Wid ye jist look at this!
Jemimah McPherson is minding me
while Ammi is away asking Doctor Gordon
Kerr for a brother for me. She boils a kettle for tea
with extra sugar and milk so we can see who slurps
louder, then she takes a bit of spit to my jammy face,
slams our front door to make a big bang, holds my hand
and runs me fast all the way down Abbotsford Place
to Cavendish Street where her Jimmy lives.
They put me for safety in the kitchen sink
next to the window. The sun is shining so bright
in my face it makes me blink and squint
and squirm around so the light is pouring
over my shoulder instead, right through
Mimah and Jimmy with the confetti of dust
floating around them and the haloes
growing above their heads.
Her pink mouth makes nice shapes and she
looks like an angel to me.
They are laughing and happy. I am too,
because they are looking at me.
Wid ye look at this! Wid ye jist look at this!
Look at the wean wi’ a fag in her gob!
My cheeks awobble, spluttering,
Mimah holding me so I don’t bang ma heid
on the tap. Smoke in the sunlight, smoke in my eyes,
all of us laughing till we are greetin’,
and I am squealing, Mimah, Mimah! More!