A note from Denise

I got to meet one of my literary heroes recently: A. Zavarelli. After I was finished fan-girling and hyperventilating I told her that I’ve always wanted to write dark romance, but everything comes out funny. She responded that she’s always wanted to write rom-com, but her characters keep coming out broken. Such is life, I suppose. But it made me love her all the more.

Dirty Darlings is a new world for me and my wish is that it pushes me over to that ever-compelling dark side. Or maybe the dark side with some black comedy thrown in for fun. I’m still not sure how emotionally capable I am of living in the dark. But I’m going to try it anyway.

I love romantic suspense, am an action movie junkie, and can pretty much live off any adrenaline high where the actual high part (read: heights) aren’t involved. That said, my hope is that the Dirty Darlings world brings us all on a crazy, semi-fucked up, suspense filled ride. Let’s see how it goes, shall we?

That said, IDENTIFY and the entire Dirty Darlings collection to follow, are works of fiction. Meant to entertain and provide an escape into a story. As such, I’ve taken certain liberties with law enforcement, criminal activity, and information gathering. So please keep the fiction aspect in mind when reading.