I would like to thank the editors of Legend Press where ‘Interview #17’ previously appeared in the short story anthology Ten Journeys, May 2010.
I’d also like to say a huge thank you to the following people:
Thank you to Jen Hamilton-Emery at Salt, for taking a chance on a new writer and publishing New World Fairy Tales.
Thank you to my lovely American friends for teaching me to talk properly, and for patiently answering my endless questions about turnpikes, stoops, sweaters, stoves, rugs and frantic 3 a.m. emails along the lines of ‘So, could you talk to me about High School?’ or ‘What’s a really boring handgun?’. You’ve been the best writer’s group anyone could ask for and your turn is surely coming soon.
Thank you to my friends and family, who have all been patiently telling me for years, ‘You know, you should really try and be a writer. No, really, you should’ and never once getting irritated with me when I completely failed to pay attention. Sorry it took me so long to start listening. A special thank you to Rebecca and Ben, for never once doubting — not even for a moment.
Thank you most of all to my husband Tony. As for all the other important times, you’ve been my rock and this would never have happened without you.
Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the debt I owe to Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, on whose mighty shoulders I have had the temerity to stand.