
Your Aha! moment


Give yourself permission to change

This is the moment you realize you are on your way. For me this moment came after seeing a picture of my blobby self with my healthy, fit kids. I realized I wasn’t going to be around to see them grow up if I didn’t get my act together. For you, it could happen while you’re trying on last year’s bikini wondering why it doesn’t fit, or when you’re at the doctor’s office receiving a piece of bad news about your health. Either way, it will happen. And that will be the moment when you give yourself permission to change. Don’t ignore this moment. Grab it full on by the horns and run with it until you have achieved your goals. Your Aha! is the door opening into the life of the person you were always meant to be. Your Aha! is the first step into the future.


Before, age 39


After, age 52