BOA Editions, Ltd., a not-for-profit publisher of poetry and other literary works, fosters readership and appreciation of contemporary literature. By identifying, cultivating, and publishing both new and established poets and selecting authors of unique literary talent, BOA brings high-quality literature to the public. Support for this effort comes from the sale of its publications, grant funding, and private donations.

The publication of this book is made possible, in part, by the special support of the following individuals:

Anonymous x 3

Nin Andrews

Angela Bonazinga & Catherine Lewis

Nickole Brown & Jessica Jacobs

Bernadette Catalana

Christopher & DeAnna Cebula

Gwen & Gary Conners

Anne C. Coon & Craig J. Zicari

Gouvernet Arts Fund

Michael Hall, in memory of Lorna Hall

Grant Holcomb

Christopher Kennedy & Mi Ditmar

X. J. & Dorothy M. Kennedy

Keetje Kuipers & Sarah Fritsch,

in memory of JoAnn Wood Graham

Jack & Gail Langerak

Daniel M. Meyers, in honor of James Shepard Skiff

Boo Poulin

Deborah Ronnen & Sherman Levey

Steven O. Russell & Phyllis Rifkin-Russell

Sue S. Stewart, in memory of Stephen L. Raymond

Lynda & George Waldrep

Michael Waters & Mihaela Moscaliuc

Michael & Patricia Wilder

[image: cover]