


Gavin turned on his cell phone before starting the car, not surprised when his phone continuously beeped with notifications as he pulled out of the parking lot. Two weeks had turned into just short of two months and he had not been able to be reached the entire time.

Arlana turned in her seat as far as the seat belt would allow, watching as the fort they'd called home disappeared from view, her heart squeezing painfully. It had come as no surprise when Dakota and Kyralie had chosen to stay behind, waiting for their return. Gavin was certain Adelaide would agree to his plan, so they would be back within forty-eight hours if all went according to plan.

Gavin reached over, pressing play on the first voice message, Adelaide's voice breaking the silence.

"Hi Gavin, I'm guessing you're out making a delivery but I just thought you should know that the kids are so excited about this trip. Isabella told their cousins and they in turn told Jaira. I hope it won't be an inconvenience, but Jaira wants to join us and William has agreed to let her come. She will be arriving the day before and sleeping over at the house, so it will be easier for us to all go together. It's a little too late to say no, but I thought you might want a heads up. I tried reaching Arlana at the ranch so she knows to expect our sister, but I was told that she is out and I haven't received a response yet. Anyway, I guess I'll talk with you later."

"Gavin, I'm starting to worry. It's been over two weeks and I haven't heard from you. I am assuming you are working overtime or something. Message me when you get a chance."

"Hey Gavin, I haven't heard from either you or Arlana, and when I do get someone - Marina-Lynne I believe her name is, she just says that Arlana is out of town and she'll pass on the message when my sister returns. I'm worried. Will you please touch base with me when you get this message?"

Gavin looked over at Arlana, her eyes mirroring the same guilt he was feeling.

"We should have headed back sooner," Gavin expressed what Arlana was thinking. "It's okay. I'll make it up to her."

Brushing a kiss on Arlana's knuckles, Gavin turned on his Bluetooth speaker.

"Hello?" Adelaide sounded breathless as though she had just run up a flight of stairs.

"Hey, I'm so sorry but I'm just getting your message now. I was tied up and there was no cell service. Is everything alright? I just finished listening to your voice messages."

"Where are you?"

"On the road. I'm heading back now."

"Jaira is already here. She arrived about an hour ago. I didn't know what to tell the kids when I couldn't reach you - I mean, I'm sure you would have been on the news if something happened and they are worried the trip to the ranch is not happening now as we haven't heard from you..."

"No, it is still on and I'm sorry you were worried. I didn't realize how much time had passed as I've been tied up, but I'm coming. Make sure you have everything ready as I'll be driving straight to pick you up. Arlana will be at the ranch when we arrive - she's coming back from out of town as well.  I'll explain more when I get there, but there is nothing to worry about. I'm in Nova Scotia right now so won't be arriving until tomorrow morning, just so you have an approximate time frame."

"Nova Scotia? Okay, I'll let them know."

Arlana was silent for some time after Adelaide hung up.


"Yes, Baby?"

"I haven't mentioned this yet, but I have been thinking of it since we left. I know you didn't have much of a honeymoon when you married Adelaide - trust me, I heard all about it. I'd like to do something special for you and Adelaide so you have a wonderful honeymoon as well - even though it's a little belated - a lot belated. I could watch the kids while you two go away for a bit. Honestly, I feel guilty..."

"No, Darling, there is no need to feel guilty, but I do appreciate the sentiment behind the offer. You are my world, Arlana, and I want to spend every waking moment showing you how much I adore you. This honeymoon was nothing like what I had envisioned, but it was amazing - I agree. If you really want to watch the kids tomorrow night, that would give me some time to try to persuade Addy to join us at the fort."

"Of course...but what are we going to do about Jaira?"

"Take her home. I don't know, really but I don't really know. This was just sprung on us, so wasn't part of the plan. We'll cross that bridge when we get there."



"GAVIN, DO YOU THINK we could stop at the reserve for a few minutes? I'd like to pick up something for Adelaide. You know how much she loves the Natives and it has been so long since we've seen each other."

Glancing at the time displayed on his dashboard, Gavin merged into the turn-off lane.

"We're making good time," Gavin agreed as he turned the vehicle toward the reservation.

Within ten minutes they were within a gift shop that had everything from jewelry to artifacts, decor, art, and clothing. The clerk looked up at the couple still wearing clothing from the colonial era.

"Can I help you with anything?"

"I'm looking for a gift for my sister," Arlana turned.

The young woman smiled as she rounded the counter. "Come with me. I think I might know the perfect gift."

Gavin and Arlana followed the doe-eyed woman as she led them toward the back of the building where they had jewelry on display.

"These are hand-carved by local artists," the woman pointed to an array of necklaces.

Arlana's attention was immediately drawn to one necklace in particular. The pendant looked like the bust of a Native American chief.

"That one is my favorite as well," the clerk smiled as Arlana stepped closer to the display cabinet. "It was carved in honor of our chief's ancestor. Other than that, I really don't know much about the necklace, but it really is one-of-kind."

"I love it," Arlana reached for the necklace, then chose a bracelet for her sister, Jaira, small silver feathers hanging from between black beads.

They were short on time or Arlana would have loved to have browsed through the shop, but she had found what she'd come for.

"What do you think?" Arlana glanced up at Gavin who was checking out a tomahawk replica.

"It's wonderful, Darling," Gavin set down the tomahawk before rejoining Arlana at the counter, placing a pocket knife and two dolls beside Arlana's purchase. "I'll take these as well."

"I'm paying for mine separately," Arlana whispered for Gavin's ears alone. "It's important to me that the gift comes from me. I have a lot of making up to do for my sister and don't want to leave Jaira out as she will be coming along."

"I understand," Gavin tucked a stray curl behind Arlana's ear as the clerk rang up the jewelry.

Arlana was deep in thought on the drive back to the ranch. It seemed as though it were an eternity ago that she and her sisters had run barefoot in the grass, the creek gurgling in the sunlight at the bottom of the hill. Absentmindedly stroking the jewelry within her hands, Arlana's mind lingered on long-forgotten memories.