don’t go on about it: put your mind
on love, and let havoc strew its

detritus where it will: it will:
but let that go: fix your beam to

love, which everything befalls and
so little outlasts: learning much

you open up realms to know, but who
knows little knows little to know:

I had to weewee but in the bathroom
I said, is there no weewee in the

weewee-er, but it was because first
thing in the morning a colonic, but, but,

bolus of wind gathered through the
night was shutting off the tube (or

tubes) so I just had to concentrate
like hell but one drop led to another

till a tinkle made plenty of room
for the bolus and then everything

eased: later, during a fast walk
the bolus stirred free, too, and

then, of course, I felt fine: how
are things doing: they are going to

change: how will things get: on
the whole, worse, or in the hole,

better: past the worst, things
cannot be bettered: when life is

sweetest it’s scariest because it
could go by—it seems to go so

fast—or end: but a great benefit
of misery is that while one might

endure it, one need not cherish
keeping it: funny balances pop up:

one thing certain is the overall
effect: all balances end in perfect

zeros: well, with the exception that
some zeros are bigger than others:

when one black hole moves in upon
another (or they mutually collide)

it has been discovered by supercomputers
working in tandem that the hole gets

bigger (twice as big?): I think a
second grader could have told them

that I plus I is (or are) 2: I’ve
known 3-year-olds to do it: babes

in the woods: