From Beyond the Mountains (1951)
I Chorus:
The twilight has gone like breath.
In the sharp starlight the snow
Stretches endlessly away
Into the dark at the foot
Of the mountains, like the white sands
On all the beaches of the sea.
The wind comes and goes with a sound
Like a vast concourse of people.
- - -
I am tired of the long cold, too.
And this thin air burns my nostrils,
Parches my skin and dries my hair.
There’s never enough to breathe here.
The air is too thin to sing with,
And poor stuff for the gulp of love.
Even the stars burn without oil,
Like burning icicles. . . .
Snow. The wind is blowing the snow.
It’s not living like fallen snow.
It’s fine and dry like marble dust.
Soon it will drift over the roofs,
And seal us in for the winter.
I suppose it has a secret
Music, too. It has a sterile
Sort of geometry. I know
The one thin tune of its silence.
I don’t find it interesting.
She goes out.
I Chorus:
The wind in the mountains has stopped.
The silence comes back like a thought.
The frozen water is still,
But the pulsating moonlight
Makes ripples in the clear ice.
Haunted by consequence, all
Existence is uneasy. . . .
Is dead.
She points. Menander looks at him in silence for a while.
He seems to be with friends.
They get along with each other.
. . . I wish I could
Touch them and say, “Live, run away,
Hide in the mountains. For thirty
Years you can eat mutton and loll
Beside meadow streams blowing
Grass whistles at the passing clouds.”
He who buys a dried fish so that
He can set it free, does not know
The distinctions of life and death.
- - -
The dance takes definition here.
I Chorus:
Light falls through the empty heaven.
Stars drift and rock on the waves of time.
The transparent earth curdles to stone.
Light floods the rock. Water is born
From stone. Air springs from the wave’s spray.
Fire kindles in the light-filled air.
Light curdles in the virgin womb.
The earth turns to a crystal ball.
The child is at the gates. The waves
Of the endless sea grow still.
Shines, a perfect disc reflected
In infinite calm.
Light narrows
To a point.
The point of light gives birth
To an illimitable sphere
Of rainbows flowing forever.
The dance closes during the next six lines.
II Chorus:
The star climbs near the zenith.
Soon it will stand above them,
Where they wait in the desert.
The whirling equinoxes
Close their term.
The Great Year ends.
The heavens begin again.
But we will not begin.
Is all gone for the Greeks now.