Mean Mango and Lime Sorbet

The amount of lime that you need for this sorbet will depend on the ripeness of the mangoes and how juicy the limes are. You want the mixture to be a little sharp as well as sweet before you freeze it. ‘Don’t be mean with the mango.’

Serves 6–8

2–3 limes

75 g (3 oz) granulated sugar

75 ml (3 fl oz) water

3 large mangoes

lime wedges and sprigs of fresh mint to decorate

Thinly pare the zest from the limes and then squeeze out the juice. Put the sugar, water and lime zest into a small pan and leave over a low heat until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Now bring the mixture to the boil, lower the heat and leave to simmer for 5 minutes. Set aside and leave to go cold and then chill in the fridge for a few hours until it’s icy cold.

Peel the mangoes and slice the flesh away from the stone into a food processor. Strain over the lime syrup, add the lime juice and give everything a quick whizz until very smooth.

Now you can ether churn the mixture in an ice cream maker or pour it into a shallow plastic container (it will freeze quicker this way), cover and freeze until almost firm.

Scrape the mixture back into the food processor and give it another whizz until very smooth. Scrape it back into the box, return to the freezer and repeat the process once more. Then leave it to freeze for about 3 hours until firm.

Serve scoops of the sorbet in chilled dessert glasses, decorated with the lime wedges and sprigs of fresh mint.