. You are the nonchange in the midst of change. Now you know your true nature. Everything else is window dressing.