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Gavin made it home in record-breaking time, his thoughts on the events of last night. To say that everything in his world had changed would be a complete understatement. Something had switched on inside him like a lightbulb. Last night...how could he begin to describe it? The very earth seemed to pulse beneath his feet. This - this is what his life had been missing. This call within his blood. This need to belong to something bigger - something greater. Bloodline. Purpose. Vision. Preservation. Returning to the ancient paths - everything he had heard the others talk about at the club over the past month now made perfect sense. He'd seen it with his own eyes - felt it in every blood cell roaring in his body during the ceremony. How could anyone go back to mediocre living after that?
Parking the car, Gavin looked up at his house. Within a few minutes, he would either have to act like his world hadn't been just turned upside down or would have to explain to Adelaide the rush that was still coursing through every fiber of his body. Gavin knew in his gut that she would never understand, but believed there might be a way to ease her into his new life - to offer her and the children a glimpse of what was possible.
Hesitating just outside the door, Gavin shot off a quick text message to Patrick.
"Hey, I just got home and am not sure how to tell Addy about last night or if I even should. I know last night was the end of the celebration, but do you think I could maybe let her and the kids know that we had something going on at work but they are welcome to check it out this weekend or something? We could put a little something together for them even though it is past the dates? Let me know what you think. The rush man, I can't even begin to describe it and there is no way Addy isn't going to notice."
Patrick took only a moment to answer.
"You can't breathe a word about last night - not yet. Yes, they are sisters, but James won't risk it. I like your idea and if the others don't agree, we can always have something at the back of the pub. Actually, I don't see why we don't use the ranch. We could have a scavenger hunt or something for the kids. Just watch what you say. Shoot me a message when you are able. I was just about to head to bed. I've got a big day tomorrow at the pub so I might not be able to get to the club tomorrow night. Good luck - you might need it."
"Thanks. Ttyl"
Raking his hand through his hair, Gavin squared his shoulders before turning the key in the lock. It was now or never.
Gavin set his keys down before heading for bed. Moonlight filtered through the lace curtains softly illuminating Adelaide but he had been married long enough to know she wasn't asleep.
"I'm sorry I'm late," Gavin whispered as he slipped under the covers, draping his arm over Adelaide's hip.
Adelaide inhaled the lingering scent of the forest, woodsmoke, testosterone, herbs, and lilacs as she took a deep breath to calm herself before speaking.
"Where have you been?"
"The new job kept me late tonight. I know I've been pulling late shifts, but the money is good."
"It's more than the money. You can't wait to go to this job. I see it - you actually look forward to going to work."
"You'll understand when you meet the guys. They are a great bunch. It's a family-run business and everyone has each other's backs. It's an experience like none other. Actually, I was going to mention to you in the morning that they are thinking of having a scavenger hunt for the employee's kids. I don't know all the details yet, but the children would enjoy that and you'd get a chance to meet my coworkers and their families."
"Babe, this really means a lot to me. I'd like for you to at least try. I know I haven't been home as much lately, but I'm sure we can figure that out too. I'm still on probation, but once this is over, I'll see if I can get on full-time and then we can think about moving closer..."
"Over a job? Do you hear yourself?"
"It's a long commute, Addy, but I won't give up the job. We are like...we're family."
Gavin didn't say another word, deciding it might not be wise to tell Addy he worked at a club and had his DNA tested before being offered the job. In fact, the only reason he was employed by the club owners was that they were distant cousins.
"Let me think about this scavenger hunt, but as for your other ideas, I don't think so. We aren't going to uproot our lives over a part-time job."
"And if it wasn't part-time?"
Gavin waited in the deafening silence as long moments dragged on before closing his eyes, the images from hours before causing his heart to thunder in his chest. Pulling his arm back, Gavin turned to face away from Adelaide as he finally fell asleep.
Adelaide waited until Gavin's breathing became slow and even before slipping out of bed. Reaching the nightstand, she reached for his cellphone before putting in Gavin’s password. There weren't any recent statuses on Facebook, so that was quickly ruled out. Addy glanced over her shoulder as Gavin stirred in his sleep before pressing the button for his contacts.
Patrick Kirkpatrick
Shay Kirkpatrick
James Kirkpatrick
Stryker Kirkpatrick
There were no women listed. Adelaide breathed a sigh of relief as she slid the cellphone back in place. Slipping back under the covers, Adelaide was unaware Gavin had watched her every move, thankful he didn't have anything incriminating on his phone. It would be hypocritical of him to be upset over her being suspicious but it still gnawed at his gut that she didn't trust him. He'd have to talk with the guys about it in the morning. Until then, he'd have to be more careful.
Perhaps it was guilt that kept him up, but neither would be able to sleep until everything was out in the open.
"You could have asked me instead of looking through my phone."
Gavin realized too late that it was the wrong way to start the conversation.
"You don't answer my questions! What am I supposed to think when you are out all hours of the night!"
"Fine. I'm up. You're up. Let's have this conversation. I told you the truth - I drive a truck and make deliveries for the company. I am paid to make the deliveries, not to ask questions, so yes, there are things I honestly can't tell you because I don't know myself."
"Okay, fine. Did you just decide to up and apply for a job two hours drive from here? Why? How is it that you were hired on the spot?"
There it was - the moment Gavin had been dreading.
"I was making another delivery and had a stop in Kingston. I stopped at an Irish pub for a drink after work and the owner mentioned he'd just opened a club recently and I should check it out. The pub is family-run and is called Kirkpatrick's Pub - so I felt as though I were supporting my own. I took his advice and headed over. It turned out that it is run by an Irish family - they are all related one way or another. It's not your typical club but reminds me more of... Do you know those mafia movies? How they would sit around in swanky clubs and be dressed in suits? They were called speakeasies. The atmosphere is unique, to say the least, and very upscale. Patrick takes a lot of pride in the establishment and great care in maintaining it's reputation."
"That doesn't explain how you got the job."
"Well, I do have the same surname and they are a family-run business. They needed someone to make deliveries and were willing to pay more than I make at my regular job, so how could I say no? Besides, they only trust kin apparently. That's the story in a nutshell."
"And the lilac oil I'm smelling on you tonight?"
Gavin could have swore, realizing too late that he should have taken a shower when he returned.
"Your sister is the receptionist. I don't see her all the time, but she must have been standing too close tonight. Arlana mentioned she misses you and Jaira - and the kids of course - and would like you to come to visit."
"Arlana is a receptionist at a club?"
"A respectable Irish club. She is a receptionist but focuses mostly on the paperwork from what I've seen. I don't see much of her as I start before the club officially opens," Gavin shrugged in the darkness like it really wasn't a big deal.
"I've smelled the lilac oil on you before but didn't say anything although every time I smell it, I think of Arlana. It's her signature scent, after all. You don't have her number on your phone tho..."
"We work in close proximity with each other some days. The fragrance might rub off on me when we are passing by each other. I have no idea, but no, I don't have her number on my phone. Only my boss' numbers in case of an emergency."
"Good night."
"Good night, Addy. Sweet dreams."
Gavin struggled to fall asleep. The rush he had felt hours ago stood out in stark contrast to his reality. The Kirkpatricks cared about family and Addy and the kids were his family and first priority no matter how much he longed to be back at work. At that moment, he was torn. There had to be a solution.