Jeremiah woke and stared at the ceiling above his small bed. It was morning and he hadn’t slept much. He’d spent a sleepless night thinking about the girl he watched in the dance studio beneath him.
He’d never felt like this before, and honestly never believed he’d ever have anything close to this reaction to a girl.
“Alannah,” he said. He’d whispered her name a dozen or more times through the night, as if he needed to hear the sound of her name to maintain some weird connection with her.
All for nought, though.
He knew there was no chance of anything happening. Compared to him, she was only a little kid. About twenty, probably still a virgin based on how shy she was, probably naïve about the world . . . they’d have little or nothing in common.
But . . .
“But nothing.”
He stood and stretched and walked to the window of the living room that looked down to the parking lot of the strip mall. There were only a few cars there this early, but he glanced at all of them, trying to tell himself he was looking for nothing in particular.
She wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
He watched for a few more minutes before going for a shower.
While the hot water splashed down on his face, he imagined her being in the shower with him. They would scrub each other’s backs, and while he scrubbed hers, she’d look backward to him shyly, with a secret smile. He’d rub her shoulders, neck, and back and then reach around her body to soap her breasts, gently massaging her nipples before kissing her neck as their bodies pressed together. His cock would be pushing against her ass and she’d be arching her body back against it.
He sighed as he continued his fantasy, and his hand found his erection. He rubbed himself, imagining it to be Alannah’s hand, imagining them making love in the shower. In his mind, he leaned her against the shower wall and kissed her deeply, then moved down to kiss her tight nipples as the water splashed on them. He kneeled, and his tongue found its way inside her pussy. She moaned, and he felt an animalistic urge to just fuck her. He rose and pressed against her, once again kissing her mouth, and his body reacted as she pulled him even closer to her. He slid inside her, and it was the most amazing lovemaking he’d ever experienced. He pushed slowly, deeper and deeper, and it didn’t take very long for him to come. He heard her crying with pleasure as he pushed his cock deep inside her and brought her to her first orgasm.
Jeremiah shuddered as he came himself.
He stood in the shower, the water having turned lukewarm, then cool. He finally noticed and turned the water off and dried himself before getting dressed. He couldn’t help but take another look outside the window, but she still wasn’t there.
For breakfast, Jeremiah cooked two fried eggs and plopped them onto a slice of toast. He nuked some coffee he’d made the day before to go with it.
“How do you like your eggs, Alannah?” he asked the air.
Twenty-ish was too young . . . wasn’t it? Almost half his age. Of course it was too young. Her skin was smooth and delicate, her cute little body lithe and strong. She wouldn’t possibly be interested in him.
With a rush, he pushed back from the table and walked to the bathroom to stare at himself in the mirror. Bloodshot eyes, wrinkles scratching down his cheeks, his hair starting to gray, and some of it falling out.
As much as he tried to keep in shape, he knew he carried twenty pounds more than he should, and if he walked up more than two flights of stairs, he would get winded.
She had the world available to her.
But . . .
When he’d looked into her eyes, he saw a delicate little thing. She was fragile and wouldn’t be able to be with just anyone. He understood. He knew from that single meeting that he would be able to take care of her.
She was nice. He could tell that as clearly as he could see the red stains in his own eyes. He’d looked into a thousand women’s eyes in his lifetime, searching for that one who had the eyes that said, “This is a girl you can trust. She will always treat you well and she’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever met.”
Could he really not at least try to see if things could work out?
By now, the habit had formed. He walked back to the window and looked out, his heart catching in his chest.
Alannah was standing down below, staring up at him.
* * *
Alannah also hadn’t slept well the night before. Part of it was lingering fears from the scary little boy in her mirror, part was the recent note that her twin sister had written in their diary, and part was thinking about the stranger who had watched her dance a few days earlier.
She knew there was nothing to do about the scary little boy. It was just some weird hallucination that she hoped wouldn’t recur.
The note from Savannah talked about a different little boy, who scared her at the mission. It was unsettling because Savannah had thought he’d said the same damned words about the water being cold that they’d both heard a couple of times before, but again, Alannah tried to push those thoughts aside.
The stranger who watched her dance, though . . . he was harder to ignore.
He was much older than she, but even so, she felt an instant connection. She’d never believed in love at first sight, but this guy, Jeremiah something-or-other, had her caught in his spell.
Of course she could never say anything to him. He’d laugh and call her a little girl, and she’d feel ridiculous and have to stop going to the dance studio because she’d be too embarrassed to ever see him again.
She could remember his face, the nice smile that lifted the corners of his mouth. His eyes were locked onto hers while they spoke, showing he was actually interested in what she was saying. He seemed like the kind of man who would treat a girl with kindness and respect.
He was gentle but confident. She liked that.
She’d wanted that kind of man without even realizing it.
Of course, maybe he was secretly a hatchet murderer. How could she possibly know any damned thing about him after talking to him once for just a few minutes?
“I just do,” she answered herself. “He’s—”
She stopped because the next words out of her mouth would have been “The One,” and that was too big an image to allow to pass her lips.
He was so much more mature than her, so much more worldly. Surely he could tell her about vast areas of knowledge that she knew nothing about. And she’d love that. His voice was soothing, and she imagined him holding her in his arms and telling her stories he’d lived through. She wondered how it would feel to be held that way . . . .
He was a magician. A real magician. That brought emotions of mystery and amazement to her.
Her daydreaming ended as she reached the dance studio.
In front of the shop stood three police officers. One of them stared at her defiantly, arms crossed over his chest. The others were talking to two women. Alannah didn’t recognize either of them.
There was a cardboard sign taped to the door of the studio:
The sign was written in messy blue handwriting that she could barely read.
She stared at the scene, unsure what to do. She wanted to dance, but clearly that was not possible today.
A movement above caught her eye, and she looked up to see Jeremiah staring at her. In that instant, the dance studio fled from her mind, and she focused on him. He was bare-chested, and she blinked, trying to get a clearer view of him.
Then he was gone.
She wished he’d stayed, but his leaving forced Alannah’s eyes back to the scene playing out in front of her.
With tentative steps, she walked toward the cop who wasn’t talking to anybody.
“Hello,” she whispered.
She felt scared without knowing why.
He nodded. “Can I help you?” His voice was much gentler than his appearance suggested it would be.
“Is everything okay? Is Nickie all right?”
“Who are you, Miss?”
“I’m Alannah Clark. I take lessons here. Nickie lets me come in whenever I want, to practice. Is she okay?”
“Maybe you should ask her sister.”
He pointed to a woman leaning against the wall near the door. She was smoking a cigarette and blowing clouds of smoke.
Alannah nodded.
The sister didn’t look much like Nickie. Her face was stretched tightly. Her long, unbrushed hair was ratty.
The woman stared at Alannah. “What?”
“I’m a friend of Nickie’s. Can you tell me what’s going on? Is everything okay?”
The sister stared daggers at her, took a long pull on her cigarette, and blew the smoke out slowly.
“She was killed.”
Alannah stared for a moment, not wanting to believe what she’d heard.
“WHAT? That’s not possible!”
“Somebody strangled her and then stabbed her with a pair of scissors, over and over. Blood everywhere.”
“Oh, God . . . I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, well . . .”
“When did it happen?”
“I can’t believe it. She was so good to me.”
“Yeah, well, believe it.”
“I’m sorry,” she said again.
Alannah stepped backward and wanted to run and hide. She turned around and—
—almost crashed into Jeremiah.
He’d put his hands on her shoulders to stop her from running into him.
“It’s okay, no worries.” He nodded his head at the studio. “What happened?”
“Somebody killed Nickie.”
“Oh . . .”
They locked eyes and Alannah didn’t know what to say. She wanted him to grab her and hug her tightly, but of course he did no such thing. He looked as bewildered as she felt.
She didn’t know what to say. She knew she should be crying, losing her mentor and possibly the best friend she’d ever had, but now all she wanted was for Jeremiah to reassure her.
“Can I do anything?” he asked.
She shrugged. She looked into his eyes, and she wanted him to do something, anything, but she couldn’t find the words.
“I want her back,” she said.
He nodded, as if that was the most normal request in the world.
“How about a coffee? I’m not much of a cook, but I do know how to make coffee.”
She nodded, and he led her to the door at the side of the studio that led to the stairs.
When they reached his place, he said, “My apartment is like your dance studio. It’s where I practice my magic, and the living part is pretty much incidental.”
When they walked in to the main room, Alannah marvelled at the shelves and boxes full of gadgets. She saw some large, carefully crafted wooden blocks, lots of shiny steel items, and hundreds of smaller colorful things.
“You have a lot of—” she hesitated and added, “—are they tricks? Is that the right word?”
“Tricks, equipment, articles, things. I’m not much of a wordsmith, but these are the tools of my trade.”
“I’d love to see you perform one day.”
“I hope that can happen. I’d like that.”
He pointed to the far end, “There’s my bedroom over there, and the bathroom, and on this side is the place I call the kitchen.”
He walked over and started to make a pot of coffee. The area was a side nook off the main room, with a small table and three wooden chairs. There were still crumbs from his morning toast and egg sandwich. He pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit.
“I can’t believe somebody killed her,” Alannah said. “Who would do that? She treated me so well.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll never understand how monsters like that can walk among us.”
Tears formed in her eyes as the weight of the loss finally sank in. Nickie had helped her in so many ways, always pointing out the flaws in her dance while praising the perfect flip she might have done or her improvement from a previous attempt. She’d never had anybody to encourage her that way. She barely remembered her mother, and she certainly didn’t remember her providing any encouragement on anything. Her father never entered her thoughts at all.
The only person she had in her life was Savannah. Until Nickie.
She wanted to change the subject.
“Tell me about magic.”
She smiled and she heard him gasp as she did so.
* * *
Oh my God, he thought. That smile just nailed me in the chest.
He didn’t know what to say for a moment and bought some time by pouring them each a cup of coffee. She wanted two sugars and he took his black. He took a deep breath as he came back to the table.
“Thank you.”
Her voice was tiny, as if she were a Barbie doll. She looked at him with piercing eyes, and at that point he knew the single word that would best describe her: fragile.
She was nice and sweet, that he already knew, but she was also so fragile. He wanted to hold her, to protect her and to make sure that nobody ever hurt her for the rest of her life.
He craved her.
And that’s just fucking stupid.
But it didn’t change how he felt. She kept looking at him, her eyes imploring him to talk, but he couldn’t seem to remember how.
Finally he answered. “Magic is the best thing in the world. It allows you to give something to people that they almost never really have. You give them hope. You let them believe that anything is possible, that birds can appear out of thin air and disappear back into it, that people can fly just by wishing it, that we can see into each other’s minds and know exactly what we’re thinking, and really, we let them believe that dreams can come true.”
The corners of her mouth rose and she slowly opened her lips into a huge smile.
“That’s so cool. I’ve never met a real magician. I’ve seen them on TV, but they can fake anything on TV. It must be so much better in person.”
He nodded. “It truly is a joy.”
Jeremiah hesitated and took a sip of his coffee.
“I moved here for a reason,” he said. “I mean above the dance studio.”
She shrugged. “What?”
“I’m looking for an assistant. You know that every magician has an assistant, right? A pretty girl who helps set up the tricks and is always the one the audience watches?”
Alannah nodded.
“The best assistants are very flexible. For some tricks, they need to be able to fit into very small spaces or twist themselves quickly into a certain shape.”
She didn’t say a word, and Jeremiah knew she was hanging on every word.
“When I watched you dance the other night, I knew you were the one I wanted. You’re perfect for me.”
He leaned over the table so their faces were only six inches apart.
She looked down at the table, as if ashamed.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to push.”
“No,” she blurted out right away. “I’d love that! But—”
“But what?”
“You’re not fooling, right? You’re not just joking with me? I don’t want to . . .” Her voice trailed off, but he heard her finish. Her eyes were closed and a tear fell from one eye. “Please don’t tease me.”
He reached out with his thumb and wiped the tear away.
“Nothing of the sort. I promise you.”
She opened her eyes, and he saw hope. She wanted to believe him.
What happened to you to make you so fragile? he wondered.
“I promise you, I’ll take care of you.”