(Bare stage, seven dancers, white circle, black floor)
(Half are men, half women, the other either)
(Half wear white, the others black—they are dressed for
suffering or leisure)
1: I thought there was someone
2: it sounded like someone
1/2: someone close and pressing
3: but I sense myself alone
4: alone is an instinct
5: gathered, compressing
6: approximate weapon
7: (as if to herself) but I wasn’t thinking
1 (smiling): I love this place
2 (starting): I wasn’t there
3 (blinking): How am I here?
4 (flinching): I’m only waiting
5 (leaping): but we like it, it starts with excess, it has a name
6 (grimacing): wears black and its lips are reddened
7 (hunching): as if in pain
1: we tried not to go there
2: shadows pulled under
3: could sing it away
4: (darting eyes in both directions) but continues
5: what she feels . . .
6: what you are feeling . . .
7: (drops to her knees) and keeps starting
All: as though in a circle—orbit or hell—
1: O my vocative
2: o my polis
3: o my om
4: o ovoid, fecund and feral
5: o oeil
6: o my emoticon
7: o oblate sum
(These two (pas de deux))
Their wills are plural
to rust, to sail
to nest and nautical
I didn’t intend it
but anyway did it
it could be part of your worst dream, if you thought
but that she divided
thought from heart
(Next three) (“Déesse in flames”)
I am stricken
graceless and this
torpor distinguishes
bad, it’s hurting
it makes no sense
this shapeless moving
a kind of dying
it aches to learn
incapacity, shame
wasted motion
corrupts space but O
is all, absorbs and eats
and is open and empty
but what am I
(Last two) (low brood)
Did you or didn’t you
ever occur
in such sumptuous spaces
empire founded in a scar
liberty, unqualified, entire
annunciation in an eye’s aspire
bounding, beyonding
exile a mute returning
unending room
1: Oh no
2: uh oh
3: o woe
All: don’t go
4: to flirt (she murmurs wryly) outside the circle
5: to flout (he whispers wetly) the killing coil
All: to look to foot to sport to howl
to spool to wheel to shy to toil
6: it is part of our climate
7: in the radius of seasons
1: Orion’s ozone
2: or Orphic tone
3: or zero-home
4: an O, N.O.
5: or ore, before
6: shout-mouth, womb-bone
7: around we go!
All: to run in circumference, all edge, to know
(They bow)
(Still in a circle, they turn their backs to each other, pause, then exit running to separate points off-stage)
(Lights down)