It has been a long process, and without the kind nudging and support of my agent at the Wylie Agency, Jacqueline Ko, and my editor at Norton, Matt Weiland, keeping me and Andrea on course, there would be no book. Many thanks to the Strand Book Store, including Fred and Nancy Bass as well as all the people who helped run the audio and video, moved chairs, ran for water and coffee, and who made things easier for me and the writers. A special thanks to Kate Garber, my colleague and comrade-in-arms at the Strand, who helped make the program a unique one, and most of all to all the wonderful writers and moderators who participated.
Thank you to the incredible people at Norton: Sam Mac-
Laughlin, Remy Cawley, Elisabeth Kerr (who introduced me to Matt), Nancy Palmquist, Dave Cole, Louise Mattarelliano, and Steve Attardo. Thank you to Lotta Nieminen, who illustrated the cover. And thanks again to Matt for being so enthusiastic and helpful from the beginning.
I also want to thank my son, Lucian, who is the guiding light in my life. And a giant thanks to my father who championed me in the darkest and brightest of times.
–Jessica Strand