Many thanks to Mackenzie Deater and Monique Vieu, my project managers at Ooligan. Your hard work, expertise, and dedication to detail are much admired and greatly appreciated. And to Lisa Hein, my editing manager. You took Sleeping from a good story in a rough package to a place of beauty.
Thanks to Ooligan Press for believing in Sleeping and doing the hard work to make it happen, starting with Maeko Bradshaw, Vi La Bianca, Alison Cantrell, and the amazing team listed on the last page. I am forever grateful for your time, energy, and talent.
Thanks to Karen Myers, John Reed, and Terri Gassman for your excellent advice, and John and Maria Rudy for that last edit.
Thanks to the Eugene Police Department and the Eugene City Library for answering so many questions.
Thanks to family and friends for believing in me, encouraging me to keep writing, and for reading all those early drafts.
A special thanks to Kristen, Robby, Ben, Matt, Kevin, Rhiannon, Jess, Colin, Carter, Cadence, Carys, Julian, and Caleb. Family is the central theme of this novel, and you continue to prove it is the core of my life.
And most of all, thanks to Bob, for loving me.