Once a year at a holiday time, Tammy offers three days of half-price sessions. She books an hour for each session and is busy all day. A while ago, she photographed the Stembridge family and impressed the father with her efficiency. The family came back for the photos seen here, taken in a dog-friendly park. The boys were delighted to include their dog, and that creates good will for Tammy.
Once a year at a holiday time, Tammy offers three days of portraits with half-price session fees.
Tammy captured the whole family, including some nice individual images and one of the dog alone. “The mom loved the family images, and the boys were extra excited to have an image of Cowboy, their dog. They thought I was cool for making sure that Cowboy had an individual shot too.”
Photographers sometimes get carried away doing portraits, weddings, etc., but don’t realize that good times may fade away if the competition promotes itself more effectively than they do. Here are some ways to get better known: Arrange to talk to women’s clubs and show portraits on a screen. Get stories about your portraits in print. Become active in a group or social club that offers charity to the public, and members will get to know your business and you. If you show your photographs in a display window, choose only the best. Change the display regularly. Don’t crowd your window or mention fees. People will come in to inquire.
Canon EOS 5D Mark II with EF 70–200mm f/2.8L IS USM lens. Exposure: 1/200 second at f/5.6 and ISO 200. Flash fill.