nature poetry, nature poetry

he’s got nature

poetry up piss ass

nature poetry, nature poetry

he’s got nature

poetry up piss ass DA deDA

I mean DUM de DUM

music for my opening: overture to my manure
(you’re out on the highway of life when

unfinished you end butt up):

no, I mean UP piss ASS

the wealthy need the wealthy: no wonder they
have so many parties (to which the wealthy are

invited): the money weighs as a responsibility
heavy with hauteur and guilt: the fortunate

feel they should fall but fear the pit: in
other words they’re like everyone else: except

they’re rich: I suppose you would like to
know something about my inner life: well, it

stinks: no, no, I don’t mean that, I’m kidding:
what I mean is mat I think you would like to

think that my inner life stinks, it is so
comforting to know that other peoples’ inner

life also stinks: but no, seriously, I don’t
mean that about you at all: don’t I know how

compassionate and supportive you can be (altho
that seems to pour forth more readily upon the

lost, forsaken, sick, or disadvantageously
challenged; that is, a situation in which

someone else’s inner life stinks more than
your own): well, I confess, my inner life

stinks but only when it isn’t gloriously
fragrant: merriment runs along kicking up its

heels down all my tragic streets, although when
I get to the theater district both my stink &

my fragrance seem of the stuff they play inside,
entitled bubbles on the marquees of dreams:

so, look out how you mess with me: I have my
finger on your pulse or in something else: you

have to be careful of transcendentalists: on
one side of their goofiness is carnal misery

and on the other the prettiest high slides
glee ever broke out of: that’s the amusement

park just down the riverside from the theater
district: who can ever be sure of anything

and the transcendentalists get up there where
there’s (goodness) nothing to be sure of:

anyway, I love you, you know I love you, and I
want your life inner and outer to be doused

with radiance, even if it is really a