The next Saturday morning, we have our first practice. I wear pink shorts and a pink top that has a sparkly crown on the front. Pink is my color.
When I’m all ready, Daddy drops me off at the high school gym. Pappy is already there. So are a whole bunch of girls.
When Pappy sees me, he blows his whistle. “Well, aren’t you just the bee’s knees!” he shouts. “Come over here and give your pappy a hug.”
I run over and hug him. “Do bees have knees?” I ask.
“No, they don’t,” Pappy admits. “That just means you’re cute. No one looks at sweet in pink as you do, Kylie Jean.”
I do a quick twirl around and say, “Thank you, Pappy!”
Then Cara walks in. “Hey, Kylie Jean!” she yells. Some of our other friends come in too. Kristy, Paula, Katie, and my cousin Lucy are all going to be on my team! Basketball practice is going to be fun. But I know it’ll also be a lot of hard work.
Soon, our whole team is there. Ten girls stand in a circle around Pappy. He announces, “Since this is our first practice, we need to choose a name! Any ideas, girls?”
Lucy raises her hand. “I like the name Angels,” she says.
You know me — I’m trying to think of a name with “pink” or “princesses” or something like that in it.
“I like the Pink Panthers, but that sounds like a movie,” I say.
“It is a movie!” Cara shouts. “Think of another name.”
We keep calling out names. Pappy is trying to write all of them down. He has to write real fast to keep up with all of us.
“Flower Power!”
“Dunking Divas!”
Suddenly, an idea hits my brain like a score on a board! “Let’s be the Honey Bees!” I yell.
I can already imagine our fans chanting.
“Buzz buzz buzz! Our Bees are the best! As sweet as honey, they pass the test!”
“Honey Bees, Honey Bees, goooooooooo Honey Bees!”
Everyone cheers. They like it! Pappy gives me a high five. “Super!” he says.
My team is buzzing about being Honey Bees. Yay!