The Street of Gods was back to normal again, or at least as close as it ever got to normal. The sky was a bright and cheerful blue, and reminded Hawk of pleasant summer days. As long as he didn’t look at it too closely. The unmoving clouds and lack of a sun tended to spoil the illusion. Priests and worshippers crowded the Street, bustling back and forth and playing out their familiar roles in the never-ending game of salvation and damnation. Seekers for truth rubbed shoulders with wide-eyed tourists, all of them heckled by street preachers and badgered by concession stall-holders. It was all very much business as usual, for mortals and Beings alike.
Guard Constables and Brothers of Steel stood together on street corners, keeping an eye on things and swapping lies about their exploits during the recent unrest. The priests pretended they weren’t there, and concentrated on the more important task of sneering at their inferiors and ostentatiously ignoring the rest. There was almost an air of carnival on the Street of Gods; a celebration of life, of chaos narrowly avoided. When you got right down to it, no one had really wanted a God War. It was bad for business.
Hawk and Fisher strolled down the Street, taking their time and enjoying the sights, accompanied by Lord Louis Hightower. People who recognised the two Guards gave them respectful bows and plenty of room. Hawk smiled graciously. It seemed to him he’d never seen the Street so calm and serene. There was still the usual sprinkling of supernatural flotsam and jetsam: a headless man crawling down the Street on hands and knees, a flock of birds that flew in an endless circle overhead, a laughing woman covered with bubbling blood, and burning coals where her eyes should be; but even they seemed content to keep to themselves and not bother anyone.
“I don’t think I’ve ever known the Street so peaceful,” said Lord Hightower. “One can only hope it’ll last.”
“I doubt it,” said Hawk. “People have short memories, and from what I hear, the Beings aren’t much better. Except when it comes to feuds.”
Hightower laughed. “You’re probably right. Still, the Beings have settled down somewhat, now the God killer has been identified and dealt with, and the priests are behaving themselves for the moment. I suppose your work here is pretty much finished.”
“Pretty much,” said Fisher. “The Guard sorcerers are searching the rest of the city for more of Bode’s homunculi, just in case, but that’s the only loose end. We’re just hanging on here until the Council appoints a new Deity Division. Buchan’s the only survivor of the last God Squad, and it’ll be some time before he’s ready for duty again.”
“Indeed,” said Hightower. “I looked in on Charles earlier today. He was looking decidedly pale, but much improved. Amazing what they can do with healing spells these days. And the delightful young lady acting as his nurse seemed very competent.”
“She’ll take good care of him,” said Hawk. “Annette’s very fond of Buchan.”
They walked a while in silence, each of them waiting for the other to continue. Hawk broke first. “All right, Lord Hightower. What the hell are you doing here? Not that we aren’t pleased to see you, but I can’t believe this is the kind of venue you’d normally choose for a pleasant constitutional.”
Hightower chuckled easily. “I’m here because the Council has selected me to be part of the next God Squad. I applied some time back, when I realised how bored I was with my life. The family estate practically runs itself, I’ve no interest in politics or the romantic intrigues so beloved by High Society, and even the Hellfire Club was starting to seem a bit childish. But Buchan had seemed happy enough with his work in the God Squad, so I applied.
“The Council contacted me last night and gave me the good news. Personally, I think it just goes to show how desperate they are, but that’s their problem. I can’t wait to see who they’re going to choose as sorcerer and mystic. Anyway, in the meantime I have been given the responsibility of keeping the peace on the Street of Gods. If I’m to do that, I’m going to need people to work with I can trust and the priests and Beings will respect. I need you, Captain Hawk, Captain Fisher. What do you say?”
“Sure,” said Hawk, after a quick look at Fisher, “we’ll help you out. But only until the new Squad’s ready to take over. The Street of Gods is an interesting place to visit, but I’d hate to have to work here.”