ABC, 12

AFL-CIO, 205

abortion, 125

causes cancer, CBN panel says, 10

abortion clinic violence, 108

absentee ballots, 66, 68

academia: repression in, 40–60

acid rain, 99

adultery: punishment for in Iran, 126

advertisers: media influence, 11

Afghanistan, 127

U.S. bombing of, 287

See also Taliban

African Americans

fear of Bolshevism and, 356

rights, 84–85, 86

voting and, 67–68, 74

Agent Orange, 173, 174

agribusiness, 103–104, 178

agricultural productivity: Eastern Europe, 280

air pollution, 92, 98

Al-Qaddafi, Muammar, 299

Al-Qaeda: alleged links to Iraq, 302

Albanians, 292–293

refugees from NATO bombings, 295–296

Alfonso, Carlos, 317

Alito, Samuel, 83

Allen, George, 73

Allende, Salvador, 195

Allied invasion of Russia (1918–1920), 354–359

alternative culture, 250

alternative energy, 103, 104

American Broadcasting Company, 12

American Institute for Free Labor Development, 205

American Political Science Association, 52

Amerika, 358

anarchists, 190, 193, 250

Andrew White and, 43

Ancient Lowly, The (Ward), 339

Ancient Rome, 366–383

Anglo-American Establishment, The (Quigley), 340

anticommunism, 44–45

Allied invasion of Russia and, 354–359

Eastern Europe, 285

Germany, 347

Italy, 198–199

leftists and, 190, 286

NATO and, 196–197

antiwar movement, 172

Anyon, Jean, 338

apathy, 182

Appian, 367

Arab states, 309

why their people see U.S. as enemy, 319–320

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 92

Argentina, 217

arms race: fear of socialist revolution and, 366

Army Corps of Engineers, 76

Aronowitz, Stanley, 253–254

Aronson, Ronald, 254

Arora, Satish Kumar, 365

Asconius, 367

assassinations, 196, 198, 305, 318

Abraham Lincoln, 333

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, 376

asthma: news media and, 4–7 passim atomic bomb, 364

atrocities: media coverage, 294–295, 296–297

Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 371

automobiles, 95, 97–101, 168–169

asthma and, 6

cost of use, 99

Eastern Europe, 279

fatalities, 98

globalized production of, 266–267

pollution and, 104

See also electric cars

BBC, 3–7 passim, 27

Indonesia coverage, 26

BGH, 178

Baath Party, 127

backed by CIA, 303, 305

Baker, James, 205

bakeries, 164–168

“balance” and media, 26–27

ballot boxes: go missing in Florida, 64


absentee, 69

recounts prevented, 88

spoiled and discarded, 68–69

Baltic states, 362

Bank of North Dakota, 220


publicly owned, 220

Venezuela, 313, 315

Beard, Charles, 44

Bechtel, 308

Belgrade, 290, 293

Bellow, Saul, 55


in book reviews, 340

in library book selection, 340–341

in media (alleged), 7–17

in textbooks, 338

Bin Laden, Osama, 319

birthrates, 271, 281

Bismarck, Otto von, 354

Black Panther Party, 197

Blackwell, J. Kenneth, 106

“Bolivarian Circles,” 314

Bolsheviks, 353–357 passim

bombings, 322

by Bosnian Muslims , 295

by Clinton administration, 287

of Serbia, 22, 189, 295–296, 301

Italy, 198

of Cambodia by the U.S, 38, 211

of Lebanon by the U.S., 320

book publishing, 339–341

book reviews: ideological bias and, 340

Bookchin, Murray, 250

Bosnia, 290–296 passim

Muslims, 295

Boston Globe, 340

bovine growth hormone (BGH), 178

Bowles, Samuel, 50

Boxer Rebellion, 353

Boyd, Charles, 292

Brady, Nicholas, 242

Brandeis, Louis, 218

Brass Check, The (Sinclair), 340

bread, 164–168

subsidies for demanded in Ancient Rome, 369

“bread and circuses,” 368–370

Brechin, Gray, 93

Breyer, Stephe, 88

Britain. See Great Britain

British Broadcasting Corporation. See BBC

British imperialism, 263–264, 271–272

British National Health Service, 221

Brokaw, Tom 24–25

Brooke, Alan, 364

Brooklyn College, 47

Brooks, Jack, 204

burning: as method of torture/execution, 118, 126. See also self-immolation

Burton, Dan, 135

Bush, George H. W., 205, 240, 310

Bush, George W., 63–72 passim, 188, 217

acknowledges global warming, 91

Afghanistan and, 127

amazed there’s such misunderstanding of U.S., 322

“executive privilege” and, 87

Harken and Halliburton scandals and, 310

Hurricane Katrina and, 76, 83

Iraq War and, 301–304, 309–312 passim

lambasted by Hugo Chávez, 316

national debt and, 240

neither retarded nor misdirected, 311–312

nuclear reactors and, 102

same-sex marriage and, 130

Supreme Court and, 83, 86

U.S. Naval Academy speech, 310–311

See also George W. Bush v. Al Gore

Bush, Jeb, 63


government and, 207–219

labor exploitation and, 229–234

See also cartels; small businesses

Butler, Charles Murray, 43–44

Caesar, Julius, 367, 369, 371–372, 374

popular initiatives of, 375

Cameron, Alan, 369

campaign spending, 105–106

cancer, 93

nuclear plants and, 102

capitalism, 229–234

Cold War and, 352–366 passim

culture and, 243–250

democracy and, 207–219

Eastern Europe, 206, 278–286

Yugoslavian resistance to, 288–289

environment and, 90–97

fascism and, 343–352 passim, 360

historiography and, 339

Hurricane Katrina and, 74–83 passim

imperialism and, 263–278 passim

inequality and, 234–243

Iraq War and, 304–308

state and, 207

See also class

Carnegie, Andrew, 248

Carr, E. H., 334–335

cars, 95, 97–101, 168–169

asthma and, 6

cost of use, 99

Eastern Europe, 279

fatalities, 98

globalized production of, 266–267

pollution and, 104

See also electric cars

cartels, 216

drug trafficking, 111

Germany, 264, 347, 349

oil industry, 6, 102

Carter, Jimmy, 200, 319–320

Cassius Dio Cocceianus, 372

Catholic Church: childbirth and, 150

Catiline, 377

Cato, Marcus Porcius, 375, 377

Cecil Rhodes–Alfred Milner Round Table, 332–333

censorship, 11–13

Antonio Gramsci and, 16

assassination of Gracchi and, 376

by NATO in Bosnia, 290–291

campus, 57

Croatia, 291

of global warming report, 77

media’s own methods of, 17–31

See also self-censorship

Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA

centrists, 189, 192, 193–194

charities, 77–79 passim

Charlemagne, 264

Charles, Robert, 119

Chávez, Hugo, 312–318

Cheney, Dick, 188, 217

Harken and Halliburton scandals and, 310

Chernobyl nuclear accident, 102

child abuse, 133

child labor, 159–160, 273

China, 282

Italy, 350

laws, struck down by courts, 85

child rape, 108, 126, 131

childbirth: Catholic Church and, 150


homeless, 281

Italian-American, 158–159

of gay parents, 136–137

Chile, 192, 195, 197


Japanese aggression in, 361

labor exploitation in 282

stock exchanges in , 279

U.S. intervention, 353

Wal-Mart in, 237–238

chlorofluorocarbon deregulation, 92

Christendom: historiography and, 335–337. See also Catholic Church

Christian Broadcasting Network, 9–10

Churchill, Winston, 332, 363, 365

CIA, 18–20 passim, 196, 200–203 passim, 205–206

Afghani operations, 321

Chilean operations, 195

Iraqi operations, 303, 305

Italian operations, 199

on college campuses, 42

report on Soviet military preparation, 366

train police, 206

Cicero, 366–367, 374, 377

Ciolli, Marco, 141, 143

CITGO, 316

Citibank, 266

Citizens for the Protection of Marriage, 130

City University of New York, Queens College, 53

civil war:

Spain, 359–360

Yugoslavia, 286–301 passim

class, 250–260

class struggle, 212, 218, 255–259 passim

government and, 243–245

historiography, 339

seen as passé, 255–258

classism in films, 141

Clear Channel, 11–12

client states, 277, 287–288

Clinton, Bill, 189, 193, 278

bombs Yugoslavia, et al, 287

calls Miloseviç “a new Hitler,” 300

complains about “knee-jerk liberal press,” 10

clitoridectomy, 125

Clodius, Publius, 367

coal miners: too weak from hunger to work, 284

Cohen, Morris Raphael, 38

Cold War, 278, 352–366 passim

conventional explanation of its start, 364–365

Coleman, William, 118

collective bargaining, 110

collectives: broken up in Eastern Europe, 280

colleges and universities, 248

control of, 41–43 passim

corporate connections with, 41

public ownership of, 221

repression in, 40–60

faculty purges, 45–47

collegia, 377

Colliers, Peter, 7–8

colonization, 269

Colosseum, 370

Columbia University, 43–44

common people. See workers and working class


Cuba, 27

Eastern Europe, 285–286

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 199

Communist Party (Germany), 347

Communist Party (Italy), 199, 259

repressed by Mussolini, 346

Communist Party USA, 44

Communist Youth Union (KSM), 285

Community Bank of the Cay, 220

conservation, 104

conservatives, 187–189

Constitution, 206–207. See also Fourteenth Amendment, Tenth Amendment

consumer control, 211

consumer debt, 239–240

consumer protection laws, 109

consumer spending: Eastern Europe, 283

consumerism, 238, 240–241

Conti, Ettore, 345


by trustees of social institutions, 247

exerted on Italian grandfathers by families, 157–158

ideological, 13–14

of colleges and universities, 41–43 passim

of corporations by the community (proposed), 105

of recording of history, 332–333

preferred in New Orleans to relief, 78

spectacles and social control, 370

state and, 194–195, 203–219 passim

See also censorship; consumer control

Cooper, Marc, 316

cooperatives, 221

broken up in Eastern Europe, 280

Venezuela, 315

Cornell University, 35, 43

corporations, 210

community control (proposed), 105

defined as persons, by law, 85, 87

power of, 233–234

subsidies to, 235

tax write-offs, 105

Third World exploitation and, 266

counterculture, 250

coups, 317

covert government actions, 111, 196, 200–201

credit unions, 220, 221

Critical Legal Studies movement, 46

Croatia, 291, 292

Crosby, John, 139

Crowd, The (Le Bon), 373


aid from, rejected, 81–82

hurricane response (2004), 75

media coverage of, 27

medical aid to Venezuela, 314

trade sanctions against, 111

U.S. history in, 276, 353

culture: monopolistic, 243–250

currency, 108

Iraq and, 306–307

Czech Republic

anticommunism in, 285

mistreatment of Roma, 287


Britain and France dictate to, 362

Nazi Germany and, 360

Soviet Union and, 361

dairy industry, 178

dams, 104

Dartmouth College, 46

Davis, Angela, 45

De Ste. Croix, G. E. M., 369–370

Deadly Deception, 12

Deakin, William, 332

“defense” spending. See military spending

deficit spending, 108, 240

Delay, Tom, 188

democracy, 212–213

capitalism and, 207–219

historic purpose, 243–244

suppressed in United States, 311–312

Democratic Leadership Council, 17

Democratic Party

journalists vote for, 15–16

distinction from Republican Party, 217


of Iraqis, 294

of leaders of “rogue nations,” 299–300

of Hugo Chávez, 315–317

of Serbs, 293

demonstrations and protests

campus, 54

media coverage, 26

repression against, 45

dental care: Venezuela, 314

Department of Homeland Security, 79

Dewitt Clinton High School, 169

Dickinson, John, 369

Diebold, Inc., 72

disaster relief: New Orleans, 74–83 passim

dissent, 34–36 passim, 39

fear of, 35

dissidents, 212

dismissed from academia, 43

in prison, 108

repressed by FBI, 196

See also demonstrations and protests

District of Columbia, 107

divorce, 134–135

conservative Christians and 134–135

same-sex couples and, 138

Dixie Chicks, 11

Dixon, Marlene, 45

documentary films: censorship, 12–13

Dolbeare, Kenneth, 46

domestic partnership, 130

domestic violence, 128–129, 133, 160

“dominant paradigm,” 31–40

dowries, 126, 132

dreams, 163

Dred Scott case, 84

drug trafficking

cartels, 111

CIA and, 19–20, 196, 206

See also heroin trade

drug offenders, 108

Dulles, Allen, 200

ES&S, 72

East Germany, 281

East Harlem, 149–163 passim

Eastern Europe, 206, 222–223

economic conditions, 278–286 passim

fascism in, 342

slavery in, 264

social conditions, 280

East Timor, 26, 286


automobiles and, 98

capitalism and, 90–97, 103

economic downturns , 242–242

economic inequality, 234–243

Eastern Europe, 279, 284

Venezuela, 312–313

Vietnam, 282–283

economic policy, 207–219

sanctions, 111

El Salvador, 26–27


Nazis and, 347

news media and, 112

polling station abnormalities, 63, 67, 68

United States (2000), 63–65

United States (2004), 36, 64–72

voter identification, 63–64, 73, 74

voter intimidation, 63, 69, 106

voter registration, 74, 106

See also touchscreen voting machines

electoral college, 64, 65, 73, 106

electoral reform, 105–107

electric cars, 100–101, 104, 169

elephants: in Roman spectacles, 371

Elich, Gregory, 67

Elliott, Charles William, 43

émigrés, Soviet, 50

employee-owned businesses, 221

employment, 107–108, 161

Endangered Species Act, 92

energy, alternative, 103, 104

Energy Conversion Devices, 104

Engels, Friedrich, 90, 199, 265, 272

environment, 173

capitalism and, 90–97, 103

environmental health: news media coverage, 3–7


called “eco-terrorists,” etc., 91

called “fresh air fiends,” 173

estate tax, 105

ethnic minorities

“ethnic cleansing” and, 292–293

in television shows, 140

stereotypes, 138–145

violence against, 117–124

voters, 67, 68, 74

See also African Americans


dubious historical distinctions, 269

military technology advantage, 269–270

See also World War II

euros, 306

“evil eye,” 151–152

executions, 291, 357

of slaves in Ancient Rome, 374–375

executive office, 198–200

“executive privilege,” 87

executive salaries, 232

exit polls, 70–71, 107

exploitation of workers, 213–214, 229–234 passim, 256

goal of U.S. in Yugoslavia, 289

Third World, 266

“extreme” (label), 191–192, 193

Exxon, 231

FBI, 45, 196

Oliver North and, 333–334

Yugoslav operations, 298

Faces of War, 12

faculty purges, 45–47

Falangist movement, 342

false consciousness, 181–186

families: Italian-American, 149–168

family businesses, 164–168

family wealth, 236–237

farm aid, 103

farm loans, 220


Ancient Rome, 374

Eastern Europe, 280

Venezuela, 313

fascism, 192, 196–197

censorship and, 16

Croatia, 291

history of, 341–352

United States and, 218

fear, 182

of communism, 355–356

of socialist revolutions, 366

federal aid to farmers, 103

Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 79, 80

Federal Reserve, 108

Feith, Douglas, 308–309

Feltsman, Vladimir, 50

female genital mutilation, 125

feminism: Pat Robertson on, 10

film industry: ownership, 11


election of 2000, 63–64, 88

election of 2006, 73

voters purged, 74

Foley, Mark, 136

Foley, Tom, 204


Italian Americans and, 142, 157

makes slide show worth sitting though, 163

See also bread; organic foods

Forbes, Steve, 187

foreign aid, 111

to U.S. after Hurricane Katrina, 81

foreign investment, 266

Vietnam and, 282

Foreign Operations Appropriations Act (1991), 290

forensics teams, 298

former Soviet republics: economic conditions, 278–286 passim

fossil fuels, 94–95, 104

pollution, 94

Foule, La (Le Bon), 373

foundations: conservative, 55

Fournier, Jacques, 335–336

Fourteenth Amendment, 84–86, 88

Fox News Network, 8–9, 31

France, 221

Bismarck and, 354

Middle Ages, 336–337

Francis, David, 355–356

Franco, Francisco, 342

Franklin, Bruce, 45

free clinics: Venezuela, 314–315

free-market capitalism. See capitalism

“free trade” (media label), 21

free trade agreements, 110

media coverage, 26, 29

freedom of speech

candidates for office and, 88

corporations and, 87

Freethought Today, 136

freeways, 99

fundamentalism: child abuse and, 133

Garves, Rick, 66

gay marriage, 129–130, 137

banned in Bible Belt states, 135

gay parents, 136–137

Gelb, Bruce, 279

General Electric, 11, 12

General Motors, 101, 266–267

genetically modified crops, 178

“genocide” (label): media and, 24

George W. Bush v. Al Gore, 88

Georgia: election of 2002 and, 72

Germany, 264

Allied invasion of Russia and, 357

fascism in, 341–352 passim

planned assassinations in, 196

Yugoslavia and, 288, 299

See also East Germany; Nazis and Nazism

Gerassi, John, 53

Ghana: girl sex slaves in, 126

Gillan, Audrey, 296

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 88

girls: as wives, 131

gladiatorial contests, 371–372

global warming, 77, 96–97, 104

acknowledged by Bush Jr., 91

automobiles and, 99

normalized by stand-up comics, 96

globalization: media coverage, 29

glue sniffing, 281

Goebbels, Joseph, 38

Goering, Herman, 346

Goodfellas, 140

Gore, Al, 63–64. See also George W. Bush v. Al Gore

Gouldner, Alvin, 33


lying and, 304

right-wing views of, 9–10, 80–81, 187–189, 197–198

secrecy in, 87, 111, 196, 200–201, 203

John F. Kennedy assassination, 334

Lincoln assassination and, 333

spending. See deficit spending; military spending

state and, 194–207

suppression of information. See censorship

widely varying figures about Albanian deaths and, 297

See also plutocracy

Gracchus, Gaius, 376–377

Gracchus, Tiberius, 376–377

Gramsci, Antonio, 16, 244, 248–249, 259

conference on, 255

grandparents, 150–153, 157–159

overprotection of, 157–158

Great Britain

Allied invasion of Russia and, 354–358 passim

Bolshevism and, 363, 364

imperialism, 263–264, 271–272

Ireland and, 287

Japan aggression in China and, 361

Nazi Germany and, 360

Spanish civil war and, 359

World War II and, 362, 363

Great Depression, 160–161

Greece, 196, 197, 209

Grenada, 201

Groves, Leslie R., 364

Guatemala, 26–27, 272, 286

Gulf War (1990–1991), 205

media fabrication about Kuwaiti babies, 294

Gwyn, Richard, 299

“gypsies,” 287

HMOs, 109

habeas corpus, 206

Haggard, Ted, 136

Halliburton, 308, 310

“hardliner” (media label), 22

Harken Energy Corporation, 310

Harris, Kathleen, 63

Harvard University, 41, 43, 49-51 passim

Harvey, Mose, 364

Hayes, Ted, 51

health care, 183–184

Eastern Europe, 280

reform, 109

UK, 221–222

Venezuela, 314–315

heroin trade, 292

Hess, Rudolf, 343

heterodoxy. See dissent

high school, 169–170

higher education: repression in, 40–60

highways, 99

history and historiography, 331–341

Allied invasion of Russia and, 358–359

Ancient Rome, 366–383

Hitler, Adolf, 341–343 passim, 347–349 passim, 360

leaders of “rogue nations” and, 299–300

pact with Stalin, 361–362

hoaxes, 254

Holocaust revisionists, 291

Homeland Security Department, 79

homelessness: Eastern Europe, 281

Honduras: aid from, accepted, 84

Hoon, Geoff, 297

Hoover, Herbert: aids Eastern European militarists, 358

Hoover, J. Edgar, 194

Horowitz, David, 3–7

House Intelligence Committee, 203

housing: New Orleans, 82

Hume, David, 34


economic conditions, 279, 283–284

Herbert Hoover and, 358

rising suicide rate, 280

hunger, 160–161

Hurricane Katrina, 74–83 passim, 122

Hussein, Saddam, 37, 127, 301–309 passim

labels indicative of demonization, 299–300

Hyde, Henry, 135–136

hydrogen-cell energy, 104

ideological bias. See bias


Italian, 150–163 passim

Soviet, 50

immolation: as method of torture/execution, 118, 126. See also self-immolation imperialism, 263–278

British, 263–264, 271–272


former Soviet republics, 283

inequality, 234

income tax reform, 105


asthma in, 5

British imperialism and, 271–272

child labor in, 273

violence against women in, 126

indoctrination, 331

Indonesia, 287

media coverage, 19, 26

inequality, 234–243

Eastern Europe, 279, 284

Venezuela, 312–313

Vietnam, 282–283

infanticide, 125

infibulation, 125

Inouye, Daniel, 200, 204

Inquisition, 335–336

insider trading, 310

insurance: Nazi Germany, 350–351

Intel, 231

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Republic of Yugoslavia, 297, 298

interventionism. See military intervention Invasion USA, 358

Iran-Contra scandal, 202, 203, 333–334

crack cocaine and, 19–20

Iraq: U.S. bombing of, 287. See also Gulf War

Iraq War, 301–312, 320

casualties not mentioned by Fox News, 9

Congress and, 301

normalized in advance by media, 25

pretexts for, 301–304

propaganda and, 37–38

supported by Clear Channel, 11–12

Ireland, 263–264, 272, 287

Isaacs, Harold, 255

Islamic extremists, 318–319, 321


repression of Palestinians, 287

United States and, 308–309

Italian Americans and Italians

families, 149–163

family businesses, 164–168

in films, 140, 141

in television commercials, 141–142

in television shows, 140

men, 152–154

stereotypes of, 138–145, 153

women, 150–152, 154

Italian words: in English language, 142


fascism in, 341–352 passim

neofascism in, 196–197, 198–199

World War II and, 155

Izetbegovic, Alija, 291

James, William, 40


aggression against China and USSR, 361

enters “Axis alliance,” 361

jargon, 254

Jennings, Christine, 73

Jewish Holocaust revisionists, 291


massacred by Russian White Guard, 357

Nazis and, 343

Jihad, 319

jingoism, 343

job programs, 107–108

Jones, Walter, 50

journal articles, 254

journalists: self-censorship, 16–17

judges, 83–90

term limits, 90

Juvenal, 368, 370

Keillor, Garrison, 139

Kennedy, John, 200–201

Kerr, Charles, H., 339

Kerry, John, 64–72 passim

Kirkpatrick, Evron, 52

Kissinger, Henry, 52, 197

Knox, Alfred, 355

Kosovo, 289, 290

ethnic cleansing in, 292–293

Kosovo Liberation Army, 292

Kouchner, Bernard, 297

Kumar, Satish. 365

Kurdoff, Emil, 348

Kurds, 287


class and, 252

“genocide” in Yugoslavia, 299

“hardliner,” 22

imperialism and, 263, 264

“left” and “right,” 186–194, 316–317

“Marxist,” 253, 255, 258

media and, 20–22, 30

military interventions and, 263

of assault, 128–129

of common people of Ancient Rome, 366–68

of Hugo Chávez, 315–317

of one whose only crime was to resist police beating, 119

of those who talk of U.S. imperialism, 265

racism and, 123

“rogue nations,” 299–300

“Third World,” 268, 270, 274

“underdevelopment,” 271, 272, 273

labor exploitation, 213–214, 229–234 passim, 256

goal of U.S. in Yugoslavia, 289

Third World, 266

labor laws, 109–110

struck down by courts, 85

labor movement: collaboration with national security state, 205

labor unions, 109–110, 205, 254

housing and, 221

repressed in Eastern Europe, 279, 283

Ladurie, Le Roy, 336–337

Lansing, Robert, 355

Lasswell, Harold D., 365

Lay, Ken, 217

Le Bon, Gustave, 373

Lea, Charles Henry, 335

“left” and “right” (labels) 186–194

“lemon socialism,” 208, 221

Lenin, Vladimir, 355

Leontif, Wassily, 51

lesbian and gay marriage, 129–130, 137

banned in Bible Belt states, 135

lesbian parents, 136–137

levees, 76

liberals, 190

libraries: bias in book selection, 340–341

Likud Party, 308

Limbaugh, Rush, 135, 188

Lincoln, Abraham, 232

assassination, 333

Lippmann, Walter, 32–33

living-wage movement, 110

Locke, John, 243

logging, 92

logic, 38

Lombardi, John, 47

Louisiana: coastline receding, 77

Lubet, Steven, 56–57

lynchings, 117–124 passim

of Mexicans, 117

Macmillan: “inadvertently” destroys book plates, 340

MacNeil, Robert, 142

Madison, James, 231

mafia, 138–145 passim

Manhattan Project, 364

Marcoviç, Mira, 293–294

marital rape, 133

marriage, 129–138

married women, 131, 132

Marshall, George, 364

Marx, Karl, 218, 231, 265

on state, 199

Marxists, 49, 190, 259

Andrew White and, 43

labeling of, 253, 255, 258

mass transit, 97–98, 99, 100, 104

masses. See workers and working class

Masterpiece Theater, 248

Mayans, 272, 287

McCarthyism, 44–45

McCone, John, 200–201

McGovern, George, 196

media, 3–31

“balance” and, 26–27

CIA and, 205

corporate nature of, 10–12

demonize Hugo Chávez, 315–317

“dominant paradigm” and, 38–39

downplay anti-Serb war crimes, 294

election candidates and, 112

fabricate atrocity stories, 294

framing and, 28

Hurricane Katrina and, 79

hype alleged mass graves in Kosovo, 296, 298

ideological lens of, 15

Iraq War and, 37

liberal bias alleged, 7–17

manipulation techniques, 17–31

on terrorism, 318–319

ownership of, 10–12

political campaigns and, 112

reform, 111–112

repetition and, 24–25

right-wing Christian, 9–10

science and, 4–7 passim

spectrum of opinion, 13, 26

target of NATO bombings in Bosnia, 290–291

Venezuelan, 315

Vietnam War and, 38

See also newspapers; radio; television

medical care. See health care

Medicare, 109, 171

medieval history, 334–337

Meier, Christian, 368

Meranto, Philip, 52–53

Mexican War, 117, 353

Mexicans: lynched in the Southwest, 117

Middle Ages, 334–337

middle class, 240–241

Middle East. See Arab states, Israel

midwifery, 152

Miers, Harriet, 83

military bases, American, 287, 365

Czech Republic, 285

Military Commissions Act, 207, 311

military intervention, 110

Allied invasion of Russia, 354–359

centrists and, 189–190

demonization of leaders and, 299–300

labeling of, 263

marked selectiveness of, 287

news media cover from Pentagon point of view, 13

news media fail to cover, 9, 11

resultant terrorism and, 322

U.S. history of, 211, 303, 322–323, 353

Afghanistan, 127

Grenada, 201

Nicaragua, 202

Panama, 205

Yugoslavia, 286–301, passim

pretexts for, 294–295

See also Iraq War, Mexican War; Philippine War; Spanish-American War; Vietnam War

military spending, 110–111

media and, 22–23

military technology, 178–179, 269–270

Bush Jr. enthuses about, 310–311

milk production, 178

Miller, Willard, 53–54

Mills, C. Wright, 48, 181

Milner Group, 332–333

Miloseviç, Slobodan, 293–294

atrocities ascribed to, 298

demonized, 300

indicted for alleged war crimes, 298, 299

minimum wage, 110, 214

outlawed in Italy, 350


Kosovo, 289

mountaintop removal, 92

See also coal miners; Trepca mine

Minor v. Happersett, 86


in television shows, 140

violence against, 117–124

voters, 67, 68, 74

See also African Americans

Miramax, 12

miscegenation laws, 132

“moderate” (label), 189, 191–194 passim

Mommsen, Theodore, 368, 377

money, 170–171, 179–181, 232

Adam Smith on, 230

See also currency

Mongolia, 281–282

monorails, 100, 169

Monsanto, 178

Montaillou, France, 336–337

Montgomery, Bernard, 366

Moore, Michael, 12

Morison, Samuel Eliot, 338

Morrow, Robert, 196

Mossad, 309

Mouffe, Chantal, 257

mountaintop removal mining, 92

Mumford, Lewis, 368–370 passim


Bosnia, 295

extremist, 318–319, 321

Mussolini, Benito, 154–155, 341–346 passim, 349

Nader, Ralph, 65

napalm, 41

narcotics trade, 19–20, 196, 206. See also heroin trade

Nasica, 376

national debt, 108, 110, 240

India, 271

Iraq, 306

National Forum Foundation, 8

National Guard: Hurricane Katrina and, 78, 80

national health care, 183–184, 221

national park privatization (proposed), 92

national security state, 200–207 passim

National Socialist German Workers Party, 342


Italian-American, 154

Serbian, 293–294

nationalization of industry, 208–209, 221


Bosnian operations, 292

neofascists and, 196–197

Yugoslavian operations, 286–301 passim

natural resources, 268–269

First World consumption of, 270

Yugoslavia, 289


corporate capitalism and, 90–91, 268–269

Friedrich Engels on, 90

Nazis and Nazism, 264, 291, 341–343 passim, 346–352 passim

admired by plutocrats, presidents, et al, 359

Czechoslovakia and, 360

seen as bulwark against communism, 360–361

Soviet Union and, 361–363 passim

neoconservatives, 308–309

Nero, 375

New Deal, 107

New England School of Law, 46

New Orleans

Hurricane Katrina and, 74–83

violence against African Americans in, 118–124 passim

New Orleans Corps of Engineers, 76

New Mexico: election of 2004 and, 68–70, 72

New York City

bakeries, 164–167

Parenti’s childhood in, 149–167

New York Times

Venezuela coverage, 316, 317–318

Yugoslavia coverage, 293–295 passim


complicity in lynchings, 120

ownership of, 11

presidential endorsements, 65

shut down by Mussolini, 345

Nicaragua, 112, 195, 202, 203, 353

working class in, 257

See also Iran-Contra scandal

9/11 terrorist attacks, 310

media and, 24–25

Nixon, Richard, 202

gets his history wrong, 358

says Italians “smell different,” 139

nonprofits, 245–246, 247

Noriega, Manuel, 299

North, Oliver, 204

shreds documents, 333–334

nuclear reactors, 101–102, 104

accidents, 101–102

subsidies proposed for, 102

nuclear safety regulations: struck down by

Supreme Court, 86

nuclear waste disposal, 102

nuclear weapons, 110

disarmament inspections in Iraq, 302

See also atomic bomb

objectivity, 31–40, 331

occupational safety laws, 109

eliminated in Italy, 350

oceans: as receptacles for nuclear waste, 102

Ohio: election of 2004, 67–69 passim

oil industry, 94–95

cartels, 6, 102

Iraq, 306–308

Russia, 358

Venezuela, 316

Olin Foundation, 55

Operation Blessing, 78

Operation Gladio, 196

organic farming, 103

organic foods: “could kill you,” says John Stossel, 8

Organization for Security and Cooperation, 295

organized crime

ethnic stereotypes and, 138–139

government collusion with, 196

orthodox thinking, 31–40 passim

academia and, 42

overpopulation, 270

overtime work, 239

Italy, 350

Ovshinsky, Standford, 104

Owen, David, 295

owning class, 239–234 passim

relationship with workers, 251–253

PBS, 12–13

Palestinians, 287, 309

Panama, 205, 299, 353

Panama Deception, 12

paramilitary forces, 196–197

Russia, 283

Parenti, Michael

academic career, 46–47, 53, 166–167

family, 149–163

father and, 159–160

father’s bakery and, 164–168

values of, 168–174

Paris Commune, 372–373

Bismarck and, 354

Patriot Act, 207

pay, 230–231, 232, 234–235. See also minimum wage

peace movement, 172

“peak oil,” 94–95, 102

peasants: historiography and, 335–337

Pelosi, Nancy, 316

Pentagon Papers, 200

perception, 32–33, 37

Pérez Pujol, Emilio, 298

“permanent replacement” workers, 109

Perrot, Michelle, 258

philanthropy, 248–249

Philby, Kim, 363–364

Philippine War, 353

Phillips, Joan, 291

Pipes, Richard, 284

plebs, 366–372, 374–383

Plessy v. Ferguson, 86

Pletcher, Jill, 82

Plutarch, 367, 376–377

plutocracy, 207–219 passim

culture and, 243–250

environment and, 90–97 passim


1920 invasion of Russia and, 358

poverty in, 283

World War II and, 362, 363


compared to state, 194

domestic violence and, 128

fascism and, 349

racial violence and, 118–122 passim

Russia, 283

trained by CIA, 206

political candidates

news media and, 112

public financing, 105–106

“political correctness,” 35, 40–41, 54–55

political science teachers: repression

against, 51–53 passim

political spectrum, 186–194

polling station abnormalities, 63, 67, 68


asthma and, 6, 7

automobiles and, 98

Polybius, 367

polygamy, 130–131

Pompey, 371

poor people. See poverty; workers and

working class

Pope John Paul II: visit to Cuba of, 27

postal service privatization, 222


Eastern Europe, 279–284

India, 272

Mongolia, 281–282

Venezuela, 313

wealth and, 234–243

power, 171

money and, 179–180

state and, 194–207 passim

wealth and, 208

Prairie Home Companion, 139

pranks, 254

presidential elections

United States (2000), 63–65

United States (2004), 36, 64–72

presidential privilege, 87

primogeniture, 237

prisoners, 108–109

privatization, 208, 209

halted in Venezuela, 313

in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, 351

of national parks (proposed), 92

of postal services and utilities, 222

U.S. goal in Iraq, 306

U.S. goal in Yugoslavia, 289

profit, 231–232

progressives, 190–191

proletariat. See workers and working class

propaganda, 37–38, 198

about “mass graves” in Kosovo, 298

Eastern European capitalism and, 278

property: government and, 243–244

proportional representation, 106

prostitution, 126, 128

Eastern Europe, 283

Jimmy Swaggart and, 136

Ted Haggard and, 136

protests and demonstrations

campus, 54

media coverage, 26

repression against, 45

Pryor, Richard, 139

Public Broadcasting System, 12–13

public health: Eastern Europe, 280–281

public ownership, 220–222

ended in Bosnia, 291

ended in Eastern Europe, 279, 280

ended in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, 351

in Iraq, 305, 306

of banks, 220

of broadcasting in Yugoslavia, 291

U.S. goal to end it in Yugoslavia, 289

public transportation, 97–98, 99, 100, 104

publishing industry, 339–341

Qaddafi, Muammar al, 299

Queens College, CUNY, 53

Queens, New York, 162

Quigley, Carroll, 332–333, 340

race relations, 123, 124

segregation, 86

racism, 214

class and, 258–259

fascism and, 343

history, 117–124

in marital law, 132

radiation emissions, 102

radio, 11–12

news broadcasts, 3–7 passim

talk show hosts, 7, 8

railroads, 248

nationalization of, 209, 221

Rambouillet agreement (1999), 290

Ranz, John, 294


clergy and, 136

Croatia, 291

encouraged in Albania, 293

laws, Latin America, 131–132

Serbs accused of, 293, 294–296

See also child rape; marital rape

rapid transit, 104

Rather, Dan, 318–319

Reagan, Ronald, 50, 78, 201–202

gets his history wrong, 358

national debt and, 240

on “liberal media,” 10

Supreme Court and, 86


problem for the ruling class, 39

radicalness of, 14–15

recessions, 241–242

Red Army (Soviet Union), 364–365

red-baiting. See anticommunism

Red Cross, 78, 80

“reforms” (media label), 21

refugees: Albanian, 295–296

relief aid. See charities


child abuse and, 133

historiography and, 335–337

Italian-Americans and, 154

terrorism and, 320–321

religious media, 9–10

reporters: self-censorship, 16

reproductive rights, 125. See also abortion

Republican Party: distinction from Democratic Party, 217

Republika Srpska, 292

rescue operations: New Orleans, 78–79

research: funded by Pentagon, 178–179

rich people, 233–240 passim, 252, 267–268

donations to charity and, 187

in czarist Russia, 357

philanthropy of, 248

taxation of, 212, 235, 242

Venezuela, 312

where they live, 93

Richards, Leonard, 373

“right” and “left,” 186–194

“right to work” laws, 110

rights: women and, 124–129 passim

riots: France, 19th century, 373

roads: asthma and, 6

Roberts, John, 78, 83

Robertson, Pat, 9, 10, 78, 189

“rogue nations,” 299–300, 315

United States as one, 303

Rohal, George, 257

Roma, 287

Romania, 281, 358

Rome, 366–383

Senate, 374–375

Roosevelt, Theodore, 205

Roscoe, Theodore, 333

Rose, Charlie, 27

Rostow, W. W., 274

Rudé, George, 373

Rumsfield, Donald, 306

Russia, 206, 223

Allied invasion, 1918–1920, 354–359

economic conditions, 279, 283, 284

public health, 280–281

revolution, 1917, 353–359 passim

suicide rate, 280

Ste. Croix, G. E. M. de, 369–370

salaries, 232

sales tax, 183

Sallust, 368

same-sex marriage, 129–130, 137

banned in Bible Belt states, 135

San Francisco Chronicle, 307

San Francisco Examiner, 294

San Jose Mercury News, 19–20

sanctions, 111

Satish Kumar, 365

Savo, Mario, 46

scabs, 109

Scaife Foundation, 55

Scalia, Antonin, 88

science: media and, 4–7 passim

Scullard, H. H., 367–369

Second World War, The (Churchill), 332

secrecy in government. See government, secrecy in

secret budgets, 204–205

sectarian left, 190

segregation, 86

self-censorship, 16–17, 34


African Americans and, 119

women and, 129

self-immolation, 127

self-interest, 174–178 passim

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 310

media and, 24–25

Sequoia Voting Systems, 72

Serbs, 292–299 passim

accused of rape, 293, 294–296

forced evacuation from Croatia, 291

Seton Hill College, 48

sex slavery, 126

sexism, 124–129


legislation, 9

septuagenarians and, 157

sharecroppers, 231

Sherwood, Don, 135–136

Sinclair Group, 12

Sinclair, Upton, 31, 340

single-payer health care, 109

single people, 133–134

skeptics and skepticism, 39, 40

“slave” (word), 264

slavery, 231, 264, 269

Ancient Rome, 374

slaves: mass execution of, 374–375

Slavs, 264, 288, 293

small businesses, 164–168, 222, 229

Smith, Adam, 230, 243

social class. See class

Social Democratic Party of Germany, 347

Social Security, 112, 171

media and, 23

Social Text, 253–254

socialism, 219–225

Mussolini and, 344–345

Sokal, Alan, 254

solar batteries, 100

Sopranos, The, 140

Sorenson, Theodore, 200

Southwest (United States), 117

Soviet émigrés, 50

Soviet Union, 279, 285, 352–366 passim

demise regretted, 284

Nazi Germany and, 361–362

World War II and, 363, 365–366

See also former Soviet republics


civil war (1936–1939), 359–360

fascism in, 342

Spanish-American War, 276

spectacles, Roman, 370–372 passim

Srbrenica, 294

Stalin-Hitler pact, 361–362

Star Wars missile program, 111


capitalism and, 208

Cicero on, 367

fascism and, 342–343

government and, 194–217

power of, 244

roles of, 216–217

sponsorship of terrorism, 322–323

State University of New York, New Paltz, 50

status quo: why people accept it, 181–186


Italian American and Italian, 138–145, 153

“lazy native,” 269

Stern, Jessica, 320

Stevens, John Paul, 87

Stone, I. F., 368

Stossel, John, 8


court injunctions against, 85

media coverage, 25

Mussolini and, 345

See also scabs

student voters, 68

Sturmabteilung (SA), 346

success: 169–170

Sudan: U.S. bombing of, 287

Sudetenland, 360

suicide: Eastern Europe, 280, 281

Sulla, 369, 377

Summers, Anthony, 196, 200

SUNY, New Paltz, 50

supermarkets: competition with small business, 165

Supreme Court, 83–90

election of 2000 and, 64, 88

Swaggart, Jimmy, 136

sweatshops, 161

Sweden: energy policy, 102

Symms, Steve, 91

Tacitus, 371, 374

Taliban, 321

women and, 127

taxation, 212

reform, 105, 108, 112

Taylor, A. J. P., 361, 363

teaching, 170, 171

technology, 177–181. See also military technology


censorship, 12

talk show hosts, 8, 27

Yugoslavia, 290–291

Tenth Amendment, 85–86

term limits: for judges, 90

terrorism, 318–327

Italy, 198–199

religion and, 320

textbook bias, 338

textile industry: India, 271

Thailand: aid from, accepted, 82

theaters: Rome, 371

third parties, 106

Third World, 263–278 passim

automobiles and, 98

birthrates, 271

labeling of, 268, 270

natural resources, 268–269

Thomas, Clarence, 88

Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 101

Thurmond, Strom, 120

Thyssen, Fritz, 348

Tillman, Kevin, 303–304

tobacco industry: Third World marketing, 5–6

Toro, Luis Angel, 117

touchscreen voting machines, 71–72, 73–74, 107

toxic waste, 92

trade sanctions, 111

trade freezes, 290

Tragedy and Hope (Quigley), 340

transportation, 97–101, 104

treaties, 361–362

Trepca mine: alleged atrocity at, 298

Trotskyites: anticommunism and, 190, 193

trucking industry, 99

Truman, Harry, 196, 364

Tudjman, Franjo, 291

Turkey, 196, 287

UK. See Great Britain

UN. See United Nations

USA Patriot Act, 207

U.S. Constitution, 206–207. See also Fourteenth Amendment, Tenth Amendment

U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, 79

U.S. Supreme Court, 83–90

election of 2000 and, 64, 88

“underdevelopment,” 271, 272, 273

unemployment: Eastern Europe, 282

unions, 109–110, 205, 254

housing and, 221

repressed in Eastern Europe, 279, 283

United Nations

disarmament inspections in Iraq, 302

Hugo Chávez and, 316

Yugoslavia and, 296, 297

universities and colleges, 248

control of, 41–43 passim

corporate connections with, 41

public ownership of, 221

repression in, 40–60

faculty purges, 45–47

University of California, Berkeley, 46, 47

University of Maryland, Baltimore, 50

University of Texas, 47–48

University of Vermont, 46, 49–50, 53–54

University of Washington, 52

University of Wisconsin, 51

unmarried people, 133–134

urban sprawl, 99, 100


ownership, 221

privatization, 222

Russia, 284

values, 168–174

Veblen, Thorstein, 43, 337

Venezuela, 312–318

aid from, rejected, 81