References to book titles are in italics.
Abercrombie, Sir Patrick 36–8, 41, 44, 46, 280–2
Access to Mountains Act (1939) 70
Adams, Professor Bill 96
Addison, Christopher, Lord 75, 78
agriculture 35, 47, 51, 117, 158–9, 307–8
and the coast 226
and disease 149–52
and history 126–39
and industrialisation 54
and landscape 125–6, 142–8
and National Parks 85–6, 87
and nature 103–4, 107–9, 111
and productivity 55, 56, 152–3
and reforms 139–42, 153–4
and soil 154–8
and wartime 100–1
and woodland 163–5
Agriculture Act (1947) 51, 125, 140–1
Agriculture: The Triumph and the Shame (Body) 143
Ancient Monuments Acts 234–5, 236–7, 238
ancient sites 233–8
Annan, Kofi 114
Antrim, Alexander McDonnell, Lord 208
Archaeological Institute 233
architecture 11, 13, 14, 15, 27–8, 41, 245
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) 78–9, 92, 94, 204
art 1–2, 10–11, 13, 15
Attlee, Clement 45, 49–50, 140
Barlow Commission 46
beauty 2–3, 47, 56–8, 59, 62–3, 305–9, 310–13
and agriculture 126, 158–9
and the coast 223–5
and Hill 18–20
and Morris 15–16
and National Parks 67
and National Trust 27, 29
and planning 302–4
and Ruskin 10–13
and technology 53–4
and trees 161, 169, 174
and urbanisation 261–2, 264, 275
Betjeman, John 44
Beveridge, William 46
Bewick, Thomas 5–6
birdlife 5–6, 54, 98–100, 101, 180
and decline 118–19, 179
and pollution 104
Birkett, Sir Norman 75, 77, 82
Birling Gap 216–18
Black Death 129, 265
Bloom, Bridget 148–9
Blue Flag campaign 215
boat-building 196, 197
Body, Richard 143
Bournville 276
Brecon Beacons 78
British Archaeological Association 233
British Workers’ Sports Federation 72
Broads Authority 123, 145
Broads, see Norfolk Broads
Brown, Capability 4, 169
brownfield sites 58, 292–4
Browning, Helen 148–9, 152
Bruce-Lockhart, Sandy 262–3
Bryce, James 69
BSE (‘mad cow disease’) crisis 149
Burke, Edmund 2–3
Burton, Tony 263, 293
Cadbury family 276
Cairngorms 92
Cameron, David 189, 258, 300–1
Campaign for National Parks (CNP) xiv, 84–5, 87, 143, 178
Campaign to protect Rural England (CPRE) 109–10,175
and agriculture 142, 144–5
and the coast 202–3, 204
and origins 38–41, 44, 75
and urbanisation 263, 292–4
carbon dioxide 60, 61–2, 155–6, 157, 185
cars 43, 53, 205, 286–90
Carson, Rachel 104–5
Castle, Barbara 73, 74
cattle farming 129, 130, 135, 150
Chamberlain, Neville 39
Channel Tunnel 261–3
Charter of the Forest 167–8
children 18, 23, 314–16
Chorley, Roger 240
Churchill, Winston 45, 49
cities 9–10, 12–13, 16, 31–2, 245, 293–5
and industrialisation 264, 270–1
and National Parks 92–3
see also London
Civic Trust 245
Clare, John 133–4, 161
Clark, Aitken 122–3, 145
Clark, Greg 300, 302
claylands 136, 137
Clean Air Act (1956) 104
climate change xv, 59–62, 90, 112, 154–5, 219–21, 223
coal 54, 61, 171, 212, 269–70
coastal landscape 193–203, 208–9, 307
and conservation 203–8, 209–12, 224–5
and erosion 216–21
and footpaths 225–8
and pollution 215–16
and wildlife 212–15
and wind turbines 221–4
Cobbett, William 132–3, 272
Colston, Adrian 95–6, 100, 113
Committee on Wartime Reconstruction 45–51
Commission on Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) 295, 308
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 58, 154
Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) 215
Common Ground 110
Commons Preservation Society 21–2, 69,234
conifers 25, 91, 111, 175–6, 179–80, 182
conservation xii, 57, 90–1, 96, 106–7, 146–7
and buildings 245, 248, 249, 250–3
Control of Land Use, The 48–9, 280
Corn Laws 138
Council of Europe 106
country houses 239–44, 247, 248, 249–52
countryside 4–6, 30–1, 36–9, 47, 51–2, 53
and access 68–70, 72–3, 74–5
and leisure 150–1, 257
Countryside and Rights of Way Act (2000) 74–5
Countryside Character Programme 111
Countryside Commission 81, 82, 89–90, 106, 112
and agriculture 141–2, 145–6, 147–8
and the coast 207
and forests 186
Countryside in 1970 conferences 106
CPRE, see Council for the Preservation of Rural England
Cripps, John 204–5
crop farming 130, 131, 138
Crossman, Richard 245
Crowe, Dame Sylvia 177
Crown Estate 135, 222
Cuckmere Haven 218–19
Curry, Don 152, 153
dairy farming 139
Dartmoor 78, 80, 82, 88
Dawber, Sir Guy 36–7, 39
Defoe, Daniel 3, 132
Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) 255–7
Department for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 153, 187
devolution 303–4
Dickens, Charles 271–2, 273–4
Dinas Oleu 14, 27–8, 200, 201, 207
Domesday Book 127, 163–4, 198
Doughty, Sir Martin 113
Dougill, Wesley 202–3
Dower, John 76–7, 78, 79, 176
Dower, Pauline 78
Durham Coast 211–12
Earth Summit 1992 60, 112
economism 63–4, 302, 308
economy, the xv, 31, 35, 53–4
ecosystems 114–16
Edwards, Ron 89, 90
egg collecting 99, 100
electricity 283–4
Eliot, George 137–8, 273
Ellis, Tom 69
England and the Octopus (Williams-Ellis) 41–2
English Heritage 253, 256
English Nature 112
Enterprise Neptune 207–11
Environment Acts (1990/95) 90, 112
environmental movement 56–8
Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) 146
Epping Forest 18, 22, 69
European Landscape Convention 92
European Union (EU) 58, 105, 154
Evelyn, John 22, 170–1
Exmoor 66–7, 78, 84, 85–6, 204
farming, see agriculture
Fedden, Robin 247, 249
fens 95–6, 100, 119, 130–1, 136, 157
Finn, Hugh 261, 262, 263
First World War 30, 33–4, 138, 173, 237
fish 54, 104, 128, 196, 197, 214–15
flooding 131, 157–8, 220–1
Flow Country 111–12, 179–80, 181, 182, 183
food supplies 8–9, 117, 125–6, 138–9, 140, 154
and quality 149, 150, 151, 152–3
and surpluses 147
foot and mouth disease 149–52, 257
footpaths 25, 70, 73, 90, 225–8
Forest of Dean 160, 170
Forestry Commission 111, 160–1, 173–4, 175–7, 178–9, 182–4
and sales 187, 188–90
Forestry Panel 190–2
forests 103, 165–8, 169–70, 177–8, 179–80, 182
fossil fuels 55, 59, 61
fracking 88–9
Friends of the Earth 56
Friends of the Lake District 41, 175
Garden Cities 278–80
gardens 3–4, 16, 248–9
Geddes, Sir Patrick 36–7
General Enclosure Acts 133–5
geological sites 103, 197
Gibbs, Christopher 208
Gilpin, William 5
Glasgow 92, 93
Gower Peninsula 204
grant schemes 243–4
green belts 44, 58, 280, 302
greenhouse gases 60, 61
Greenpeace 56
Griffin, Sir Herbert 36–7, 39
Grove-White, Robin 109
Guild of St George 13–14
Gummer, John (Lord Deben) 58, 149, 293–4
Hall, Chris 86
Halvergate Marshes 123, 145–6
Hampstead Heath 22, 69
Hardy, Thomas 34, 138, 172
health 9, 46, 64, 185, 272–3, 275
and children 314
and nature 310–11
heritage 229–30, 232–9, 244–6, 253–60, 306
Heritage Coasts 206–7, 212
Heritage Link 256
Heritage Lottery Fund 253–4, 294–5
hill farming 143–4
Hill, Octavia xii, 15, 17–21, 22–3, 64, 239, 275
and National Trust 25, 26, 28, 200
historic buildings 54, 232–3, 234, 235–44, 246–54
Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act (1953) 243–4
Historic England 253
history 255–6, 257–60
History of British Birds (Bewick) 5–6
Hobhouse, Sir Arthur 77–8, 102
Hoskins, W. G. xiv, 123–5, 141, 161
housing 7, 8, 19–20, 32, 33, 58–9
and back-to-backs 230, 231, 232, 252–3
and London 281–2
and New Towns 285–6
and philanthropy 275–6, 278
and planning 290–1, 296, 292–5
and post-war 34, 35, 36
and sprawl 41–3, 44, 40, 45
and wood 185–6
Housman, A. E. 1, 33
Howard, Ebenezer 278–80
Hunter, Robert 15, 20–1, 22–3, 25, 26
hunting 98, 165, 166
Hussey, Christopher 239, 244
Huxley, Julian 102, 103
industrialisation xii, 1–2, 8–10, 30, 254–5
and the coast 205–6
and urbanisation 265–6, 267–71
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 60–1
Internal Drainage Board 123, 145
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 114, 246
iron industry 269
John, King of England 166–7
Joint Nature Conservation Committee 112
Jones, Rt Rev. James 190
Jurassic Coast 92
Kent 261–3
Kirby, Esmé 82
Kyoto Protocol (1997) 60
Kyrle Society for the Diffusion of Beauty 16–17, 245
Lake District 5, 12, 28, 78, 91, 92
and administration 79, 83
and the coast 204
and Rawnsley 23–6
and trees 172–3, 174–6
and Wordsworth 6–8, 68
and access 68–70, 72–3, 74–5
and development 32–3, 35–6, 45, 48–9
and planning xii, 58, 297–8, 300–4, 306–6
and reclamation 200
Land Utilisation in Rural Areas 47
landscape 1, 2, 96–7, 101–2, 123–5, 305–6
and agriculture 125–9, 130–1, 132–3, 142–8
landscape gardens 4, 169
Lansbury, George 238
Larkin, Philip 287
Last Child in the Woods (Louv) 314
Lawson, Nigel 111, 182
Lawton, John 115–16
Lees-Milne, James 240–1, 242–3
leisure 53, 68–9, 150–1, 177
Letchworth 279–80
Letwin, Oliver 62
Lever Brothers 276
Limits to Growth, The 54–6
Lincoln, Abraham 67
Lloyd George, David 31, 173
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs 92
London 16, 19–21, 22, 92–3, 266–7, 271–3
and green belts 280
and post-war 280–2
and trees 187
Longland, Jack 82, 84
Louv, Richard 314
Lundy 213, 214
Macdonald, Ramsay 75
MacEwen, Malcolm 86
Macmillan, Harold 52–3
Magna Carta 166–7
Making of the English Landscape, The (Hoskins) 123–5
Malthus, Rev Robert 8–9
Manchester Corporation 24–5, 175
Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009) 224, 225
marine environment 212–15
Mass Trespass 72–3
Matheson, Donald 240
Melchett, Lord 108
military occupation 194, 203
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 114–15
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) 142, 144, 145–6, 148, 149, 153
Montreal Protocol (1987) 60
Morris, William (artist) xii, 15–16, 25
Morris, William (car designer) 287
motorways 288, 289
mountains 69–70
Muir, John xv, 68
National Character Areas 111
National Ecosystem Assessment 115–16, 154, 185
National Farmers’ Union (NFU) 87, 140, 144
National Forest 186
National Grid 80, 283–4
National Health Service 46, 51
National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) 248, 252
National Land Fund 243
National Nature Reserves 103
National Parks xiv, 54, 90–1, 92–4, 120, 284
and administration 79–84, 86–90, 91–2
and agriculture 143–4
and cities 92–3, 296
and the coast 203–5
and creation 75–8, 307
and Exmoor 66–7, 85–6
and forests 177–8
and USA 67–8
National Parks and Access to Countryside Act (1949) 51–2, 74, 78
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 297–8, 300–2
National Trust xii, xiv, 43, 153, 256–8
and children 315–16
and the coast 193–4, 200, 204, 207–12, 216–21, 223, 225
and forests 187–9
and foundation 15, 17, 23, 26–9, 306
and historic buildings 230, 232, 238, 239–44, 246–53
and nature 95–6, 100, 105–6
and peat 155–7
and planning 298, 299, 300–2
Natural Capital Committee 116, 117
Natural England 113
Natural Environment White Paper 2011 116
Natural History of Selborne (White) 5, 97–8
Natural Resources Wales 184
nature 5–6, 51, 95–8, 100–4, 307, 310–11
and agriculture 107–9
and children 314–16
and the coast 212–14
and conservation 110–11, 112–21
and pollution 104–6
see also birdlife; plantlife; wildlife
Nature Conservancy 102–4, 213–14
Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) 106–7, 108–9, 111–12, 180, 182
Nature Improvement Areas 116, 117
Neville, Charles 201, 202
New Forest 5, 78, 89–90, 92, 170, 177
New Lanark 276
New Towns 48, 281, 282, 283, 285–6
non-native species 119–20
Norfolk Broads 91, 92, 122–3, 145–6
North Downs 79
North York Moors 78, 80, 92, 204
Northern Ireland 208
Northumberland 78, 204
Office of Works 235
oil 54, 104, 212–13, 215
open-field farming 128, 129, 130, 133–5
Owen, Robert 276
Packer, Richard 148
Parker, Barry 279
parks 3–4, 16, 81, 271, 294; see also National Parks
Patten, Chris, Lord 58
Peacehaven 44, 200–2
Peak District 40, 70, 71, 72–3, 74, 78
and administration 79, 80
and peat 91, 155–6
peat 91, 97, 122, 131, 155–7, 180
Peek, Henry 21
Peers, Charles Reed 235, 237
Pembrokeshire Coast 78, 80, 204, 208
Pennine Way 73, 74, 97
pesticides 104, 105
Planning Acts (1909/19/32) 31–2, 33, 44
plantlife 54, 120, 179
poetry 2, 6, 30, 33–4, 133–4, 287
pollution 9, 54, 55, 104–5, 215, 289–90
population growth 8–9, 55, 264, 265, 267
Porchester, Henry Herbert, Lord 86–7
Port Sunlight 276, 277
Potter, Beatrix 26, 150
poverty 9, 23, 35, 139
Prescott, John, Lord 58, 293
Preservation of Rural England, The (Abercrombie) 37
Price, Uvedale 5
Priestley, J. B. 35–6
Public Forest Estate 187–90
quarrying 7, 24, 25, 88
Rackham, Oliver 161–2, 164, 169
railways 12, 24, 139, 230, 261–3, 273–4
ramblers 70, 73, 151
Rawnsley, Conrad 211
Rawnsley, Hardwicke 15, 23–4, 25–6
regionalism 46, 127–31, 136–7
Reilly, Sir Charles 36–7
Reith, John, Lord 47–9, 76–7, 282
religion 2, 265, 275, 311
renewable energy 221–4
Repton, Humphry 5, 169
ResPublica 297, 309
Restriction of Ribbon Development Act (1935) 44
ribbon development 36, 37, 41, 44, 280
Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act (1951) 104
roads 25, 87–8, 205, 287, 288–90
Rogers, Richard, Lord 263, 292–3, 295
Rothman, Benny 72–3
Rothschild, Charles 100, 101
Rowntree, Joseph 278
Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) 136
Royal Forests 165–8, 176–7
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 100, 101, 105, 118, 179, 180, 182
rural planning 36–9, 47
Ruskin, John xii–xiii, 1–2, 10–15, 17–18, 23, 25, 64
and legacy 31, 50
and National Trust 26–7
Sandford, Lord 82–4
sandlands 136
Sandys, Duncan 244–5, 280
sanitation 32, 33, 272–3
Sayer, Sylvia 82
Sayes Court 22–3, 170
science 101–3
Scotland 39, 69, 92, 111, 112, 179–80, 182
Scott Committee 47, 103–4, 125, 203
Sea Birds Preservation Act (1869) 99–100
seaside resorts 199–200, 205, 271, 274
Second World War 45–6, 140
set-aside schemes 147, 148
sewage 215–16
Shaw Lefevre, George 234–5
sheep farming 128–9, 130, 135, 144, 150
Sheffield Association for the Protection of Local Scenery 41
shipbuilding 170, 196, 197
Shoard, Marion 56, 143
Shropshire Lad, A (Housman) 1, 33
Silent Spring (Carson) 104–5
Silkin, Lewis 30, 51–2, 73, 74, 77
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) 88–9, 102, 103, 106–7, 109
slum clearances 33, 35, 275
Snowdonia xiii–xiv, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 204
Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves (SPNR) 100–2, 105
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) 15, 28
Society of Antiquaries of London 233, 234
soil conditions 154–8
Somerset, Guy 66
Somervell, Robert Miller 24–5
South Downs 78, 79, 91, 92
sprawl 30–1, 35–6, 41–2, 275, 280
Standing Committee on National Parks (SCNP) 81, 82, 178
Steers, J. Alfred 203, 208
Stephenson, Tom 73, 74, 78, 225
Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment (1972) 54, 60
Stukeley, William 233
sustainability 63, 91, 185, 309–10
and agriculture 147, 152–3, 155
and fish 214–15
Symonds, Rev H. H. 176
Talbot, Fanny 14, 27, 200
tax breaks 111, 142, 180, 182
technology 53–4, 61–2, 131–2, 135
textile industry 269
Theft of the Countryside, The (Shoard) 56, 143
Thirlmere 24–5
timber 138–9, 168, 170–2, 173–4, 185–6
Tomorrow! A Peaceful Path to Reform (Howard) 278
Torrey Canyon, SS 104, 212–13, 215
tourism 5, 24, 150–1, 232–3, 257
and the coast 193–4, 199–200, 205
and historic buildings 246–50
and National Parks 81, 82, 90
and woodlands 177, 184–5
Town and Country Planning Acts (1932/44/47) 51, 75, 76, 244, 282–3
Transition Towns 295
trees 25, 91, 111, 160–5, 168–9, 170
and benefits 184–5, 190–1
and controversies 54, 172–3, 174–6, 179–80, 182
and forestry 169–70
Trevelyan, Charles 69
Trevelyan, G. M. 42–3, 76
Turner, J. M. W. 1, 10
ugliness 41, 43, 63
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) 246
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 60, 114
United States of America 67–8, 104–5
Unwin, Sir Raymond 36–7, 279, 280
uplands 136, 137, 174
urban regeneration 263–4, 292–7
urbanisation 9–10, 12–13, 30–1, 33, 35–6, 135–6, 261–2, 307–8
and decline 291–3
and history 264–9, 270–5, 284–6
and planning 297–8, 300–4
Uthwatt Committee 46
Vermuyden, Cornelius 130, 131
Waldegrave, William, Lord 109, 148
Wales 39, 69, 112, 184
and coastal path 225, 226–7
war poets 30, 33–4
Weaver, Sir Lawrence 36–7
Webb, Mary 34
Wembury Point 193–4
wetlands 98, 119
White, Gilbert 5, 97–8
Whittow, Dr John 208–9
Wicken Fen 95–6, 100, 157
Wild Birds Acts 99–100, 101
wildlife 51, 91, 96–7, 98–100, 115–16, 307
and the coast 194, 212–14
and decline 118
and pollution 104–5
and woodlands 185
Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) 86–7, 107–9, 213
Wildlife and Countryside Link 113
Wildlife Link 108
Wildlife Trusts, The 119, 214, 225
Williams-Ellis, Clough 36, 41–2, 280
Williamson, Henry 34
Wilson, Woodrow 67–8
Wimbledon Common 21, 22, 69
wind turbines 63, 221–4
Woodland Trust 185, 187
woodlands 54, 90, 161, 162–5, 168–9, 171
and benefits 184–7, 190–2
and decline 170–2, 173, 179
and new creations 186–7
wool industry 265–6
Wordsworth, William 6, 7–8, 12, 24, 68, 306
and trees 172–3, 175
World Heritage Sites 92–3, 246
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) 56
Yorkshire Dales 78, 80, 91, 92
Young, Arthur 132, 133, 268