Part I: The Green Cousin
1: Introducing Myself
2: The Ploika
3: The Steamship Ticket
4: Uncle Hyman
5: The Ice Cake
6: The Porush
7: My Name
8: The Partners
9: The Green Cousin
10: Paul Frankenthal
11: The Glories of Starving
12: The Tribe
13: The Outside—or, What the Big Guys Did in the Lots
14: The Haskalist
15: Rosalind Katz and the Coo Coo Clan
16: The Clambake
17: Izzy
18: Hollooeen
19: Alienation
20: The Sauerkraut Crocks
21: The War Alarm
22: The Sauerkraut Crisis
23: Mr. Winston and the Big Yoxenta
24: Peter Quat
25: The Five Medals
26: Money Troubles
27: Morris Elfenbein and the Purple Suit
28: Biberman
29: The Bar Mitzva
30: The Newspaper Story
31: The Arista Meeting
32: The Art Plates
Part II: Manhattan
33: Golda
34: Bernice Lavine
35: Sde Shalom
36: Zaideh
37: Boss Goodkind
38: The Yeshiva
39: The Little Blue Books
40: Columbia!
41: I Grow
42: Quandary
43: I Rebel
44: Dorsi Sabin
45: General Lev
46: West End Avenue
47: Holy Joe Geiger
48: Peter Quat at Home
49: Dorsi in April House
50: Holy Joe’s Temple
51: Aunt Faiga’s Wedding
52: “You Shall Have It”
53: Opening Night
54: Pincus Forever
55: Quat’s Phone Call
56: Goldhandler
Part III: April House
57: Jazz Jacobson
58: Mort Oshins
59: Digging Jokes
60: The Pirate King
61: An Understanding Woman
62: Goldhandler in Hollywood
63: Sandra’s Letter
64: Johnny, Drop Your Gun
65: Backstage at Minsky’s
66: Grade A Showgirls
67: Double Trouble
68: “Apiece?”
69: I Arrive
70: She Arrives
71: Consummation
72: The Hemingway Pillow
73: Lee’s Wedding
74: Such Sweet Sorrow
75: War!
76: Bobbie’s Teeth
77: New Girl in Town
78: A Moment of Truth
79: Bobbie’s Second Thoughts
80: Quat Quits
81: I Flee
82: The Recapture
83: Quat’s Wedding
84: Airlift!
85: Sandra Found
86: A Tribute of Tears
87: The Shoot-out
88: The End
89: The Beginning
90: He Will Make Peace
About the Author