Book six in the Arcanium series
Oh, what a tangled web she weaves…
One moment, Elizabeth is the modest, religiously devout nanny who accidentally brings her four charges to a slightly inappropriate circus filled with all the things a phobic like her could ever fear. The next, she’s sucked into the demonic world of Arcanium and transformed into Arcanium’s newest oddity, the Spider.
Her anxieties and phobias quickly attract the attention of the Creature, the gargoyle-like guardian of the haunted funhouse, who feeds on fear—of which she offers a veritable feast, especially after she’s been locked in a glass box with giant spiders crawling over her eight-limbed body all day.
However, she also catches the eye of her jealous ex-lover, who helped make her into the scared, secretive woman she’s become, a woman who wrapped herself in the piety of her childhood cult just to escape him.
Between Arcanium and her own personal demons, Elizabeth has all four hands full.