the spirit is universal and without
identity: its habitations, singular

and unreproducible, become slush:
slush and spirit make

the worlds: they have a flare for
invention: they make one of each,

even when they make millions of each:
it is therefore impossible for one

thing to become another, identity
on the one hand one and on the other

unique: if you have arrived with the
pattern and motion to be in the world

then you must leave it: there will
be no need for your like again: I

overheard my neighbor, speaking to
his gardener-helper, say that he

overheard his father say to someone,
possibly a gardener—“The axe creates

more beauty than the spade”: I didn’t
hear my neighbor comment on this, but

I supposed it meant—pruning beats
planting: the spade, though, is also

associated with plantings of another
kind which, doing away with old

depleted things, may be another kind
of pruning (improving the beauty of

the world by another kind of deletion):
well, anything inquired into gets

mixed up: surface shifts sift out
beautiful language best: it is the

motion not the mark tells: (if I
tried to explain that you wouldn’t

find it so easy:) Socrates destroyed
worlds looking for definition: he

found none: by the time such narrowing
locates a carcass, the carcass has

no stomach for meaning: by the time
anything gets that narrow, little

is in it: what is beauty:
you don’t know, don’t ask: I could

say it is when your pecker rises:
ask your fucking pecker what it

thinks: and beat it bad till it
spits at you: if it spits, though,

it may be more evidence of the
same thing: nothing having been

explained in 2500 years, we best look
to some other mode of explanation: counting

on the wrist is a classic: smelling
bad turns you away: touching someone

creates belief: the solid world eats
and shifts, I mean, shits, runs in

and out of waves, plays pinochle,
and never says a word: words, their

world lost, the wind sweeps up after:
no dust left, the wind

dies: a disappeared language never
was, never can be, exists nowhere: