Parma Fired Figs with Goats’ Cheese Filling

Use fully ripe, fragrant figs for this recipe. A true melt-in-the-mouth experience that adds a touch of passion to any barbie feast.

Serves 4

4 ripe, black figs

75 g (3 oz) soft goats’ cheese

4 sprigs of thyme

4 slices Parma ham

freshly ground black pepper

To serve

rocket leaves

olive oil

rock salt

Cut a deep cross in the top of each fig, cutting right down to, but not through, the base.

Cut the goats’ cheese into quarters. Open out the figs, slip a wedge of cheese into each, season with plenty of black pepper, then close the figs back together. Place a thyme sprig on the side of each fig and wrap the Parma ham round each one, enclosing the thyme sprigs.

Cook over hot coals for 4–5 minutes, rolling the figs on their sides until the Parma ham is crispy and ruffled around the edges.

Arrange a small pile of rocket leaves in the centre of four serving plates and place a fig in the centre. Drizzle around a little olive oil and scatter over some rock salt and freshly ground black pepper.
