Chapter 52

Jack cursed and ran to the railing. There was no sign of Alexios in the inky depths below. He was just about to climb up and dive in when he heard a shout and the pounding of feet behind him on the pier.

“Don’t bother,” Devon called out as he got closer. “The marine police and divers are already in the water, searching the area.”

“Where the hell have you been?” Jack demanded, out of breath. “You missed all the fun.”

“I was caught up in a hostage situation with Christa, the pop singer, and her ex-boyfriend. He was mixed up with the Bombers, and the robbery of the cash and carry. He was the one who shot Christa’s mum.”

“Is the girl all right?”

Devon nodded. “A bit shaken up, but she’s okay. She insisted on coming along.” He glanced at Jack’s shoulder. “You’re bleeding, mate.”

“I am?” Jack looked down, surprised to see a red splotch on his shirtsleeve. “Shit. He must’ve nicked me with his switchblade.”

“What happened?”

Briefly Jack told him about chasing Alexios down Brighton Beach, and their stand-off at the end of the pier. “I shot him in the shoulder when he charged me. He’s mad as a Malley bull, Devon. You lot need to find him, and the sooner, the better.”

Twenty minutes later, a ship-to-shore call from the British Waterways patrol informed Devon that although they’d scoured every inch of the surrounding water, Alexios hadn’t turned up. The story from the police and the RNLI was the same; despite exhaustive searches, they found no sign of the missing man.

Alexios had vanished.

Jack turned to Devon, his expression grim. “He can’t have escaped. I would’ve seen him!”

“He might’ve made his way back to shore under the pier,” Devon ventured, “or maybe he had a boat waiting nearby.” He glanced at Jack. “Or he drowned.”

Jack snorted. “One can only hope.”

“The current’s pretty strong hereabouts, and you said he was wounded. If he drowned, he’ll wash ashore soon enough.” He glanced at Jack’s shoulder. “All we can do is let the coast guard and the police do their job. In the meantime, let’s get that shoulder of yours looked after.”

“Jack! Bloody hell, Jack, are you all right?”

Jack looked up to see Gemma storming rapidly – well, as rapidly as her form-fitting dress and stiletto heels would allow – down the boardwalk towards him. Her expression was set in a mixture of consternation and fury.

“Uh-oh,” Devon murmured, and grinned. “That’s one pissed-off redhead. I’ll see you later. I just remembered I’ve got a police report to file.”

“Thanks, mate,” Jack said sourly.

Gemma rushed past Devon and came to a stop in front of Jack. Her attention went straight to his shoulder and the half-dried bloodstain on his sleeve. “What happened?” she demanded, meeting his eyes.

“Just a little run-in with a switchblade,” he replied. “And not that you asked, but… I’m fine.”

She glared at him. “When I saw you dive out of that attic window, I thought…oh, blimey, Jack,” she exclaimed, and flung herself into his arms. “You scared the hell out of me!”

“No harm done,” he murmured. “Happy ending all round. Except for the fact,” he added bitterly as she drew away, “that Alexios got away.”

“Good riddance,” Gemma retorted. “Oh, Jack! You’re bleeding. Here, lean on me.”

“I’m fine. I’ve had worse cuts shaving.” But he let her drape his good arm around her shoulder as they made their way – very slowly – down the pier. “Where’s Dominic?”

“I told him I wanted to make sure you were all right. He’s waiting back at the house.”

He said nothing, only grunted.

“I can’t thank you enough for saving Jools, and me. We owe you our lives. But we need to talk, you and I, about all of this…craziness.”

“I could make the world your oyster, Gemma.” He didn’t look at her. “But I don’t think that’s what you really want.”

“Oh, Jack… I’ve had the most amazing time with you. You’re not like any man I’ve ever known. It’s been exiting. Exhilarating. And more than a bit exhausting,” she added wryly. “I’ve loved every second of it. But I can’t live my life always wondering where you are or if you’re safe.”

He stopped and turned to face her. “You don’t have to. Come with me, Gemma. We’ll see the world together – Dubai, Tangiers, St Maarten…”

“I need stability, Jack. I need a home and roots.”

“And you think you’ll find it with Dominic?” he asked and snorted. “He’s a rock star, for God’s sake! Cocaine and caviar and a different girl in every town…is that what you want?”

“He’s not like that any more,” Gemma said firmly. “He’s changed. And Dominic isn’t the point, Jack. You are. I grew up without a dad. We moved around a lot, Mum and I. Just as I’d get used to a place, mum would lose her job, and we’d have to start over somewhere new. I hated it. That’s why,” she added as she took his hands in hers and met his eyes, “that’s why I need a home of my own. I want a baby, eventually. Can you give me either of those things?”

Jack was silent.

“You see?” Gemma said, but any satisfaction she took in being right was hollow. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

“Gemma,” he told her, choosing his words carefully, “I care for you, deeply. I always will. But I’ll never be the bloke who rides the train to work every day and watches rugby matches on the telly at the weekend. I have no desire for a family, not in the way you mean it, anyway.”

“You might change. People do.”

He shook his head. “I’m used to being nomadic, self- sufficient…alone. I don’t know any other way to be. I want you in my life… permanently. But you’ve just said you want a baby, and a place to call home. And those are two things I can never give you.”

She let go of his hands and smiled sadly. “I guess this is goodbye, then. Oh, God, Jack.” Tears welled in her eyes. “I’ll miss you something fierce!”

He didn’t answer, just took her in his arms one last time, wincing at the pain in his shoulder, and held onto her tightly. They stayed that way for several minutes, until Gemma reluctantly pulled away.

“Bye, Jack,” she whispered.

“Bye, Gemma.” His blue eyes were full of unspoken things as he released her. “See you around, eh?”

“See you around.” And with that, she turned and walked away, and didn’t allow herself to look back.