Seared Scallops with Coriander and Garlic Oil Dressing

This was the first recipe I cooked at the beginning of my television series. I was on top of Signal Hill in Newfoundland with the most amazing icebergs drifting by in the Atlantic Ocean behind me. Well, you may not have quite the same setting as I did when you get your barbie out for this dish, but the chances are that yours will taste every bit as good as mine did, and, boy, did they taste good … And remember, if you buy scallops out of their shells, ask the fishmonger to give you the shells separately.

Serves 4

4 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for brushing

juice of 1 lemon

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh coriander

salt and freshly ground black pepper

12 fresh scallops, in their shells

Make the dressing by whisking together the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, coriander and plenty of salt and pepper.

Holding the scallops flat-side up, slide a blade between the shells. Keeping the blade as close to the inside of the top shell as possible slice the ligaments so the shells open. Snap off the top shells and remove and discard the black stomach sac and lacy grey edging around the scallops. Cut the scallops away from the bottom shell, then wash the scallops and the bottom shells thoroughly.

Lightly brush the scallops with a little oil and cook over hot coals or in a hot griddle pan for just 1 minute on each side until well browned.

Return the scallops to the clean bottom shells and drizzle over the dressing. Eat warm.
