Hatch Shell Construction
Boston, Massachusetts
March 06, 2018
Jim Ward took an extra day off after skiing with his son and returned to the work site hoping the trust he'd put in Beverly Inshore had not been misplaced. It wasn't. He walked along the edge of the trench and inspected the drainage manifold that lay neatly on a bed of crushed stone just waiting for his inspection. Inside the site trailer, he viewed a video taken underwater of the steel sleeve protecting the last twenty-four inches of the large drainage pipe to prevent collapse after the backfill. Everything was in order. Even the grate was welded into place at pipe's termination in the Charles River located about a foot from the embankment to avoid silting. The work simply could not have been done any better. Elated, he tried hard to mask his enthusiasm. He did not want to appear too enamored with the contractor team. After all, he represented the City of Boston.
"Well, everything looks in order. I'll sign off on the inspection milestone, and you can start backfilling whenever you're ready. Good work!"