


Mollie stood back, her eyes trailing slowly over Arlana from head to toe. Arlana's blond hair hung loose, flowing like a waterfall down her back. Her shoulders and arms were bare, drawing the eye toward the gray corset dress Mollie had laced tight, the satin stitched with black roses. The skirt flared out from where the corset ended at her hips, the hem brushing the floor.

"So lovely," Mollie smiled before running her fingers through Arlana's hair, dispersing the lilac-scented oil she'd rubbed on her hands first. "Here, put this on. It will get chilly tonight."

Arlana ran her hands over the smooth crushed velvet before slipping the dark gray cloak over her dress, fastening the chain clasp in place. Mollie held up her hand, motioning for Arlana to stay where she was standing before Mollie disappeared into the hallway for just a moment.

"Alright, everyone is asleep. It's time to go."

Mollie paused, reaching for a kerosene lamp she'd placed on the mantle by the door before reaching for Arlana's hand, the two walking as quietly as possible down the long hallway, then down the old wooden staircase. Stepping out into the cool night air, both breathed a sigh of relief in unison before turning towards the woods.

"There's no changing your mind after this," Mollie whispered. "If you wish to back out now, everyone will understand."

Arlana squeezed Mollie's fingers.

"Thank you for your concern, but I know how important this is and I've wanted another baby for so long. If I can conceive a child with that many seals, I will feel as though I have done my part as well."

Mollie looked up at the moon flooding their world with a soft light.

"I was hoping you wouldn't change your mind. The baby will be extraordinary if we succeed. I've studied this for so long and our family has kept the ancient ways for generations, but as we mentioned earlier today, those with the four seals are in hiding and are all males from what we know. You are the only female with the DNA we need.

I have brought the vials and James was a doctor before he retired, so you will be in good hands. Just relax tonight. It will make everything so much easier, I'm sure, although this has not been done in my lifetime. No one will hurt you and our men will ensure you are protected throughout the ritual - and afterward of course. Tonight, everything will change. You'll see."

"And if I can't conceive? What if the ritual is for nothing?"

"I, for one, will not hold it against you. It has been nearly a hundred years since the ritual was performed so it will be nice to just observe it once again - a chance of a lifetime, regardless of the results. You are still the blood of our blood and a valued member of our team whether or not you can give us an heir..."

"Thank you," Arlana whispered as they approached the others who had already gathered.

Arlana was surprised to see James standing near a small fire dressed in a white robe, the other men from the club surrounding him, dressed in gray which matched her dress perfectly.

One by one each approached, raising Arlana's right hand and gently kissing her knuckles, their gray eyes impossible to read in the darkness. Arlana wasn't sure what to say or do but decided it was probably best to remain silent as Mollie who still stood at her right side.

"Gavin!" Arlana breathed as he approached last, surprised he had come after all.

Had he been told why they were gathered?

Gavin smiled at her greeting before kissing her knuckles as well, then stepped back. It was only then that Arlana noticed the men were standing in line in order of their hierarchy at the club.

James was the patriarch - the eldest of the group followed by Patrick, then his younger brothers, Shay and Brion. Next came Hunter and Stryker followed by Brion's sons, Aedan and Cinead, with Gavin taking up his post at the end of the line.

Mollie's eyes remained on James as he spoke in Gaelic, Mollie joining in with the men during the chanting. Only Gavin and Arlana remained silent, as they only spoke English. As their voices filled the forest, Mollie circled Arlana before unclasping her cloak. Folding it over one arm, Mollie held out her hand, leading the younger woman forward until she stood in front of James.

"Kneel, Love," Mollie whispered, nodding in approval as Arlana slipped to her knees, her gown billowing out around her.

James stepped forward, placing a white gold necklace around her neck, a matching white gold Oak leaf and wolf tooth pendant resting against her pale skin. Mollie kissed Arlana's forehead before placing the glass vials in her husband's hand before stepping back, reading softly from The Book of Names as the ceremony continued.

Just before midnight, Arlana lay on her back with the cloak covering the ground beneath her. The fire flickered, competing with the soft moonlight and still Mollie sang, the melody haunting although Arlana didn't understand the words.

"We are almost out of time,'' Stryker's voice was low as Gavin moved forward.

No one present had ever participated in the ceremony before but for Gavin, it was even more significant. He'd not only known Arlana for years, but he was also the newest member of the club, still on probation.

James stepped forward, chanting softly as he placed a dagger, the blade engraved with a wolf head in Gavin's hands.

"Blood of our blood," James spoke in English as Gavin looked down at the dagger then at Arlana who looked like a sacrifice bathed in soft moonlight, the reflection of the flames flickering in her celestial blue eyes as their eyes met and held.

Looking for a moment at the others gathered in a circle around Arlana, chanting in a language as old as time, Gavin knelt beside Arlana, placing the cool blade on her womb beside the nine other daggers representing each of the Kirkpatrick men.

Gavin's voice was almost reverent as he repeated the same chant as the others had before him:

"Life with life, blood of our blood, the wolf will rise."

At exactly one minute after midnight, Mollie grew silent and James no longer chanted. The ritual had officially come to an end. Sheathing their daggers, they waited while Gavin raised Arlana in his arms, Mollie approaching, draping the dark gray cloak over the younger woman.

No one said a word as they made their way back to the ranch, the atmosphere nothing short of magical.



"I PROMISE I WON'T HURT you," James' voice was soft as he attached a rubber band around Arlana's upper arm.

Stryker sat on the side of the bed stroking Arlana's hair as Gavin knelt at her side, holding her hand.

"This is it, Angel. Take a deep breath when I tell you."

Arlana looked about the room, the men all present. Mollie stood near the dresser, her finger trailing over The Book of Names as she made notes in a small book.

"Now. Take a deep breath and it won't hurt a bit."

Arlana turned her eyes away from the object James was holding a moment before blood flowed into the glass vial.

"Well done. It shouldn't take long now. Just relax and try to get some rest."

Gavin's phone vibrated with an incoming text - three in quick succession. Arlana glanced at the clock on the mantle. 1:45 am.

"It's Adelaide," Gavin slipped his phone back into his pocket without responding.

Patrick ran his fingers through his hair.

"You'll have to respond, Gavin. Don't make things difficult for you at home by ignoring your wife."

"She's already asking questions I can't answer. I'm thankful for the pay and absolutely love the job, but Adelaide isn't exactly thrilled with the long hours away from home or the fact I accepted it without her permission."

James finally turned toward the room, his smile radiant.

"Tonight was a success. Well done, Arlana." Brushing a tender kiss on her forehead, James reached for Mollie's hand. "Get some rest. We have much to discuss in the morning. Gavin, Patrick is right. You need to smooth things over with your wife before trouble brews. That is the last thing we need, especially now."

Gavin, however, wasn't so certain. One thing he did know beyond a shadow of a doubt was that tonight had changed everything, but there were things he couldn't tell a single soul outside of those in the room.

"I've got to get home," Gavin lowered his voice, resting his hand tenderly on Arlana's stomach. "You were incredible tonight and I wouldn't have wanted to miss the ceremony for the world. Good night, Angel."

"Good night, Gavin. I'm glad you were here too. It was an experience I will never forget."

Gavin winked as he stood, joining the others as they filed out of the room.

James was the last to leave, his white robe swishing as he approached the bed.

"You have conceived but at this stage, the pregnancy is precarious. You will not be returning to your apartment for the foreseeable future as we cannot risk losing this baby. I will make all the necessary arrangements over the next few days, you just need to relax and focus on the baby."

"Jorken...he is not a man to mess with," Arlana bit her lower lip. "He won't let us go."

"I am not a man to mess with either," James' eyes darkened like an incoming storm.

Arlana had no reason to doubt the family patriarch as the atmosphere in the room became charged with what felt like electricity.

"I trust you," Arlana whispered a moment before calm returned.

"Goodnight, Love."

"Good night."

James stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door softly behind him

"Stay in the spare room tonight. You must know if anyone comes or goes," James instructed the two brothers, Hunter and Stryker.

"Of course," they nodded before James walked away.

The brothers exchanged a look. Anyone who tried to get past them tonight would wish they had never been born.