The silence in the truck was interrupted occasionally with my sharp intake of breath. When Roxy tried to comfort me, I shook my head. When we got into Nashville and neared the house, I proclaimed my stupidity for even suggesting the journey to Illinois. I insisted that I wouldn’t put my family through any more agony, that we were never again to discuss what we had seen or learned. Roxy implored me to reconsider, said we should, at the very least, go to the police with the information that Steven had a map of the property and vanished at roughly the same time William disappeared.
“No,” I said simply. “We’d be wasting their time.”
Thus I perfected the art of denial.
The smells were my greatest ally. The earthy pine, the cinnamon candles, the burning of dry wood. Baking pumpkin bread, tangy oranges in bowls, and brewing flavored coffee were more powerful now than the things that once soothed the anxiety I routinely felt with the approach of the holidays. The idea of all those gifts to buy, all that wrapping, all that traffic, used to be balanced out by the white lights wrapping the trunks of the trees outside the house and Johnny Mathis holiday music. All those worries were petty and meaningless now, and no amount of music or decorations could lift my spirits.
So I relied on the scents of the season to smother my sadness. When I practically moved into the Rose Peddler, which we transitioned into its seasonal holiday phase, I inhaled deeply as I thoroughly checked each tree brought in from McMinnville for any traces of blight. When I was in the house, amidst the Christmas trees I couldn’t bear to give more than a passing glance to, I put spices in a pot on the stove to simmer. My tall coffee mug was always in hand at the Green Hills mall, my nose kept close to the rim as I tried not to cry purchasing gifts for the grandkids, knowing who wouldn’t be there on Christmas morning. When he was home on the weekends, Tom occasionally complained his allergies were kicking up because a candle seemed to be burning in every room.
Roxy kept the festive music at a lull in the store, but flooded the place with candies and freshly baked cookies to give to children as their parents fretted over finding the perfect tree. When Roxy caught me glazing over while looking at the small children, she rushed to the house and grabbed a bunch of buckeyes out of the fridge, returning as quickly as possible to fill the shop with peanut butter and chocolate.
I approached my daily tasks with a ferocity, finding if I baked twice as much gingerbread, vacuumed twice as often, the days passed instead of limping by. I sat in with Tom during the weekly updates with investigators, listening as he peppered them with questions, pretending to buy into their theories. My bottom lip developed a sore because I bit it so often.
When the second Friday of December arrived, and the discount prices on the Christmas trees began, I welcomed the crowd at the store as yet another blessed distraction.
It was nearly nine o’clock when the last family left and Roxy declared it a night. We were sitting at the table behind the counter going over the receipts when Stella came in, her cheeks rosy from the chill. She’d come right from work to help with the Christmas crowds. “Mom, do you feel like one more customer? Some lady said you helped her out earlier, and she had a quick question for you.”
“Sure, hon.” I said, passing the receipts to Roxy.
“Oh, let me personally thank this woman for enabling me now to do all the closing by myself,” Roxy said.
I patted her on the shoulder and grabbed my coat and scarf. The night was lit by rows of white lights strung above the trees. I slipped on my gloves and walked into the rows of pine, seeing no one.
“Hello?” I called out. “Did someone need help?”
Someone called out my name from the far end of the trees, and I hustled over. I peered out in the darkness beyond.
“Hello?” I said.
“Were there ladybugs swarming when your grandson disappeared?” a voice said from the trees.
I froze. A female shape stood between two trees, her long silver hair pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a long dark-blue overcoat, too thick and heavy for the southern winters.
It had only been a few weeks since I’d seen her, but she seemed thinner, even in her bulky winter coat.
“Did they, Lynn? Did they swarm?” Barbara asked.
I looked around for a moment before replying. “You know they did.”
“It’s been documented in so many cases. Sometimes the beetles cover entire walls, crawling like they’ve been driven insane. When I see ladybugs now, sweet as they are, it stops my heart.”
She exhaled, her breath white in the icy night. “They have your grandson. They’ve taken him. Steven said he thinks he can help you find him. If your boy’s been returned.”
“Who has William? And where is Steven? I thought no one knew where he was.”
“Steven is here now, Lynn. That’s why I’m here tonight, to take you to him.”
I looked past her to make sure neither Roxy nor Stella had come out to see where I was.
“How could you come here, after what happened?” I asked.
“I’m not happy about it either. Doug can be a first-class jerk, and can’t see past his own ambition in order to do the right thing. The others think he’s the Messiah, with his grand talk of taking all this public. He sees you as the key to do that, to finally get validation for all our work. And he is genuinely concerned about Steven. But he doesn’t know how it feels to lose someone, like we do. You have to remember, Lynn, my brother was my twin. When he vanished, half of me vanished too. And you don’t care if people believe you or not. You want to find him. My brother is long gone, but your grandson may not be. That’s what Steven thinks. He thinks there’s still a chance to find him.”
A chill ran through me so severely that I tightened the scarf around my neck. “What do you expect me to do?”
“Come with me. Hear Steven out. That’s all. You can walk away again if you want. It’s just me and Steven this time, none of the others even know we’re here.”
“All this time, you’ve known where Steven has been? And you say he’s here?”
“No. I hadn’t spoken to him until he contacted me a few days ago. We only met here yesterday. I’ll let him tell you where he’s been; that’s for him to say. I’m the only one who knows how to even contact him now. That was his decision when he decided to run.”
“He can explain.” Barbara looked back at the shop.
“He won’t have to. I’m not going with you. I don’t want anything to do with you or the others. Not after what happened. And I won’t put my family through the scrutiny that Doug would require for this information.”
“Doug isn’t a part of this.”
“I don’t know that. For all I know, you could take me to him again. I’m sorry, but no. I can’t do it. I won’t do it.”
“Steven thought you might feel that way.” Barbara reached into her pocket. She brought out an envelope and offered it.
“What is that?”
“The names of two people Steven said for you to research. He said to look up their names at the local library, and you might change your mind.”
I cautiously reached out and took the envelope. “I don’t understand.”
“Steven says you will, if you look into them. I’ll give you all day tomorrow to inquire if you choose. Tomorrow night, if you want to see Steven, I’ll wait for you at Chevron gas around the corner. I’ll be there at nine o’clock. I’ll wait thirty minutes. If you come, I’ll take you to Steven. If you don’t, then I’ll take that as your decision. I won’t fault you either way. I felt horrible about what happened, and I told Steven that you deserved better. That’s why he came. That’s why I’m here.”
She buried her hands in her pockets. “It’s colder here than I would have thought,” she said, walking back once more into the pine trees.
* * *
I’d immediately gotten online after we’d closed the shop and Roxy and Stella had gone home, checking for anything about the two names typed on a single piece of white paper, along with corresponding dates. The fact that it wasn’t written in Steven’s all-caps handwriting seemed dubious, for anyone could have typed the names. But I looked anyway, and could find nothing about a Josh Stone, August 5, 1945, or an Amelia Shrank, August 2, 1934.
Amelia Shrank. I somehow knew the name. But like the answer to a Trivial Pursuit question that remained on the tip of your tongue and would not come until the other side of the card was read aloud, the explanation of how I recognized a name from the early 1930s would not surface.
I was at the downtown library as soon as it opened the next morning, and made my way to the microfilm room. It was as visually impressive as the rest of the library, with its light fixtures and paint colors straight out of Restoration Hardware, but it did not have the lure of the popular fiction section or the civil-rights collection. The emptiness of the room was disquieting; I feared any moment there would be some kind of whispered ambush from Doug in full entitled-Researcher mode, working alongside Barbara to get me alone to try and browbeat me into submission.
I cautiously sought out microfilm, peering down every aisle. I’d hoped the Nashville Banner published as far back as I needed to go. Before The Tennessean became the only newspaper in town, the Banner was its worthy competitor. Once I understood the catalog system, I found the archives of the paper for the entire year of 1934 and started sliding through the months.
The ancient technology still hummed as I remembered, but I quickly grew frustrated with having to press the button to advance. I chastised myself, thinking of how I urged the grandkids to develop patience as they whined about a video taking too long to load on YouTube.
At last came August 2, and I immediately started reading the obituaries. It was the only way to search by name. When I finished the last obituary, and found no Amelia Shrank.
Was this just another way for Doug to try and wear me down? Was he watching from somewhere, maybe an adjoining room, to see how desperate I had become? Was he waiting, hoping I would break down in tears, when he would reveal himself, ready once again to make a deal? And what did he mean, that this wasn’t only about William?
Barbara promised to take me to Steven, but if it were truly him, what would he want in return?
I thought of what Deanna, Tom’s press secretary, had said: Is there anything controversial about your family that we don’t know about?
Holding information for ransom wasn’t the way of the Researchers I’d known. Intimidation, ultimatums, threats weren’t how they operated. They were misfits, outsiders, even reclusive about what they knew, what they had seen. They wanted no attention.
In my time among them, I’d certainly learned they had reason to be afraid.
I leaned back and rubbed my eyes. A late night spent staring at a computer screen followed up by hours fixated on microfilm made my eyes as dry as the winter air. They’d felt that way so many times as I sat at my desk in the astronomy department, reading case after case, only finding relief when my tears moistened my bloodshot eyes.
* * *
I’d been so thrilled to escape that desk and all those tragic stories when Steven had come to me, almost in desperation, asking if I was able to meet one of his colleagues in a remote rural area outside Springfield.
“It should be me going, but every spare second has to go to my course review. I suppose I failed too many students last semester. Dr. Roberts says it’s something important and he needs me to come tomorrow, and he doesn’t come down from Chicago very often.”
“Dr. Roberts?”
“Mathematics professor at Loyola University. Chair of the department. Rhodes Scholar. And one of us.”
I had calmly, almost indifferently, agreed to go, but under the desk clasped my hands together. I’d done my best to stay aloof ever since Steven kneeled dangerously close to me in his office the day I revealed the weather commonality of the disappearances. I didn’t like how I left his office feeling flushed.
I told Tom the truth—at least the part that I had to go to Springfield the next day for some research at the state capital. When he had failed to even ask why an astronomy project would require a trip to the home of the legislature, I knew he wasn’t paying attention and abruptly left the apartment.
I’d passed Decatur, rolling up the window at the smell of the cornstarch plant, and headed down I-72, finally getting off on exit 23. Cornfields flanked me on both sides as I traveled down a paved road.
About twenty miles north of the interstate, I saw the lights from police cars. Two squad cars were at the end of a dirt road, and three more were parked around a white farmhouse tucked on the edge of a tree line. An ambulance was rolling up to the house. I’d slowed, and one of the officers waved me on past. I’d hoped someone elderly hadn’t died in the heat.
Five minutes later, on that same road, I found the address I was looking for. As Steven had explained, there was the heavily faded navy-blue stripe on the mailbox, the number thirty-five, and the dirt drive.
Yet as I stepped out of the car, I saw the house clearly hadn’t been lived in for years. The windowpanes were cracked in several places and the roof sagged; it most likely was abandoned following one of the tornadoes that so plagued this area of the world.
“Mrs. Roseworth?”
I’d missed the pickup truck parked behind the house. A man leaned up against the bed. He was dressed in pressed pants and short-sleeved dress shirt.
“Dr. Roberts?
He walked out across the road, looking down in the direction I’d driven. His close-cropped white hair revealed skin splotchy with age spots, but he moved with a young person’s urgency.
“So you’re her,” he extended his hand. “You’re the one he talks so much about. Shall we be on our way?”
I was glad I wore a head scarf, or he would have seen that my ears flared an alarming shade of red.
“It’s nice to meet you. I thought we were meeting in someone’s house.…”
“That’s the closest address that I could give to show Steven what I’d found. Apparently, no one lives there. Where we need to go is actually in the corn. You have on pretty shoes, but the ground is as dry as bone. They’ll get dusty but not ruined. I’d pull your car back beside mine; we don’t want to draw any attention from the road.”
I did as he suggested and then joined him in the corn. Once again, I was thankful for the scarf. I could already feel beads of sweat on my neck.
“Did you bring a camera?” he asked.
“A Hawkeye Instamatic.”
“Good. Steven will need to see on the ground what I saw from the sky.”
“I took some pictures from a friend’s crop duster this morning. He’s a photographer, too, and brought with him one of the photos we processed. But he can’t print all of them in time for you to take with you tonight, so it’s good you can snap some pictures while you’re here. I’ll send the aerial photo back with you, though.”
“Photos of what?”
“We’re almost there. I am surprised, though, that he sent a woman.” He turned around with a sheepish grin. “Forgive me. There’s not many of us of the female gender. But he obviously finds you capable, otherwise he wouldn’t have sent you. I should have known he wouldn’t have come.”
“Because of the cornfield.”
“I’m sorry, what’s wrong with the cornfield?”
Dr. Roberts took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. “His sister, obviously. He still hasn’t gotten over it.”
He continued walking, and I hurried to catch up. “I don’t understand what a cornfield and Steven’s—I mean Dr. Richards’s—sister, has anything to do with anything.”
“You’ll see.”
We walked for another ten minutes, until the corn gave way to a clearing. The sunlight was blinding without the shade of the stalks. When I shielded my eyes, I realized it was no barren field.
Whoever farmed this land would soon come upon the bent stalks and ruined corn and most likely utter a litany of curses. The green stems and husks were pummeled to the ground for several yards in all directions. I knelt down, examining one of the stalks, seeing it was bent at a perfect ninety-degree angle.
“They’re all like that.”
I looked over to see a man sitting on an overturned bucket. The sight was almost comical, due to his immense size and how he somehow balanced himself on the pail.
“Lynn, this is Marcus Burg: pilot, ham-radio expert, and photographer. He’s the one who first heard about the missing boy. He’s also the one who found the circles.”
“Circles?” I asked.
“Crop circles.” Marcus held out his sagging arms. “You’re in the middle of one now. Points right to where—”
“Let’s let her look at the picture first, so she understands.”
“Steven told me a two-year-old boy was missing, but that’s all I know. How long ago did he disappear?”
“Two nights ago,” Dr. Roberts answered.
“Two nights?” I looked out towards the police lights at the farmhouse. “He could still be alive, just not found yet. He went missing not far from here, correct? Why would you think he’s been…?”
Dr. Roberts gave me a pitying smile. “It took me a long time to say it out loud as well. And I’ll admit, it’s even strange to say it now. Abducted. By extraterrestrials. The longer you’re at this, the easier it becomes to verbalize it. As you know, we typically don’t get involved until much later, when the cops are gone and families get desperate. But when Marcus told me what he heard on the radio and what he saw from the sky, I came down. And summoned Steven here, figuring he wouldn’t come. But I hoped, regardless.”
“Why wouldn’t he come?” I asked, frustrated at having to repeatedly ask for clarification of everything this man said.
“I probably shouldn’t be the one telling you this, but if you’re going to work with Steven, you need to know. Maybe sending you here is his way of letting you find out. He’s strange, that one, but brilliant, and a good man.”
“Steven’s sister was abducted by aliens,” Marcus said, rubbing his neck.
“Dr. Richards’s sister is missing?”
“Abducted. It’s the truth as he sees it, and it set him on this path, that’s for certain,” Dr. Roberts said. “I don’t want to gloss over the details, and perhaps one day he will tell you all about it. He was eight, maybe nine. Steven, his parents, and younger sister, Elise, went to spend a weekend at their family farm in northern Iowa. I think it was his uncle’s place. Anyway, there had been a terrible storm, and Elise and Steven were trapped in the house all day. When it let up a bit, they’d thrown on their boots to go play in the corn at dusk. Steven said his boots got stuck in the mud, and he was separated from Elise. He knew he would get in trouble for losing her, so he kept searching, until night. He was found by his parents, thanks to the farmers who saw his flashlight. A strong beam of light. Except that Steven wasn’t carrying a flashlight.”
Despite the heat, goose bumps rose on my arms. “His sister was never found,” Dr. Roberts continued. “His mother later committed suicide, and his father blamed Steven for all of it. I don’t know if Steven was a strange kid before that, but he certainly was afterwards, he even admits it. He became obsessed with trying to find Elise. It was only when he became a young man that he was able to get the police reports from that night. There was absolutely nothing to explain what happened. The assumption was that some kind of bobcat or something got her. The fields were even cleared to try and find her body. There was no sign of her. All the police report noted was that Steven’s uncle didn’t care if that particular stretch of land was cleared, because it was useless anyway. And it was useless, because something had flattened the crops in large circles.”
Dr. Roberts motioned around them. “Obviously, no one took pictures back then, but when Marcus heard about the missing kid, and that the farmer of this land reported someone had ruined large swaths of his crops—”
“I took my plane up, and I saw the circles, but I couldn’t take pictures while I had the controls. I had to get Max down here from Chicago, and when we went up, he took some pictures with my camera,” Marcus said. “Want to see?”
When he didn’t bother to stand, we walked over. He reached into the front of his bib overalls and took out a black-and-white photo and handed it to me. “I’ve only had time to print one of them.”
The photo clearly showed a series of large circles—ten in all—in a single row among the corn. At closer inspection, I could see they varied in size, the first much larger, gradually diminishing to a tiny circle.
“We’re standing in the middle of that row now,” Dr. Roberts said. “You keep following the circles, and they end at the farmhouse where the boy is missing.”
I looked closer at the photo. “It’s like they’re marking where they do it.” Marcus pointed. “An arrow straight to their target—”
“That’s my bucket.”
The voice caused us to turn around. In the row we had walked now stood a thin man.
He was filthy, with tattered, dusty clothes and hair that clearly hadn’t been washed for days. I couldn’t tell if it was the angle of the sun or his complexion that enhanced the dark circles around his eyes, which had caused me to misjudge his age. He couldn’t have been more than sixteen.
“Mama says we can take an ear or two,” the teenager said. “I need my bucket.”
“You live near here?” Dr. Roberts asked.
The boy flicked his thumb back down the row. “You done parked at my house. Why you’ins out here? You wit’ the cops? They ain’t gonna find that boy. Not them men in suits neither.”
“Shit,” Marcus said. “Max—”
“Why won’t they find him?” Dr. Roberts took a step forward. “Where is the boy?”
“You got money to pay me to tell you what I seen? Them suits had money.”
Dr. Roberts dug into his back pocket and pulled out a worn wallet. He slid out a few singles, handing them over.
The boy smiled, exposing rows of crooked teeth and squinting in the sunlight. “Mama says I’m lyin’, but I seen it. I seem ’em get dragged right up into them clouds. He gone. Straight up to heaven. That’s what I told them suits too.”
“When did you talk to these men in suits?” Dr. Roberts demanded.
“’Bout two hours ago.”
“Shit!” Marcus said, looking around wildly. “Shit!”
“Go,” Dr. Roberts ordered, motioning for me. “We’ve got to go.”
“But I haven’t taken a single picture,” I said, watching Marcus practically bulldoze into the corn after brushing past the teen.
“It doesn’t matter.” Dr. Roberts took me by the arm. I looked back one last time at the boy, who stared after us with dull eyes.
“They could be anywhere!” Marcus cried out.
“For Christ sake, keep it down, Marcus!” Dr. Roberts whispered.
“What is going on?” I asked.
Dr. Roberts didn’t answer. When we at last emerged at the house, Marcus was already in the truck, firing up the engine.
“Come on, Max!”
Dr. Roberts ushered me to my car. “Drive until you hit the interstate and don’t stop. Drive the speed limit. If anyone in a black suit tries to pull you over or talk to you, remember my sexist comment about Steven sending a woman. If you can, don’t stop, keep driving. Do you have enough gas to make it back to Champaign?”
“I filled up when I got off the interstate—”
“Then go. Right now. And take this,” he said, giving me the photo.
“Max, let’s go!” Marcus yelled.
“Give it to Steven, tell him what we saw.” Dr. Roberts ran over to the truck. As he got in, he leaned over Marcus. “Hide that photo in your purse, Lynn! Go now!”
I’d slid the photo beside my wallet, turned the keys, pressed the gas, and the car lurched forward. The engine died immediately. Even with Marcus’s truck gunning past and Dr. Roberts motioning at me wildly to drive on, I forced myself to calmly turn on the car once more, and drifted out onto the dirt drive.
I turned left, even used the blinker, and was once more on the road. In the rearview mirror, just as the corn hid the house from view, I saw the boy from the field point in my direction to a large woman with similar dark circles under her eyes who came out to stand on the dilapidated front porch.
As Dr. Roberts had instructed, I kept my speed at the limit. What is it, exactly, we’re running from?
As my pulse started to slow, I saw the lights from the police cruisers. I tapped the brakes to go at an even more casual pace, even giving a friendly, gentle wave to one of the officers stationed at the perimeter of the missing boy’s property. He tilted his hat.
I almost didn’t see the man in the black suit until he was right in front of me.
He stepped out so casually from beside the squad car, it was as if he was perturbed that a car had chosen to drive in his path. I hit the brakes, but I was already going so slowly that the car only took a moment to stop. The man rounded the hood and came over to the window. I rolled it down slowly.
“Sorry if I startled you there, ma’am.”
Everything on him, except for his crisp white shirt, was black. I imagined his eyes black as well, hidden beneath his dark sunglasses.
“I saw you drive down the road here a bit ago, I wanted to make sure you were all right,” he said, leaning his arm on the door. “There’s a boy missing around here.”
I saw another shadow. Another man in a black suit was even more jarring, given the contrast to his white-blond hair. He leaned on the driver’s side door, peering in.
“That’s terrible.” I felt the sweat on my upper lip. “I’m actually such a fool; I think I took the wrong turn to my aunt’s house. I have to take the next exit on the interstate, apparently.”
“You’re quite a ways from the interstate,” the blond-haired man’s voice was muffled through the glass. “You’ve taken quite the wrong turn.”
I knew they could see me sweating now. “How long has the boy been missing?” I blurted out. “His poor parents must be devastated—”
“They are,” the first black suit said, looking out down the road from which I came. “Not sure what happened to him. You didn’t see anyone strange on your wrong turn, did you?”
“Nothing but a lot of corn.” I attempted to laugh.
“Not much to take pictures of.”
I glanced at the camera in the passenger seat.
“Because the last thing the boy’s family needs is to make this situation worse, with anyone trying to document all this,” he said, still looking down the road. His hand, however, had drifted into the car, his long fingertips brushing the handle of the purse I’d hurriedly sandwiched between my hip and the door. “Doesn’t feel right … a woman by herself driving around with all this … strangeness going on. Maybe you should step out of the car.”
The blond-haired man rapped on the window. “Why don’t you step on out, ma’am.”
If you encounter anyone in a black suit, remember my sexist comment about Steven sending a woman, Dr. Roberts had warned. I heard the door handle lift.
“Oh, you’re right about that,” I leaned back casually in the seat. “I do wish my husband was here to drive, he knows I can’t find my way around anywhere except for my kitchen. And my sister can’t even make pancakes to save her life! If I don’t get there soon, my little niece Amy, who’s turning three this month—I can’t believe how big she’s getting—won’t even have a birthday cake! I don’t understand why we couldn’t have the party at my sister’s house—”
“Just be careful,” the man quickly withdrew his hand, continuing to walk across the road. The blond stared at me for a good minute before slowly walking away.
I lazily rolled up the window and gently eased the car forward.
When I finally approached the interstate entrance, I took off the head scarf and rolled down the window. The hot wind on my face was hardly refreshing, but I needed as much air as I could take. I wished desperately for some water or a Coke, something to quench my desperately dry throat.
The dark car pulled up on the shoulder of the road so quickly that I almost gasped in surprise. Theirs was a rolling stop, just enough time for me to see another man in a black suit and sunglasses at the wheel. I caught a glimpse of the teenager from the cornfield in the backseat, and a heavyset woman with her arm around him. Even though she had been far away when I saw her at the ruined house, I knew she was the teenager’s mother. Were those tears on her cheeks?
When she slammed her hand against the glass and cried out something to me, and the car sped away up onto the entrance ramp towards Springfield, all I could do was watch in horror. I saw her turn around, and then the car was gone.
I was on the interstate a moment later, breathing in and out as if I had finished a marathon. Even though it had never happened to me, I knew I was close to hyperventilating. Where were they taking them? If they’d looked at that photo, would I ever have been seen again? Should I call the police?
I knew I wouldn’t, and I hated myself a little bit more every mile I sped away. What could I do for them? I didn’t even know why the black suits had them. Of course you do. They took her because of what her son saw, and what he told her of how the missing boy went into the sky. The black suits paid her son money, and in return came and collected them all.
I’d spent the next two hours in a fog, repeatedly replaying the entire encounter in my mind. I was surprised when the sign with the population of Champaign came into view, and how near my tank was to empty. I exited the highway, gassed up, and headed straight for the university.
I wanted to rush into Steven’s office and breathlessly describe what had happened. But I knew there was no room in his world for anyone who couldn’t emotionally handle the work. So I sat in the parking lot, collected myself, and reapplied my lipstick.
Steven answered the door to his office, and I did my best to walk in calmly. I sat, smoothed out the wrinkles in my skirt, and produced the photograph.
“Dr. Roberts and his friend explained to me the theory of the crop circles.”
Steven had stared for a long time at the photograph without speaking.
“I’m very sorry to hear about your sister.”
He looked up. “He told you?”
“You should have told me.”
“Yes.” He looked back at the photograph. “I should have.”
“You know, if you shared your sister’s story with more people, then all this,” I motioned around the room, “wouldn’t seem as…”
“You know I’m not a great communicator. Thank you, Lynn. I’ll put in a call to Dr. Roberts tomorrow.”
“Tell him I did encounter a man in a black suit. Actually two. But I got away without them realizing anything.”
His astonished reaction was exactly what I’d hoped for. I crossed my legs.
“Jesus!” he said, dropping the photograph on his desk. “Lynn, what happened?”
“Who are they? The mention of these black suits by a boy in the field made both your colleagues run off like the corn was on fire. And then I saw the mother of that boy being driven away, and she looked terrified.”
“Wait, what happened?” Steven kneeled before me. “Start from the beginning.”
I’m certain he rubbed his forehead seventeen times before I finished.
“You … actually encountered men in a black suits? You’re certain?” he said.
“I’m quite sure I know the color black.”
“If I had any idea, I would have never sent you. I would never, ever have sent you.” He then took my hand in his. “I’d never forgive myself if something had happened to you.”
Somehow I remained calm, although I wanted to profess how terrified I was as well. “What would have happened to me? What happened to that mother and her son? Who are these men?”
Steven took off his glasses. “We aren’t exactly sure. They show up sometimes when people go missing. The arrival of the men in black is a clear indication that an abduction has occurred. They are the reason we have to be so secretive about our files, our findings. We know … they know about us.”
“How can you be certain?”
“Because when people vanish, sometimes our investigators go missing, too.”
* * *
I looked up from the microfilm machine to see a college-age girl with a Bettie Page haircut and a polka-dot shirt smiling at me. “Are you finding everything you need? I’m assigned to archives and a few other sections, and I didn’t know anyone was in here.”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“Most people don’t even know how to operate these anymore,” she said with a smile. “They think Google can find everything. One day, hopefully, we’ll even have these old papers online.”
“I used to do a lot of research.” I used to be brave, too. “I’m a bit rusty on the microfilm, but it’s slowly coming back.”
“Holler if you need anything.”
I smiled back and returned my attention to the glowing square screen. I read once more through the death notices of the day, the next day’s obits, and then the day prior. As I prepared to fast forward to read the rest for the entire week, the black-and-white face of a girl whirled by.
I slowly rewound, finding the girl’s photo on the front page of the August 2 issue. She was smiling, with a left front tooth missing and straight-cut bangs. It was obviously her family’s picture, provided to the newspaper.
By Clark Bass Sr.
The search continues for a three-year-old West Nashville girl missing since early Friday morning.
The parents of Amelia Shrank report they fear she had somehow wandered out of the house.
“They think she went looking for the family’s missing dog in the middle of the night,” said detective Ralph Fulton.
Shrank is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Mark Shrank, who described their daughter as being three feet five inches, wearing a black-and-white nightgown and her hair in a long braid.
The Shranks’ home backs up to the woods off Woodmont Avenue.
Woodmont Avenue was just a few streets away from my home. And just like that, I remembered how I knew Amelia Shrank.
I knew I was starting to sweat. I popped out the canister, making sure to keep it close by, and inserted August 5, 1945. Instead of going directly to the obituaries, I slid to the front page. But it was page three news that told of missing hunter, Josh Stone.
By William Buck
A 32-year-old father of twins is believed to be dead somewhere in Richland Creek, Nashville police report.
Josh Stone was last seen by his wife, Janet, heading out to squirrel hunt in the early morning hours Friday.
Janet Stone found her husband’s shotgun several yards away from Richland Creek late yesterday evening, according to police.
“We can only surmise that he walked too close to the edge and fell into the creek,” said Captain Kris Kemper.
Police said Stone wasn’t a good swimmer, and are focusing on searching the waters for his body.
The location of the gun is well known to locals in that area, due to the grave marker placed there by the Shrank family ten years ago, to mark the last spot their daughter, Amelia, was seen.
“He may have stopped to pay his respects, and that’s why he left the gun there—because he thought he’d be right back,” Kemper said.
Police said they will resume their search of the banks of river Sunday morning.
“Because of all that rain we’ve been having, we’ve had a lot of erosion, and on top of that, the creek is fast-moving and swollen,” Kemper said. “If somebody who couldn’t swim good fell in, it could be a real bad deal. It’s been so hot this August, maybe he thought he could get a quick drink and the ground collapsed under him.”
Next to a photo of Stone and his wife was another picture of a child-sized gravestone with Amelia Shrank’s name engraved upon it. A gravestone I had discovered as a child, when I followed my father and those strange men into the woods.
I sat forward. Amelia Shrank had disappeared in August, as had Josh Stone.
Eighty years later, in the same month, William would vanish from the same woods.