when the trees tug trying to hold
the wind back (or, more accurately,

when the wind nearly sweeps the
trees away) do you suppose the

resistance each leaf, twig, branch,
trunk puts up and communicates to the

roots thrusts the earth forward into
faster rotation: or, if not, and

there are just the right number of
winds in the right places, does

contrariety resolve into no effect:
or take for example, since the earth

takes hold of nothingness in the
highest atmospheres, is there no pry

pole (I mean, no station) the pry
pole can get leverage on: even if

not, cdn’t it be true that since all
the energy derives from outside the

system (the sun, for the most part)
why couldn’t winds persist in certain

areas and directions to make the
earth sail the way ships do, the old

kind of ships or recent racers: just
so, though the scope collapses, my

contradictions blow me about but
perhaps no more than turn me around

spinning me nowhere, no tours, no
plane or Amtrak trips, just a sort

of top digging down, screwing in:
screwed in far enough, I might (wd)

find turning trying and then the winds
of my sentiments would just wear

themselves out and me as if I were a
stob: do I contradict myself, you

say: well, I get interested in both
sides of the argument: I am unhappily

not an either/or person but a
both/and: I have more sides than

two: I have so many they round off
like a glazed stob or bead of water:

enough about me: I sure wish I could
think about something else