it is so much easier to become known by doing
bad than doing good: shoot

a president, derail a train (killing several
unexpectant people), bomb a plane or big bldg,

kill, sodomize, dismember, and cannibalize a
string of people and the pressure on notability

will build up: but try to improve peoples’
morals (preachers) or instruct them in knowledge

(teachers) and the news will spread slowly:
of course, consequences vary: for the bad

there is a lifetime of retirement (with
study and physical exercise) guaranteed: the

good sink away into the inadequacies of Social
Security: for there is an hierarchy among

criminals: get a parking ticket and the devil
is to pay: open up with a repeater in a crowd

and you get a private escort and suite: those
who do important things are important: the

rest is left over: the old fat man at the Easter
brunch said to the taller old fat man, my

bowling days are done: probably, his balling
days are done, too: the old have time to mull

things over or maul things over, depending on
the history: but should one enter into the

coral-fan immediacy of the present, into the
skinny filaments of ice with thaws coming:

should one hold back from his time, cowering
in long-range views: the tragic commitment to

now, should it be urged: should I push my way
all the way out to the periphery of definition:

out to where the thinning is mist, the risk
high, the taste keen, the present drawn forward

and backward into itself, now, just now, just