
There are many people who contributed to this book, such as through assisting me with my research, providing me with endless streams of encouragement, and providing suggestions on how to improve the readability of what could otherwise be a dense topic. Most importantly, thank you to every person I interviewed. Even though I am keeping your identity confidential, please know that this book would not exist without the courage you demonstrated in sharing your story.

A big thank you to Robin Coleman, my editor at Johns Hopkins University Press, for his many hours of hard work and support. I especially appreciate you pushing me to write a book not just for researchers and health practitioners but also for lay readers and anyone affected by or interested in the opioid overdose crisis.

I probably would not have tried to publish this book without encouragement from Professor Jody Lynee Madeira at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, who has served as both my PhD supervisor and mentor. Thank you for urging me to update and transform my dissertation for a broader audience, as well as for the many detailed suggestions you provided along the way for improving the manuscript.

I also wish to thank Professor Dennis Watson at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Professor Christopher Harle at the University of Florida, and Professor Kosali Simon at the Indiana University School of Public Health and Environmental Affairs, each of whom taught me research methodology for health services and health policy, including during my postdoctoral fellowship. Thank you to Matthew James Capone, Olivia Randall-Kosich, and Rachel Totaram for their assistance with data collection and research analysis. I also appreciate the numerous educational conversations I have had with three passionate addiction psychiatrists: Dr. Andrew Chambers, Dr. Nishanie Gunawardane, and Dr. Camila Arnaudo. Thank you to Chris Abert of the Indiana Recovery Alliance and Justin Kunzelman of Rebel Recovery for teaching me about harm reduction principles and allowing me to serve on your organizations’ boards.

Finally, thank you to my loving family, Margaret Andraka, Bohdan Andraka, Natalia Andraka, and Tomasz Andraka, for their encouragement along this journey. Thank you to my children, Magdalena Christou and Nikolaos Christou, for opening my heart and reminding me of my priorities. And last but not least, thank you to my husband, Alexander Christou, to whom I dedicate this book, for always believing in me and for putting up with many late nights while I finalized a book that I hope will change many lives.