Sadie Swoon @SadieLPeterson
Today my head is full of songs by Barry White. Need I say more? #myeverything
Kristin Hart @craftyKH
@SadieLPeterson Excuse me?
Sadie Swoon @SadieLPeterson
@craftyKH Why what have you done?
Jilly Perkins @JillyBPerks
@SadieLPeterson My Great Dane loves Barry White
Beverley Smart @bearwith72
@SadieLPeterson I take it your husband is home then?
Stanley Swoon @stanswoon96
The world is an unhinged place. The answer? Pavlova
Joe Schwartz @CanadianJoe6
@stanswoon96 I thought I was your answer
Beverley Smart @bearwith72
I’m eating beans on toast with cheese grated on top