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Jaira shifted her weight impatiently as she waited for the others to say their goodbyes, eager to be back on the road. It wasn't that she was eager to return to her husband, but she couldn't afford to be late, the train leaving without her. Money didn't grow on trees, after all.
The visit had gone exceptionally well, other than Zek's slip-up, but Isabella had kept her word and her lips shut. Arlana watched for a moment as Anne and Roxanne helped carry the trays with leftovers over to Gavin's vehicle, where Jaira stood waiting for the rest of the family to join them.
"This was really wonderful," Adelaide smiled as she turned from the house. "I'm sure we will be seeing you again soon."
"Thank you again for coming," Arlana stood in the kitchen doorway watching as her sister stepped out into the darkness illuminated only by the lamp on the outside of the ranch house. "Goodbye Sarah and Isabella, I'm so glad you were able to come."
Sarah walked toward the car without a backward glance, but Isabella lingered on the porch, turning to embrace her aunt.
"I'm going to miss you," she confessed.
"I'll miss you too, but hopefully I will be able to see you again really soon," Arlana stooped, embracing the young girl, surprised to feel damp tears on her shoulder. "Oh my precious girl, I love you too."
"I'll come back - I promise and don't worry, I'll keep the secret, but maybe Daddy will bring me back so I can see the baby."
"I'm sure he will," Arlana whispered, kissing her niece's cheek. "Good night, Sweetheart."
Joshua lingered outside the door but neither Isabella or Arlana noticed him standing in the shadows until he stepped into the light, having overheard the conversation.
"Goodbye Arlana," Joshua's voice was soft as he drew Arlana into his arms. "It was so nice to see you again. Don't worry about the secret - I don't think Isabella will say anything and as for me, I'm on dad and your side. You've made my father so happy."
"Thank you for understanding Josh," Arlana smiled up at the tall young man a moment before he brushed a tender kiss on her forehead.
Joshua sighed as he released her, immediately turning toward the vehicle.
Goodbyes were always the hardest.
Arlana rubbed her upper arms briskly, suddenly chilled as she watched the last of the food her sisters had brought taken out to the vehicle, her gift for her sisters packaged and slipped within one of the baskets. She had considered giving it to Gavin to pass on to her sisters, but had decided against it, tucking it into a basket of food instead. It would be a surprise for when they reached the house - a reminder that she was thinking of them and was genuinely sorry for how she had reacted when they were young and any pain she was now causing her sibling. As for Jaira's gift, she simply didn't want her sister to feel left out.
Turning back into the kitchen and the warmth emanating from within its four walls, she turned on the water, piling a stack of dishes within the sink. A moment later warm hands caressed her protruding stomach with exquisite tenderness as Gavin's mouth claimed hers in a hungry, oh so passionate kiss.
Raising his head for a brief minute, Gavin murmured, his voice husky, "Did you think I could leave without saying goodbye? This will be our first night apart in months..." Once more taking possession of Arlana's mouth, neither heard Adelaide enter the kitchen until it was too late.
Adelaide stood transfixed, watching her husband kiss Arlana with raging passion as he stroked her round stomach, his husky moan of pleasure telling Adelaide everything she needed to know and more.
"Oh Addy..." Arlana breathed, her lips swollen from Gavin's passion. "Adelaide, it's not what you think."
"What else can it be? You're having an affair! And that baby is yours, isn't it?" Adelaide's hazel eyes were cold as flint.
Gavin didn't deny Adelaide's accusations or release Arlana, instead pulling her closer to his body as his arms encircled her.
"Adelaide, I love Arlana and we are married. I'm a...I'm a polygamist. We can make this work, Addy. Come with us to Nova Scotia tomorrow. Nothing needs to change between us..." Gavin knew he was saying everything the wrong way, each word coming out of his mouth poorly chosen but he hadn't wanted Adelaide to find out this way. "We both know things have been better between us since Arlana and I have been together, but just think how much better it will be if we are all under the same roof. The children won't only have to see me on weekends. You've refused to be a wife in all aspects for years..."
"Don't put this on me," Adelaide stepped backward, holding up her hand for Gavin to stop talking. "I need to process this...How long? How long have you been a polygamist? Been married to my sister? I need to know!"
"For months," Gavin confessed. "It's okay, take your time - it's a lot to take in. Arlana, I have to go, Darling, but I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully Addy and the kids will be with me. Goodnight." Gavin brushed her lips with a tender kiss before stepping away, approaching Adelaide.
Addy met her sister's eyes before looking away. She needed time to think, to take it all in. The day had been so perfect until... Now it all made sense. Gavin was so eager to be back at the ranch, returning to his second wife. Addy's stomach twisted painfully as she turned, following Gavin out the door and away from the ranch.
Arlana stood, leaning against the counter. She should have said something, perhaps, but what was there to say? Anything she said would never be enough. The irony of the situation was that polygamy ran in the family. Adelaide was running from the skeletons in their closet - who they were.
"You are exhausted," Patrick stated the obvious as he joined her in the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. Your sister would eventually learn the truth and, now that everything's out in the open, it can only get better from here in my opinion. Besides, you're leaving again tomorrow and need to be focused. Come, let's get you to bed. You need your rest, Love."
THE RIDE HOME WAS DEAFENINGLY quiet, even as Gavin pulled into the nearly deserted train station minutes before the train was scheduled to arrive. Stressed out, Jaira ran toward the train track without a backward glance.
Gavin waited with the car idling, until Jaira had boarded the train before pulling out of the driveway.
Glancing over her shoulder, it appeared as though the children were fast asleep in the backseat.
"I don't know what to say," Adelaide's voice was low as Gavin turned toward home. "If I had the money I'd be getting on a train with Jaira right now and not look back. A wife? A baby? All this time you've been living a double life..."
"You know about the baby, Mummy?" Isabella leaned forward. "Zek told me tonight the baby is going to be my new brother or sister. I thought you might be upset, but I'm so happy..."
"Zek knows?" Adelaide turned to look at her husband, then at Isabella.
"He caught us...you know. I thought he may have forgotten or thought it was a dream. I didn't know he would say anything or...well, I'm not sure what I would have done differently.
Adelaide I'm serious, I want you and the kids to come with me to Nova Scotia. It will only be for a short while - for the summer - and we could give living together a trial run. I wouldn't insult you by rubbing our relationship in your face, but the kids need their father as well. As for you and I, we would work things out. Intimacy has been off the table for a long time but I would still respect you in public."
"I need to take it all in. I need time...Do the others know?"
"I feel like such a fool..."
"Addy, everyone knows but they are hoping you will move to the ranch and we can live as one large, extended family. No one thinks badly of you - quite the opposite. You are my first wife - the mother of my children. Things may not be what they should be between us, but you still are a wonderful mother and have a compassionate heart. You'd be perfect for helping at the ranch with the mothers and children. As I said, James has even suggested we build on the property..."
"If I agreed, I'd want my own room and space. I can't be...I can't do it."
"We can work out the details later."
"And when that baby is born, I'm going to be honest - it will be hard for me to look at him knowing he's yours."
Gavin didn't deny Adelaide's accusation, besides, he had also struggled with jealousy over the years so understood where Adelaide was coming from.
"It's complicated, Addy, but yes, I'll be a father to the baby now and when he is born. The child will need stability, guidance, and love."
Gavin gripped the steering wheel, knowing in his gut that he needed to be brutally honest. It was now or never.
"Arlana has wanted another baby for some time, but the child was not conceived normally. He was implanted in her during a ritual service. Arlana has something rare with her blood. The baby was...I don't even know how to explain this to you, but she conceived as part of the genetics program she's involved in hoping to preserve her rare blood type. The baby was conceived during a ritual service and should certain people find out he exists, the child will be in great danger. He or she is the heir of an ancient line and..."
Gavin took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance over at Adelaide who was staring at him in disbelief. "Arlana is a time traveler. She took us all back in time today - that is why we were wearing period clothing.
If you talk with her, she will tell you about it, I'm sure. Today - when we stood in a circle and touched that rock - Arlana took us back to the 1600s when that rock was carved. She and Mollie are working on a project - it's huge. I can't even begin to describe it to you - the magnitude of it and how we believe it will change history.
Do you remember your aunt Kyralie? Arlana found her and not only that, she is waiting for us in Nova Scotia. She's at the fort where we left her. Arlana needs to return tomorrow or they will not be able to return to the present.
I know it is a lot to take in, Addy, but I hope you are grasping the importance of what I'm trying to tell you."
"So you're saying Arlana was with you in Nova Scotia when you were away for the last two months but you were in the 1600s and this baby is at risk of being hunted. Do you hear yourself? It sounds ridiculous."
"Yes, yes it does, but those men you met tonight, they know the truth. They were there when the baby was conceived and know all about the program. They also know Arlana time travels and about the mission in Nova Scotia. They assisted Arlana tonight so she would be able to take us between the centuries as seamlessly as possible so you would get to experience it without freaking you out.
Do you remember your wish to live among the natives? How you told Jaira you gave up everything when you married me and often wondered if you'd be happier had you followed your dreams? Well, I overheard you confide in Jaira months ago and told Arlana when I returned to the ranch.
It was her idea to send you back in time so you could experience life in that time period and find happiness, even for a few hours. Today we didn't see any natives which is unfortunate because that is why Arlana planned today's events. At the fort in Nova Scotia, you'll see natives - plenty of them. They are on good terms with the Acadians..."
"You are serious, aren't you?" Adelaide's eyes were wide as she took in everything Gavin had just told her.
"Can we go, please Mummy?" Isabella begged from the backseat.
"It would be the chance of a lifetime," Joshua added.
Only Sarah was silent, staring out the window with unseeing eyes.
"I need to think about it tonight, but will give you an answer first thing in the morning. When were you planning on leaving?"
"I'd like to head out just after breakfast. Ideally, we would have all spent the night at the ranch if it weren't for having to drop off your sister."
Adelaide didn't respond, turning to look out the window at all the city lights.