It is not always easy to know where to go to buy a barbecue or to find the specific barbecue that you are looking for.
DIY stores, department stores and garden centres all stock barbecues and accessories, especially during the summer months.
Supermarkets, particularly the larger superstores, stock a suprisingly wide range of barbecues, fuels and accessories.
Petrol stations stock disposable barbecues, charcoal and firelighters, etc. during the summer months.
Hardware stores and camping shops will stock the gas cylinders for a gas barbecue, and probably charcoal too.
The Barbeque Shop at 46A Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Kent (01932 866 044/ stocks a wide selection of charcoal and gas barbecues and operates a mail-order service.
Lakeland Ltd (01539 488 100/ supply portable barbecues and accessories by mail order and in their nationwide stores.
Special cookware shops usually carry a range of cooking accessories.
And here are a few numbers of barbecue manufacturers who will be able to give you the names and addresses of your nearest stockists:
Weber-Stephen Products Ltd
(charcoal and gas barbecues)
01756 692 600
Landmann charcoal and gas barbecues
01299 251 747/250 909
Black Knight barbecues
01622 671 771/2
Odell charcoal and gas barbecues
01352 762 061
Camping Gaz gas barbecues
01275 845 024