About the Author

Since the publication of Once Upon a Wedding in hardcover, I’ve received lots of letters filled with wonderful wedding anecdotes from new brides and mothers of the bride. Most of them want to know just how much of my own daughter’s wedding found its way into this book.

Here’s the scoop: The devil is in the details. Yes, I said, “Don’t spend a lot on a wedding. Put the money toward a house.” Yes, I’m cheap. Yes, I’m addicted to E-Bay, and yes, I’m way too hands-on, love to do the craft projects myself—which doesn’t save a penny, but what a sense of satisfaction it gave me. And, yes, my dear friends and in-laws saved the wedding with their late-night stitching in time. Oh, and yes, I did hitch a ride to the church on the bakery truck.

Kathleen Eagle and her husband of thirty-two years make their home in Minnesota. Write to her c/o Midwest Fiction Writers, P.O. Box 24107, Minneapolis, MN 55424.

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