All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
Aaron, 69–72, 84, 101, 103–4, 132, 137–42, 162–66, 169–72
Abihu, 135, 149–53
Abraham, 56–57, 84, 91–94
Act of God, 109
Adam, 84
Aegyptiaca, 58
agriculture, 38
Aholibamah, 129–30
Akhenaten, 8, 59–60, 64, 107, 109, 126–27
Aldred, Cyril, 126
Alexandra, Tsarina, 50
Amalek, 129–30, 134, 156
Amenhotep, 32
America, Moses and, 9–11
Amon-Ra, 32
Andrea-Salome, Lou, 2
angels, 91–94
Anthony, Mark, 184–85
Antipas, 183, 188, 193
Archelaus, King, 188
Ark of the Covenant, 144–45, 149–52
Arthur, King, 85
Asenath, 63–64, 75–77
assassination, 74–77
Assmann, Jan, 107
Astruc, Jean, 214–15
Auerbach, Elias, 25, 73, 132, 156–57
autosuggestion, 99
Baal-peor, 176
Baines, Richard, 11
Ba’l, 138–39
Balaam, 79–80, 172–76
Balak, 173
Baphomet, 154
Basemath, 36
Bashemath, 94, 129
Basile, Joe, 201–2
Beloved Disciple, 197–203
Benjamin, 51, 54, 127–29, 147
Benoni, 51
Bible Unearthed, The, 80–81
Bilhah, 66
birds, terror of, 32–34
Birds, The, 34
Book of the Dead, 63
Bryan, William J., Jr., 98–99
Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig, 118–20
burning bush, 100–104
Busby, George, 201–2
Byzantine Empire, 20
Caiaphas, Josephus, 191, 193–95
calendar magic, 34
Canaan, 42, 51, 80–83
Carrey, Jim, 16
Catherine of Alexandria, 115
Catholic Church, 3
Celsus, 192
chaos, 33
Chapel of the Burning Bush, 117
Cheremon, 58
Christianity, 31
Churchill, Winston, 100
circumcision, 89–90, 93
Civil War, 10
Columbus, Christopher, 9–11
Commentary on the Torah, 90
Connor, Steve, 174
contemplation, 99
Corleone, Michael, 19–20, 73
corn, 55
corn crop, 49
criminology, 28–29
Cross, Frank Moore, 71, 117–18, 167
Cushites, 166–67
Cyrus the Great, 189–90
Dan, 76–77
darkness, 35
Dedi, 40–41
demons, 33–34
Deuteronomy, book of, 68–69
Dinah, 25, 42–44, 72–73, 165
documentary hypothesis, 70
Dozeman, Thomas B., 15–16
“Dream Books,” 37
Druze, 153, 196, 205–7
Edom, 23, 25, 27, 130, 168–69, 193
Edomites, 183–87
Egypt, 6, 31–35, 39–41, 51
Eleazar, 171
Eliezer, 95
Eliphaz, 36, 129
Elizabeth I, Queen, 11–12
El Syk, 119
Ephraim, 67
Epitome, 57
Esau, 20–23, 26, 36, 94
Ethiopians, 78–80
evil, 35
Excalibur, 85
exodus, 80–82
Exodus, book of, 6, 89, 95–96
Exodus Enigma, The, 108
eye for an eye, 19, 52
family tree, 56–57
famine, 50
Feiler, Bruce, 9–11
Finkelstein, Israel, 80–81
folklore, Jewish, 78, 84–87, 90, 103–4, 161–62, 172
Franklin, Benjamin, 10
Fredo, 73–74
Freud, Sigmund, 1–5, 59–60, 107, 154, 180
fascination with Moses, 5, 11
on Moses’s true heritage, 7–8, 15, 63–65
Nazis and, 3–5
quotes, 3
Friedman, Richard Elliott, 27–28, 90, 132, 165–66
Gad, 76–77
Garden of Eden, 84
geese, 40–41
Genesis, book of, 28, 157
George III, King, 10
Gershom, 95
Giza Plateau, 37
God, 16, 27–28, 91–94, 101, 114, 160
Godfather II, The, 73–74
Goethe, Johann von, 11–15
golden calf, 139–41, 148
Great Pyramid, 37, 40
Greeks, 20
Gulf of Aqaba, 112–13
Hagar, 92–93
Hamor, 42–43
Harry Potter, 30
Helen, Empress, 115
Heliopolis, 61, 82, 109
Herod, King, 145–46
Herodians, 187–91
Herodias, 145–46
Herod the Great, 183–87
hidden speaker, 121
High Place, 120–21
High Priest, 32
Hitchcock, Alfred, 34
Hittites, 36
Horus, 39, 143–44
Hosea, 27
House of Life, 37
Humphreys, Colin, 111–13
hunger, 20–21
Hur, 133–34, 137–38, 162–63
hypnotism, 46–48, 50, 98–99
Hyksos, 39–40
identity change, 22, 71–73, 98, 144
Imago, 4, 8
Ireland, 20
Isaac, 22, 93
Ishmael, 92–93
Ishmaelites, 36
Isis, 38–39, 143–44
Israel (Jacob), 42–43, 53, 62–63, 127–28
after his death, 73–74
last will and testament, 65–66
Levi and, 66–68
Israelites, 12, 18, 103–4, 173
Jacob (Israel), 20–27, 48, 90–91, 144
Jebel Musa, 115, 117–18
Jerusalem, 189–91
Jesus, 31, 154–55, 180–83, 191–96
Jethro, 14, 98, 130–33
Jews and Judaism, 2, 7–8, 59–60, 126
John the Baptist, 145–49
John the Elder, 197
Joseph, 24, 44–50, 96, 127
assassination of, 74–77
bones of, 68, 102–3, 110, 145
death of Israel and, 67–68
disguise of, 50–55
as father of Moses, 57–61
Judah’s redemption and, 55–56
name change of, 71
reunification with father, 62–63
Josephus, 58, 78, 157, 179
Joshua, 14, 127–29, 152, 160, 164
Judah, 53, 55–56, 75, 127
Justinian, Emperor, 116
Kadesh, 130
Kenites, 82–84
Kheops, King, 40
Kikanos, 79–80
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 10–11
Kirsch, Jonathan, 100
Kohath, 71
Korah, 130, 136–37, 156–59, 162–64
Laban, 24–25
Laidler, Keith, 145–46, 153–54
Leah, 24
lector priests, 37
Legend of Sargon, 7
lepers and leprosy, 59–61, 103, 163–66
Levi, 43–46, 51, 56, 62, 66–68
as Aaron, 70–72
assassination of Joseph and, 74–77
disguise of, 69–70
Levite scribes, 64, 83–84, 128, 147, 156–57
Liberty Bell, 9–10
Lincoln, Abraham, 10
Lord of the Rings, 30
magic and magicians, 30–32, 39–41, 58
Manasseh, 67
Manetho, 58–59, 61, 77, 82
manna, 113–14
Marlowe, Christopher, 11–12, 14–15, 103, 213
masks, 15–18, 27–28
Matthew, 182, 192–93
Maxentius, 115
meat, 114–15
meditation, 98–99
Michelangelo, 5
Middle Ages, 20
Midian and Midianites, 45, 82–88, 95–98, 172, 178
Miriam, 6–7, 71–73, 94–95, 134, 138–39, 163–66, 168
monotheism, 60, 84, 107–9
America and, 9–11
ascension of, 134–36
assassination of, 12–15
burning bush and, 100–104
death of, 178–79
Egypt and, 4–6, 78–82
Ethiopian wife of, 163–67
farewell speech of, 68–69
Freud on true heritage of, 7–8, 63–65
in Jewish folklore, 84–88
Korah and, 158–59
Levi and, 69–70
magic and, 103–4
masks and, 15–18
meaning of name, 5–6
Midian and, 84–88, 95–98
mother of, 6–7, 63–64
Mountain of God and, 127–29
murmurings against, 29
parting the Red Sea, 111–15
puppet figure, 137–38
Reuel and, 98–100, 131–33
shining face of, 138–42
as son of Joseph, 57–61
theory of second Moses, 8–9, 15–18
“Moses an Egyptian,” 4
Mountain of God, 10, 28, 84, 115–22, 127–29, 169, 172
multicolored coat, 45–46
Mummy, The, 33
murder, 19, 37–39, 42–43, 74–77
Nadab, 135, 149–53
name changes, 71–73, 76–77, 98, 144
Nazis, 1–4
Nile River, 38–39
Noth, Martin, 90, 112, 117, 131, 137–38, 140–41, 157, 165–66, 170
Numbers, book of, 121–22
Obama, Barack, 11
Oedipus complex, 8–9
Old Testament, 12
On, 60, 161–62
Osarseph, 61, 77
Osiris, 37–39, 61, 143–44
paganism, 107
Paine, Thomas, 10
Papyrus Westcar, 40–41
Path of Moses, 116
Peniel, 27–28
Peter, 201
Petra, 118–19
Pfeiffer, Robert H., 217
Pharisees, 190–93
Philistines, 152–53
Phillips, Graham, 109, 121, 169
Phinehas, 177–78
Pilate, Pontius, 183, 195
pilgrims, 116
pit, 159–63
plagues, 107–10
Potiphar, 46–48
Potipherah, 60
prayer, 98–99
Priests, 54, 58, 62, 65–67, 69–71, 73, 109–11
prison, 48–49
Promised Land, 10–11, 13, 54, 68–69, 74, 102–3, 168–69, 178
puppets, 31–32, 137–38, 173–75
Pyramid Texts, 63
Rachel, 24, 46, 48, 51
Rasputin, 50
Rebekah, 21–22, 94
red iron oxide, 108
red lentils, 21, 23
Red Sea, 111–15
“reed sea,” 111–15
Religious Aspects of Hypnosis, 98–99
Reuben, 45, 51, 65–66, 68–69
Reuel, 14–17, 27, 44, 83–84
Aaron and, 139–42
bloodline of, 90–94
blueprint for murder, 37–39
earth splitting open and, 159–63
in Egypt, 35–36
identities of, 163
identity change, 173
magic and, 35, 41
Moses and, 84–85, 98–100
spies of, 161–63
vendetta of, 19–20
voice print of, 28–29
wife of, 94–95
revenge, 19
Rice, Gene, 83
Robinson, George Livingston, 119–22
Saba, 79–80
Sadducees, 190–91
Samuel, 152
Samurai, 20
Sarah, 91–94
Sargon, 7–8
Schonfield, Hugh, 197–98
Scorpion King, The, 33
Scotland, 20
sea of reeds, 111–12
Sellin, Ernst, 8–9, 11, 180
serpents, 78–79
Seth, 38, 143–44
Shechem, 42, 72
shepherds, 98
Shroud of Turin, 201–2
Siculus, Diordorus, 145
Silberman, Neil Asher, 80–81
silver cup, 55–56
Simeon, 43, 51–54, 62
Simon, Richard, 214
Sinai, Mount, 115
Sinai Peninsula, 117–18
Singer, Charles, 4–5
Siq, 120, 122–23
skulls, 145–49, 154
“Sleep Temples,” 47–48
Smith, Morton, 181
snakes, 103
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 75
“Song of the Sea,” 138–39
Spinoza, Benedict, 213–14
Spring of Moses, 114
starlings, 32–34
Statue of Liberty, 9–10
St. Catherine’s Monastery, 116
talisman, 24–25
tattoos, 31
Tawheed faith, 205–7
Templars, 153–55
Ten Commandments, 124–27, 193
teraphim, 24–25, 28
Thera, 108–9
throwsticks, 33
Thummim, 69–70
Thutmose II, 35–36
Torah, 12, 28, 56–57, 71–73, 89, 93, 211–18
Trachtenberg, Marvin, 10
transformation, 17–18
Ubaoner, 40
Urim, 69–70
vampires, 33–34
ventriloquism, 173–75
Veronal, 1
Voice of God, 92, 124–25, 133
voice print, 28–29
Wadi Musa, 122
wands, 30–31
War of Independence, 10
Wellhausen, Julius, 69–70
Wiley, John Cooper, 2
Wilson, Edward L., 121
Wilson, Ian, 108
World War II, 5
Yahweh, 82–84, 101, 114, 147–48, 160–61, 172
Young, Andrew, 11
Zazamonkh, 40
Zipporah, 56–57, 85–86, 89–90, 95, 131, 167