
Steps to Connect

This chapter consists of two sections. The first is a glossary of the most common energetic terms and phrases I use throughout the book. The second is a step-by-step guide for you to refer to when working energetically with your animal.


The following terms and phrases are used throughout this book, and their explanation will help you develop a deeper understanding of the energetic process and work I do with my clients and their animals. It is my hope that becoming familiar with these basic terms and following the steps to connect will give you the start you need to help you energetically connect much more easily to your dog and to yourself.

What Is Energy?

An electromagnetic field of energy surrounds all of us and surrounds all existing physical objects. It extends outside the body and cannot be seen using our usual eyesight. It is also called an aura. It is a field of light and energy that can be measured and has color. What creates this energy is the rotation or spinning of the energy centers within the body known as Chakras, a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. It is this energetic field that I work with to connect you to your dog, and reconnect you to yourself.

Chakra Energy Centers

There are seven Chakra energy centers within the body, and their location and meaning differ, depending on which cultural tradition is defining them. This Chakra energy system is a system within the body that is real and exists just like the circulatory or lymph system. It helps define us as human beings because it is the source of our awareness of who we are and how we can change. It is from and to these energy centers that energy is received and transmitted. See the Human Chakra Diagram in Appendix A for the location of each Chakra; and the Chakra Energy and Animal Spirit Chart in Appendix B for a complete explanation of each of the seven traditional energy centers within the body used in energy work, and an explanation of what each of the colored Chakras represent.

How Energy Is Received and Transmitted

We receive energy from or transmit energy to the Chakra energy centers within the body through our hands. The right hand gives or transmits energy, and the left hand receives energy. The left/right nature and function of the hands also correspond with the left/right nature and function of the brain. That is, the left side of the brain deals with language and processes information in a logical and sequential manner. The right side is more visual, and the information is processed intuitively and holistically. In many cultures, the left, or receiving, hand is considered feminine as is the left side of the body, and the right, or giving, hand is considered masculine as is the right side of the body. We do energy work in a state of meditation. So, within a meditative state, when we place our left hand on one of the Chakras within our own bodies, we ask and direct that the energy from that Chakra center be received into the left hand; and similarly, we ask and direct that the energy pass through us and be transmitted out of our right hand into the subject we are working with. In the context of this book, the subject is your dog.

Guides and Animal Spirit Guides

Each human and animal is led through life with spirit guides, either in the form of animal or human, that connect to the subject at the time of birth. I use the terms spirit guide and guides interchangeably. These guides are with either the animal or the human throughout the course of this lifetime and most likely many other lifetimes. We all have them. One must know that although I have the gift to see and hear these guides clearly, someone who is new to energy work may not be able to see or hear them so clearly or possibly not at all. However, it is important to know that anyone has the ability to begin learning how to communicate through energy while in a meditative state as to what guides them and what guides their animals. It is important to know that you do not choose your guides; they choose you. And, as more specifically explained in the “Steps to Connect” section later in this chapter, if your intention is to be open to something larger for yourself and your dog, you have the ability to ask for any guide or spirit guide connected to either you or your dog to make themselves known to you.

Seeing and Hearing an Energetic Presence

What I mean by an energetic presence is a form of energy. It exists within the higher energy frequency that occupies the spirit world. I have the ability to energetically see and hear spirits that are present and make themselves known to me. Sometimes I can see a figure in light, and other times it can be energy alone that allows me to feel whether it is male or female and what species it is. Often it depends on how clear I am. In the metaphysical world, the other factor is what I am meant to see and what I am not. Can you see and hear an energetic presence? The answer is simply yes—if you are open to it and are meant to.


A great example of the fact that anyone can do energy work is this. We all have the ability to set a solid intention. What we are not always aware of is whether or not we believe in a metaphysical approach. Intention in any form is energy. When one wants to quit smoking after twenty years and tries every method under the sun, and nothing works, one gets frustrated. They want so badly to remove a vice in their life—a behavior that has clearly held them back from a healthy life, and they don't want to exist in that ill health anymore. The day that smoker sets a solid clear intention to stop smoking cold turkey, no matter what the repercussions are, that is a source of energy being sent to remove a block that is clearly slowing you down in your life and inhibiting you from what you want to do—in this case, stop smoking. If the energy and intention are strong and clear enough, that vibration radiates out from your source intention.

Removing an Energy Block

When I use the term “removing the block,” what I am referring to is the fact that a block is a stagnant form of energy within the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds each of us. If I were to explain it in a visual context, to me it looks like a ball of darkness, not light. Its presence inhibits the natural flow of energy within the human or the animal. To that extent, when I set out to remove a block, I am focusing my clear energy and intention on what, and specifically where, the block is in both the human and/or the animal. The location and nature of the block can be different for each subject. Once I understand what the blocked energy represents, where it is located, and what is needed to remove it, through a meditative state I set a clear energetic intention to remove the block by using the human's guides as well as the animal's guides that are presented to me in meditation. As I direct my energy to remove the obstructions, I am continually guided by the human's and dog's guides as to the best way to execute that.

Therefore, when I remove an energetic obstruction or block, I never take that on alone. I have the ability to energetically see and hear the spirits that guide either the human or animal. Because the guides know their subjects so intimately, I ask that they energetically communicate to me what the best and most non-invasive method is for me to approach, identify, and remove the blocked energetic source from their subject. Also important to understand is that what needs to be done when I first approach the work to unblock the energetic obstruction is no different than what somebody else (who is new to energy work) has to do.

What most of us don't know is that it is your guides, you, and your energy along with your clear intention that allow the energetic vibration to work to your benefit in the removal of what you deemed as your energetic block. So, when someone asks me, “Can I set that same intention if I can't see what you see, and I can't feel what you feel, but I feel something?” I say to that: “You have the capacity within intention alone to feel what guides you, to understand what guides you, and to remove any block that slows you down in any category of your life.” The simplest way to do this is to set a clear intention. That is what I do when I start my work and that is what I hold onto right through the entire healing and/or removal process. This is the easiest way I know to explain to you what I mean by removing a block.


Visualization occurs during meditation. On one level, we help create the visualization by focusing, such as visualizing our breath in and out as white light. On a higher level, we are given visions in meditation. What is presented through both vision and sound is what is necessary for us to receive and what is in the moment.

Steps to Connect

The steps presented in this chapter will allow you to work with your dog and yourself, and to accomplish goals gradually. They are provided to guide you to a better understanding of how energy works, and how recognizing and identifying your true connection and soul can propel you and your dog to both a higher level of understanding of who and what you are, and a more beautiful connection to each other. I assure you, the rewards that flow from the effort and the work that you and your dog put forth will be worth every second each of you has given.

The techniques used in meditation are breath, visualization, and intention. The length of time to complete the entire process prior to beginning your removal and/ or healing work varies for each individual depending on one's familiarity with it and how long you have been practicing. My estimate is five to fifteen minutes of preparation. If you are a beginner to these techniques and this process, don't worry about feeling a little confused, lost, or unsure of yourself. Just do the best you can and sense what feels right for you.

Where to Connect

Find a quiet place where you and your dog can sit comfortably. Once physically located, let your intuition guide you to where you need to place your hands on the dog.

Suggestions and Reminders: One thing that may help direct the placement of your hands or guide your intuition is that whenever you are dealing with behavioral issues (for example, anxiety or aggression in any form), it is best to place your right hand on the dog on one of the following three of the seven energy centers (Chakras) within the body through which you will transmit your energy to your dog: (1) the Crown Chakra (top of its head between the ears); or (2) the Heart Chakra (center of chest directly over its heart); or (3) the Solar Plexus Chakra (upper chest, a few inches back from its front legs). That's your best bet. There is no need to place your right hand on the area of the dog's body related to the manifestation of the behavior; you must go to the source. What I mean by this, for example, is in the case of a dog biting too much. You would not place your right hand on its mouth to heal that behavior because that is just the manifestation. The source energy for excessive biting comes from the Heart Chakra, and the placement of your right hand would be over the dog's heart.

To receive energy from or transmit energy to the Chakras within the body through the hands, the right hand gives or transmits energy (through which you transmit the energy to your dog); and the left hand receives energy (through which you receive the energy from the energy centers within your body). See the Human Chakra Diagram in Appendix A for where to place your left hand on your own body.

Breath Control

Close your eyes and go into meditation. You stay in meditation during the entire process. Start taking in long deep breaths while focusing on longer breaths out. Focus on your breath travelling through you and connecting with your dog's breath.


After about ten long breaths, start to visualize each breath in and each breath out as white light streaming through both you and your dog. See a merging white light connection between the two of you. Once you can see your breath in this way, put yourself in a completely neutral clear state of mind and energy.

Suggestions and Reminders: If during Visualization you see any colors, or one predominant color, know that these colors are here to guide you. This is something you should pay attention to. The color, or colors, also help lead you to the location on your body and your dog's body where you should place your hands for proper energetic movement. See the Chakra Energy and Animal Spirit Chart in Appendix B for an explanation of what each of the colored Chakras represent (the Chakra colors are the same for both human and dog).


Once you are clear and neutral, declare to yourself and to your dog, out loud or silently, that you are open to a connection of energy between you, your dog and the Universe. Know that you and your dog sit in a safe space. Also know that you are ready and open to receive and give clear energy in order to fulfill a higher connection to your dog. At this point, you can begin declaring what you want for yourself and for your dog.

Start Your Focus and Intention

After completing your declarations, you can start focusing on what your main intention is. Define whether it is for removal of a toxic obstruction, erratic behavior, or disconnection affecting you and your dog, or whether it is for nurturing, healing, or simply establishing a pure energetic connection to your dog. As always, it is important to focus on one's breath as white light throughout the whole process of Visualization, Declaration, and Focus and Intention.

Using Guides

This is not as tricky as it sounds. What guides each individual human being and animal can only come to you after you are in a quiet meditative state. How you receive it, when you receive it, or who your guides will be cannot be dictated. You do not choose your guides; they choose you. What I can tell you is this: if your intention is to open to something larger for yourself, for your dog, and for your connection, and that intention never waivers, you have the ability to ask for any animal or spirit guide to have an open path to you and to make themselves known. In what form it is delivered is yet to be seen. All you need to do is be open with clear intention when asking that your guides be made known to you. See the Chakra Energy and Animal Spirit Chart in Appendix B for the identification of the animal guides associated with each Chakra.

What Should I Be Seeing or Hearing?

This is your journey and your dog's journey. That is why it is very important that when you go into Visualization during meditation, you are clear in where you would like to go and what you are open to see. At this point, the Universe is in front of you. If you have achieved a quiet flow of breath and a clear neutral state, what is going to be presented to you through both vision and sound is what is necessary for you to receive and what is in the moment. I know my description of what you will be presented with is not much to hang your hat on, but you are in a metaphysical realm. All you have to do is trust and show up!

How Do I Energetically Remove an Unwanted Issue?

Instructions: Continuing in a quiet meditative state, focus on determining the source of your unwanted issue in life, quietly acknowledge ownership of it, and then declare that it no longer works for you. Then, ask the Universe that it be released immediately from you and your dog. Once that is done, ask for the aid and guidance to become aware and connected to your dog energetically. Speak to your dog and declare to him or her that you shall work to keep yourself free and clear of the unwanted issue, anxiety, or neurosis that could cause harm or create an unnatural state for you or your dog. Take deep breaths throughout this whole process and visualize the breaths as white light. Once done, always, always, always say thank you.

Suggestions and Reminders: Deep-seated anxiety in one's dog definitely has a direct correlation to a deep hidden energy within you. When focusing on removing an unwanted issue (aggression, neurosis, or anxiety, for example) in yourself, your dog, your home, or all three, it is very important that you give yourself the ability to see and take ownership of the source of the issue. From that moment forward, you will become aware of any energy from within or outside yourself that further fuels that issue. This awareness is what enables you to recognize the source, understand it, and remove it.

For placement of your hands during the removal process, please see the Suggestions and Reminder section under the “Where to Connect” heading earlier in this chapter for any behavioral problems you wish to remove. If the issue is a medical condition, then use your judgment and your intuition to guide you in where to place your hands. For example, if your dog is recovering from a broken leg and is uncomfortable, then let your intuition guide you with the help of your dog's energy and what the dog wants from you as to whether your hand should be directly or lightly placed on or nearby the leg that is injured. Wherever it is comfortable for you and your dog to work is where you place your hands.

How to Nurture and Heal

The steps for nurturing and healing are the same as those listed under the heading “How Do I Energetically Remove an Unwanted Issue?” The only difference between the two is your intention. In removal, you intended to remove an unwanted issue or obstruction; here your intention is to pass nurturing healing energy to help heal an illness (whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual), behavioral problem, or stress-related issue.

Instructions: To receive energy from yourself to transmit to your dog, place your left hand on your Solar Plexus Chakra (again, it is in the abdominal region between your rib cage and your navel), quietly go into deeper breath, make your intention, find the place in you that needs healing under that same intention, and hold that. Continually breathe through white light into your left hand through your Solar Plexus Chakra with that very intention for yourself and yourself only. Once you start feeling a new fresh energy circulating throughout your Solar Plexus Chakra, take ownership of what you would like to heal within yourself. Then ask the Universe to be connected to your dog using both your energies to heal one another in the same intention. I guarantee that whatever you believe needs to be healed within yourself will need to be healed within your dog as well.

While staying in meditation, let your intention guide your right hand to be placed on your dog wherever you energetically feel you have the most strength and connection on the dog to adequately send the energy emanating from your Solar Plexus Chakra to the dog. Hear and see where it is comfortable for your dog to receive the energy from you. Only you will know that. Throughout this whole process, your left hand remains constantly on your Solar Plexus Chakra until the process is completed.

When you are ready to move out of the healing work you have just done, you must declare out loud or silently that both you and your dog ask to be released of any energetic blocks that could bring either of you back to an unhealthy static state. Once the Nurturing and Healing work is done, the intention never changes; even out of a meditative state.

Suggestions and Reminders: Because Nurturing and Healing is a more focused energetic process, it is very important to note the clarity of your breath, the white light of your breath that you see through Visualization, and the intention of the directed energy. The only way to heal or remove an energetic obstruction or issue on a very deep level, whether within your animal or utilizing your animal's energy to remove it within yourself, it is very important to continually and simultaneously focus on the following: (1) be very clear that the energy circulating is consistently within white light; (2) hold your intention and be in complete awareness throughout the process; and (3) the human being must take ownership of and identify the energetic obstruction or issue within themselves through meditation. If you cannot find the source of the issue within yourself, it will be very hard for you to have power within your energy Chakras to connect to, remove an energetic obstruction, or heal your dog.

If you find that it is hard for you to see your energy in a clear white light, or feel the flow of energy between you and your dog, or stay in meditation while carrying out the process, it is important to take a moment, remove your hands from both yourself and your dog, and get yourself centered before you go back into meditation and begin again. Although intention is important throughout, when it comes to nurturing and healing, I cannot stress enough the importance of one's clarity, breath, higher connection, and ability to stay present within meditation.

This specific nurturing and healing process requires practice. It will never be instant. Once you have understood how to locate, identify, use, and transmit your energy correctly, I guarantee you will feel within you the energetic shift resulting from that understanding the moment you have done so.

Once you start moving energy between you and your dog to heal you both, and once the neurosis is removed from you and your dog in that healing process, going forward you can ask for your dog to become your guide, your mentor, and your teacher for the purpose of helping you and your dog stay in the proper clear light the two of you have created. Then you will be able to make declarations through your energetic connection for both of you to continually have and maintain a healthy energetic healing response.

Moving Out of the Process

Once the removal and healing processes are complete, it is important, before removing your hands from yourself and your dog, and stepping out of the meditative state, to declare protection of white light for, and all around, both you and your dog. Never release from fresh energy without protecting everything that was involved in the process. Tell your dog that once you take your hand off its body and complete the process, you will stay connected to each other by mind, body, spirit, and eternal energy as you both move forward. With your eyes still closed, slowly step out of the meditative state, relax your hands, and pet your dog. Quietly thank him for being in your life. Tell him that you accept his guidance and support as well as his love, and that you return it equally. Declare an openness to the energetic connection between the two of you from that moment on.

Giving Thanks

It is as simple as that. Whenever you are done with a Metaphysical journey or experience like this, it is always important to say thank you to yourself, your dog, and anything higher that you believe in that guided and aided you in the process. Just say “Thank you.”