


Kyralie was the last person Arlana expected to see. That was an understatement. The woman standing in the doorway of the inn was long assumed to be dead. She was a ghost - a family secret that most didn't care to remember, leaving her memory forgotten.

"Kyralie," Arlana whispered, stepping toward the older blonde woman with the same celestial blue eyes as her own.

Dakota smiled as he watched the two women embrace.

"Kyralie is Arlana's aunt. They've never actually met," Dakota explained to Gavin, "but my wife has followed Arlana's life closely over the years, but from a distance of course. It's a long story best kept for another time. Gavin, I'd like you to meet my wife, Kyralie, and Andre is Pierre's younger brother and my distant cousin. You'll learn soon enough if you stick around, that most people in these parts are related in one way or another."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Gavin shook both their hands before Pierre and the others said goodbye to the innkeeper, thanking him for his hospitality before stepping out into the night.

"We have a ways to go yet," Pierre explained as he walked toward his vehicle, "but I thought it would be best if we arrive after the fort closes tonight. If we suddenly disappear as tourists...well, being under cover of darkness is more ideal."

"Where are we going?" Gavin reached for Arlana's hand.

"To the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia - where it all began."

A shiver ran down Arlana's spine as she looked up into Gavin's gray eyes. This was it. Within a few hours she would come face to face with her ancestors. It was unbelievable and exhilarating, all in one.

That shiver only intensified as Arlana stood outside the wooden fortress, only the stars witnesses to the shadowy figures standing in a group near the entrance.

"I don't know if I can do this..." Arlana whispered before biting her lower lip. "I only traveled once with James and we just held hands."

Kyralie stepped forward, taking care of the situation.

"Everyone touch the person beside you, making sure we are all linked." Reaching for Dakota's hand, she held Arlana's wrist with her free hand as Arlana looked at the group surrounding her one last time before touching the amulet Kyralie held out to her.

The air seemed hazy for a moment, obstructing their view, then disappeared revealing men standing just outside the fortress, rifles at their sides.

"Who goes there?"

"We are friends," Pierre spoke for the group. "We need to see Daniel Leblanc."

The man eyed the strangers before stepping to the side.

"Follow me."

"My great grandfather," Dakota whispered as he stepped closer to Arlana.

"He's my seven times great-grandfather as well. This is incredible."

Dakota didn't comment, his eyes, however, speaking volumes.

"Daniel, there is a group I just found outside the fort. They wish to speak with you."

A moment later, a tall man with salt and pepper hair appeared in the doorway.

"Come in, come in," his voice was melodic, although heavily accented. "How may I help you?"

Pierre watched as the guard retreated, returning to his post.

"What we are about to say will come as a shock, to be sure, but we know you are acquainted with the old ways, although you, yourself do not practice. Arlana has the gift and was able to," Pierre hesitated, searching for the right words, "bring us from the future in order to meet you and assist the settlers."

Daniel's eyes narrowed as he looked at each person in their group by the flickering candle light.

A woman stepped out of the shadows, but didn't say a word as she approached Arlana, her fingers trailing over the young woman's chin.

"So you've come at last," Francois whispered before turning to her husband. "They are our descendants. She possesses the old magic..."

"Ah yes," Daniel ran his fingers through his thick hair, "I have heard of your kind when I was in France. You must not breathe a word of this to anyone while you are here. It has not happened here - yet - but there are those with your gifts who have been burned at the stake. You will stay here with us. There is plenty of room now that our boys have their own homes."

"Thank you for your hospitality," Andre smiled, motioning to the women who had remained silent. "Arlana and Kyralie are both of your descendants although both women as well as Arlana's husband, Gavin, do not speak French."

"It cannot be true."

Out of everything they had said, this surprised the elderly man the most.

"I'm afraid so," Pierre chuckled, "they only speak the dreaded English."

"They will learn in time," Francois smiled at the younger women, motioning for them to have a seat on the handcrafted chairs. "Our language is easy enough to learn as it has English sprinkled within. Many of us come from Brittanny, France, you see."

"Gavin and Arlana will not be staying long, I don't believe, however, we are grateful for your hospitality and will not mention to anyone outside of this room how we found ourselves to be here."

"I will introduce you as my family from abroad who, unfortunately, married the English women," Daniel winked at the ladies, the corners of his eyes crinkling at the humor in the situation. "I will have you men set up at the fort in a  position as becomes my relatives."

Kyralie liked their grandmother already, watching as the elderly woman made them a tea from the dried herbs hanging near the hearth.

"Arlana is with child," Kyralie informed Francois, not recognizing one of the herbs she was reaching for. Andre, standing to the side from where the women were seated, quickly translated.

"Ah," Francois withdrew her hand, mixing the others into the steaming liquid before returning to the table after serving her guests.

The room was primitive by today's standards, but for Arlana, this felt like home as she sat within an arm's distance from her ancestors. It was a privilege most could not experience and she fully intended to cherish every moment with the couple who had impacted Acadian history.

It was well past midnight when Gavin lifted Arlana onto his chest as he lay upon the narrow bed.

"You did it, Baby. You actually did it."

"Did you ever doubt me?" Arlana whispered, searching Gavin's eyes in the darkness, laughter in her voice.

"No...but yes. I didn't know if you'd be able to take such a large group. I'm proud of you, Darling. I know this will be a struggle for us as we don't speak the language, but I'm determined to make every moment count, and I know you are as well.  We don't have much time, but now that we know what you are capable of... I believe this will change everything."

"I agree."

Arlana sighed as Gavin wove his fingers through her hair - the only intimacy they would share that night, but for Arlana it was more than enough. Arlana's body relaxed in Gavin's arms, but her mind was a completely different matter.

She only had two weeks to protect her people from what was coming before winter and, at the same time, prevent extinction. In the morning, she wouldn't have a moment to lose, yet it was imperative Arlana keep her secret closely guarded. Not everyone would be as understanding as Daniel and Francois.