Book Club Questions

  1. 1. Why do you think Rose tries so hard to maintain an image of perfection throughout the book?
  2. 2. Who do you think is the victim of this story?
  3. 3. How do you think the men in this novel are portrayed?
  4. 4. The use of social media and how we show ourselves to others is a theme in this book. Do you think social media makes people more competitive with each other?
  5. 5. What did you think of the title of the book? Do you think it ties in well with the themes of domestic abuse? Would you have given the book a different title?
  6. 6. Cian comes across as a sympathetic character to both Rose and Emily when they meet him. Particularly in the case of Rose, do you think he always had controlling tendencies but was able to keep them hidden until the relationship was well established?
  7. 7. What did you think of the portrayal of Donna in the book? Do you think she was as close to Rose as she stated, or was their friendship marred by jealousy?
  8. 8. This book deals with some very dark themes – notably the issue of suicidal thoughts and depression. Do you think these issues were handled sensitively?
  9. 9. The book is set in the author’s home town of Derry~Londonderry in Northern Ireland. Do you think the location added anything to the story?

If you are struggling with any of the issues covered in this book, the contact details for Women’s Aid and The Samaritans are listed below.

Women’s Aid: 0808 2000 247 (24 hour free-phone)

The Samaritans: 116 123 (UK & ROI)