you think if you say you’re going to die, you
won’t die: oh, no, you say, I’m going to die,

you’re going to die, we’re all going to die:
you think that takes the spell in and

throws it back: la, la, it’s like one hell of
a party: but, of course, if we do really get

a party out of it now! but then, how are we
to handle these thorny problems except with

gloves, sprays, and rugged protective devices:
we do not know as much as you might think:

the planets were once all points of light and now
they are so different no crazy inventor could

have invented them: anything looked at
closely becomes wonderful, especially—there

she goes, that flimsy skirt, those legs,
clicking down the hall to the restroom to

piddle that pussy, lord, have mercy, (if
she doesn’t piddle her pants getting there): of

all the resources from dark origins, what we
most implore is endowment, to stand in the

fresh embarrassment of involuntary arising
before eager astonishment and juicy possibility,

to cause terror to tighten bliss across the
sweep of the trembling abyss

I have nowhere


go and all


to get there