This book would be confusing and riddled with errors if it weren’t for a bunch of awesome people who patiently and carefully read our drafts.
We had a great team of people provide technical reviews for this edition and previous editions: in no particular order, Frank Ruiz, Stefan Turalski, Stephen Wolff, Peter W.A. Wood, Steve Wolfman, Adam Foster, Owen Nelson, Arturo Martínez Peguero, C. Keith Ray, Michael Szamosi, David Gries, Peter Beens, Edward Branley, Paul Holbrook, Kristie Jolliffe, Mike Riley, Sean Stickle, Tim Ottinger, Bill Dudney, Dan Zingaro, and Justin Stanley. We also appreciate all the people who reported errata: your feedback was invaluable.
Greg Wilson started us on this journey when he proposed that we write a textbook, and he was our guide and mentor as we worked together to create the first edition of this book.
Finally, we would like to thank our editor Tammy Coron, who set up a workflow that made the tight timeline possible. Tammy, your gentle nudges kept us on track (squirrel!) and helped us complete this third edition in record time.