Don’t be cruel to a heart that’s true...
“Woo, woo, woo, woo-ooooo bruff...”
It’s still raining as we drive away from the cabin.
I check my camera to see if it got waterlogged. Luckily, it didn’t.
I flip through the pictures until I find the last one. The one I took after we got out of the lake. I press the zoom. Yep. There’s the cave entrance. And right beside it is Hairy Guy wearing a baseball cap and Dad’s pj’s.
As we turn onto the highway, I see something in the bushes. It’s him. He’s waving Blanky.
I look at Becky over Bagels’s head. She sees him too. She grins.
Elvis isn’t singing anymore. Neither are Bagels and Dad.
Bagels curls up on the seat.
He’s soon snoring.
Dad says, “You know, kids, I’ve been thinking. Bagels may not be perfect, but he has three things going for him. He’s a good actor. He loves Elvis. And he saved my life. Maybe we should forget the sheep farm. All those who agree, say aye.”
Becky, Mom and I say, “Aye.”
“Motion carried,” says Dad.
Bagels doesn’t know what a lucky escape he’s had.
I try not to think how disappointed Creamcheese is going to be.
Bagels twitches in his sleep.
I think he’s having a good dream. Maybe he’s rounding up joggers.
“Dad,” I ask, “is it okay for Bagels to sleep with me tonight?”
“Sure,” says Dad. “Just this once.”
“Okay,” says Mom, pointing at the map. “Second turn to the right and straight on till we get home.”