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Joshua was a quiet, observant teenager and had remained silent, content to look out the window during the two-hour drive. The ride up to the ranch had been tense, to say the least, but it was far more than the fact his mother was painfully shy. Jaira's features reflected the mood in the vehicle - a thundercloud.
He hadn't seen his aunt in years, barely remembering her, if he was honest, but he knew it was Aunt Arlana the moment she stepped out of the ranch, her blue eyes sparkling as she approached their car. His father all but jumped out of the car, saying something that caused Arlana to blush and bite her lower lip before she walked the rest of the way at his side until they reached the vehicle.
Josh couldn't blame his father for not being able to tear his eyes away from the blonde beauty who was so different from his mother and Aunt Jaira. There was no way either of the sisters would be caught dead in such a revealing dress, the ribbons along the bodice drawing attention to her milky-white curves. Standing side by side, Gavin and Arlana looked like a couple who belonged in high society.
"I'm so glad you made it!" Arlana smiled warmly as the others stepped out of the vehicle. "It's been a long time."
Arlana moved to hug her sibling but Adelaide stepped away, averting her eyes as she turned toward the trunk of their vehicle.
"I wasn't sure what to bring but Jaira and I had plenty of time on our hands so we decided to try every recipe..."
"Oh wow, this looks delicious, thank you so much! Here, let me help and then I'll introduce you to the other ladies. Gavin, the men just arrived about five minutes ago and are in the living room. It's wonderful to see you again, Jaria. You girls have grown so tall!"
Jaira avoided Arlana as well and Sarah followed her mother and Jaira's example, side-stepping her aunt, but Isabella wrapped her arms around Arlana, earning a warm embrace and kiss on top of her chestnut brown hair.
"I'm guessing you're too old for hugs," Arlana looked over at Joshua who grinned as he stepped closer, pulling Arlana into his arms.
"Never. It's good to see you again," Joshua held Arlana close for a long moment before kissing her cheek.
Joshua ignored his mother and aunt's glaring, making the most of the moment before he reluctantly released his aunt, immediately turning toward the vehicle to help carry some of the trays into the house.
Gavin led the group, Joshua at his side.
"I see why you are so happy now," Joshua whispered, winking at his father.
A muscle clenched in Gavin's jaw but there was no way of telling how much Joshua knew.
"Does your mother know?"
"I think Mom suspects something is going on - you smell just like Aunt Arlana when you come home, after all. It doesn't matter tho - at least not to me. It's nice to see you're finally happy and I, for one, don't blame you. If we weren't related, I'd be asking her out myself - she’s gorgeous!"
Gavin chuckled before reaching for the doorknob.
Arlana made small talk with the girls as they approached the ranch, explaining the presence of Anne and Roxanne.
"We will provide them with a calm place to stay during their pregnancy, but after the babies are born, they are free to stay and help out, or if they wish to leave, they can as well. The babies will be found good homes that have been vetted through a private adoption agency should they choose to leave. We are hoping to expand and save as many as we can from abortion, and, as you can see, we have plenty of land. I believe that you will love it here."
Adelaide smiled, catching sight of the vision.
"That's a wonderful idea! I'm sure the local churches wouldn't mind donating baby clothes etc. I can ask at my church as well and send the donations with Gavin when he leaves on Mondays."
"We'd really love to have your help," Arlana stepped back, allowing her sisters to enter first as Gavin held open the door for them.
"You're here! You're really, really here!" Zek almost fell down the stairs in his eagerness to reach his cousins.
"Yes, we finally made it!" Isabella giggled, hugging her cousin before Gavin drew their attention.
"I picked up some presents for you that you may play with while we finish setting up."
Gavin reached for the packages he had picked up at the reservation, handing both of his daughters one then Joshua and their younger cousins smaller packages.
Both girls thanked their father for the dolls although Sarah felt she was too old to play with them anymore. The younger boys hugged Gavin before showing their mothers their new toy tomahawks.
Joshua was silent as he looked down at the knife in his hand, the hilt carved in an intricate design.
"Thanks, Dad, I've never seen anything like it."
"You're welcome, Josh. You're the man of the house when I'm away," Gavin winked at his son who was still admiring his first blade.
Gavin turned, introducing his family to the Kirkpatrick men, Jaira flushing as Hunter and Stryker stepped closer, shaking her hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," their Irish accents sent tingles straight down to her toes and melted away Jaira's scowl.
Arlana introduced the women, Mollie embracing the sisters and all three children.
"I hope you're hungry," Mollie smiled as she stepped back. "Arlana, I need to see you for just a wee moment."
Arlana followed Mollie out to the kitchen, where Marina-Lynne was waiting.
"So, are we going to go with the plan?"
"I don't think I should tell them I'm a traveler. There is still a lot of tension between us."
"Alright then. Let's divide up this food and we'll help you set up near the river. After that, how do you want to do it?"
"Likely in groups so it is not too obvious. Let's grab what we can carry."
"Here, let me help," Stryker joined the ladies in the kitchen, helping to carry two platters of food while Mollie tucked large blankets beneath her arms.
Passing by the living room, Arlana paused, catching Gavin's attention.
"Excuse me, I'll be right back," Gavin stood before joining Arlana.
"We're going to make a few trips, but I'll bring you and your family last," Arlana whispered the plan. "This way it will hopefully not be as obvious."
"I'm coming with you," Gavin kept his voice low, refusing to let Arlana and the baby cross centuries without him, even if they would still be in the same location.
"But Darling..." Arlana began, glancing over her shoulder at her sibling. "No, this won't work. How about we just make it like a little ceremony or something?"
James was standing the closest to the couple and overheard the conversation. "Good idea, Love. Let's bring them to the stone and have everyone touch it. If you place your hand on theirs last, it should work."
"Alright everyone, we are going to head out and have some lunch, but first, there is something special we would like to show you. Please help grab what you can carry from the table. We are going to have a picnic buffet, from the looks of it. Thank you so much Adelaide and Jaira for all your hard work - it looks delicious and is enough to feed an army," Patrick gestured toward the men flanking him as he said "army."
"You're welcome," Adelaide and Jaira said in unison, then smiled.
James winked at Arlana before leading the group into the forest, the children stopping to pick up acorns and pine cones.
"This place is really lovely," Adelaide breathed as they walked deeper within the forest, the sound of the river reaching their ears. "Doesn't it remind you of when we were kids? Do you remember?"
"Yes," Arlana smiled at her sister. "I was just thinking of that very thing this morning. You used to love the natives so much."
"I still do, but you wanted to be a missionary for less than twenty-four hours - until you found out they no longer wear loincloths."
Gavin couldn't contain his laughter as Adelaide revealed Arlana's secret, causing his bride to blush.
"It's a shame they dress like us now," Arlana shrugged, her cheeks burning with heat.
James nodded as they approached the rock, indicating Arlana should explain what they were seeing.
"Mollie and I have been researching this rock. Do you see the markings over here? From what we have been able to find, the markings were made by the Mohawks before Canada was recognized as a nation. I thought it would mean a lot to you, Addy, and would be special for the children as well to see on Canada Day. On this Canada Day, I'd like for us all to touch the rock and imagine what it would have been like to live in this very forest in the year 1695. Then we will have a picnic on the shore in our clothes from that era. History is about to come alive."
The moment was rather special as everyone reached for the stone, imagining a different time when their ancestors were on these very shores, toiling and making Canada what it is today. A time of greatness and peril.
This was it. There was no time to lose. Arlana placed her hand on the ones resting on the rock a moment before the ranch disappeared.
"What an experience. I'm so glad I decided to come..." Addy breathed as she stepped away from the rock not realizing that the forest was far denser, or that the river was so clear you could see the rocks on the bottom.
"Yes, it is a one-of-a-kind experience," Gavin's voice was low as he met Arlana's eyes.
Once again she had done it, this time managing to bring back a much larger group. At that moment, nothing could go wrong, the day absolutely perfect.